Tomorrow is the day!

The Unexpected Love

After a long daydream, Ji Hyo comes back to the reality. She looks around the small room. Ji Hyo stands up and walks to the small and a bit dirty window. Out of the window, she can only see darkness.

Yes, a world full of darks. 

"I never thought that I will be living a life like this. I thought I would be one of the rich girls until I died" Ji Hyo thought and sighs. She still remember the moment when she had an argue with her aunt about 1 years ago. That time she was only 16 years old so like the other teenagers, her emotional is so difficult to handle.

"If she really loves me like her own daughter, she must has at least an effort to find me. A year already passed but I didn't hear any news about them" she leans and use her arms as a pillow.

"I must escape from this life." her last words before she fall asleep.


A shrill and whacky sound of Ji Hyo's alarm clock echoes in her small room. Because today is Saturday, Sa Yeon's stall is closed. Ji Hyo wakes up lazily and yawning. opens so wide as she can. She must be very tired after working the whole day yesterday. The alarm clock shows time 7.05 am.

"I should take a shower first and I will think what I will do next" Ji Hyo grabs her hair tie and ties her not so long hair. 

After done showering, she puts on her casual jeans and simple shirt. She takes her smartphone out of her pocket. Then she dials a number. 

"Hello, Yoona ah! You must don't know how much I miss you hehe"

"Oh Ji Hyo ah, hehehe I miss you too sis. So how about my offer yesterday? Would you accept it?"

"Never mind, Yoona. I will collect money as much as I can And I will go out from this teriffying life"

"Okay okay, so we will meet at the bus stop okay. Let me know if you already arrive there"

"arasso Yoona. okay bye I wll hang up first. See you there"

"okay bye Ji Hyo"

Yoona is Ji Hyo's besfriend and the only one. They already friends since elementary school. Both of them still contact each other even after Ji Hyo's parents death. Because of Yoona's parents are both rich, Yoona can continue her study at Seoul Academy. Meanwhile Ji Hyo must find a job to pension her life.

Ji Hyo sneakily opens the door. "Sa Yeon unnie must be sleeping right now. I must be careful now." 

When Ji Hyo tries to open the door, the 'crack' sound of the door is so loud. Because that door is old type. 

"Ji Hyo ah~ What are you doing. Today is Saturday. Go back to sleep. My stall is not open for today and tomorrow." Sa Yeon said softly while leaning at the wall because she is not fully awake yet.

"Oh unnie, I want to meet Yoona today but maybe I will back a bit late today hehe"  Ji Hyo answers stammerly.

"Arasso, okay be careful, don't follow anyone that you don't know okay" says Sa Yeon then walks to her bedroom back while yawning.


Ji Hyo stand in front of the building with wides open. She just hope that lights will make her dark life into a bright life.

"yah Song Ji Hyo, why are you just standing here. Let's come in. I've already asked the manager, he said there are some spaces more for new workers." Yoona grabs Ji Hyo's hand and they walk into the building. 

While walking, Ji Hyo asks Yoona a question.

"Yoona ah, don't you studying at Seoul Academy? Why are you working at this hotel?"

"Ohhh, this hotel is my father's possession. I always come to this hotel on Saturday and Sunday. So, I'm a little close with some employees here."

"Hahaha I remember that your father is a rich person. Your parents and mine were best friends right? Before my parents death."

"Oh ya, my parents also shocked when they heard about your parents' death. Anyway, let's meet the manager!" says Yoona happily when she caught Ji Hyo's face suddenly turns sad.

"Okay let's" answers Ji Hyo with lowered voice.

Both of them walk together to the Manager's room. "I will leave you alone okay, Ji Hyo. Goodluck!" said Yoona and hugs Ji Hyo hardly.

"Okay but don't go anywhere. I still don't know much about this place. If you leave me, I will totally lost Yoona ah." says Ji Hyo desperately.

"Arasso arasso, I will wait for you at... hm where? Ha I will wait for you there" says Yoona and pointing at the bench beside the vending machine.

"OK OK, bye I will go" said Ji Hyo and knock the door in front of her slowly.

"Come in" the man's voice inside the room is enough to makes Ji Hyo's heart beats hardly.

Ji Hyo opens the door with trembling hand. She inhale her breath and exhale.

"Oh are you Song Ji Hyo ssi? Have a sit"

"ya Song Ji Hyo imnida." Ji Hyo bows her body before have a sit.

"I heard a little bit about you from Yoona. She is your best friend right?"

"Yes, we are friends since elementary school but after my parents' death, we can only contact each other using phone."

"ohh I see, can you tell me a bit about your life now?"

Ji Hyo sighs.

"Hmm, now I am 18 years old. I ran from my aunt's home when I was 17 years old. We had an argue and made me thought that I would be a burden for her so I ran away. I was studying until my age turns 17. After I ran away, I stay at a two storey shop-house. I didn't go to school or university anymore. I worked at Sa Yeon's stall to find money for me to eat. My bedroom is so small. I also don't even have a bed, I only sleep on the matress. So, I decided to find other job to have a better life. My parents died when I was 15. So I stayed with my aunt around 2 years. My parents were both entrepenuer. I had an easy life before my parents' death. Day by day, I learned that I should be an independent person and start new life"

"How amazing are you! Daebak! You're such a strong person. Woah."

The interview getting longer and longer. Laughter and serious sounds can be clearly hear. 

"I found you interesting, so I think you can start your work tomorrow" says manager Jin Hyuk and stands up.

"Are you serious? I can start my work tomorrow?" said Ji Hyo.

"Yes. I'm serious. So, welcome to Jungin Hotel" says manager Jin Hyuk while shaking Ji Hyo's hand.

"Komawo komawo manager hehe" Ji Hyo left the room with a wide smile in her face.


Sorry because I'm a little (actually not little but much) late to update my story hehe enjoy~~ Again sorry for my bad grammar :) You may leave your nice comment :)

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liza1999 #1
please update
iamrainy #2
Chapter 5: please update
Chapter 5: is the conflict begin? kkkkkk
Chapter 4: just waiting for the next updates ^^
Anna_AMM #5
Chapter 3: Really love this!!!!!! Next chapter pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: why he ask her to tell her life story? hahahaha manager jinhyuk so funny i think xD
sherryperry #7
Chapter 3: Thankyou for e update..! Love the story alry...!
sherryperry #8
Chapter 2: Getting interesting ...n look forward for e next chapter...
alylim #9
Chapter 1: sad...seems like a sad life for ji hyo.but the story seems interesting.
sherryperry #10
Chapter 1: V. Good n interesting stories n really look forward for e next chapter....thanks author ur awesome....! Pls update soon...