A Gift or is it a Heartbreak?


Hi hi^^. This is my second fanfic, i wrote this when i was really bored at home on some random notebook, and after my first ff, i had a debate wheather i should make this a fanfic or not. Anyways, i hope you will like it! Oh and one more thing you should know, this is my thoughts.^^    Italic is for _____ (you) or the character i chose but i'll leave that up to you. Bold and italic is for the idol, Sehun.


I wonder why men would cheat on the one person that they promised to be by their side forever?

Like no matter how many times he cheats on her, he doesnt have the guts to face the guilt and pain they feel after every little "session" he has with the other(s) or face that he is going to create a hole in between the both of them? 



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