
Toi; Writing Contest


  • Title: 20/20
  • Plot: 30/30
  • Characterization: 30/30
  • Grammar and Spelling: 10/10
  • Enjoyment: 10/10

Title, as a writer, my titles need to be unique. I set that Uniqueness Meter when choosing my title. You can check out my stories if you would want to see what my definition of “Unique” is. Plot, plot needs to be unique. Nonetheless, I like awesome, unpredictable plots.   Characterization, this very much important. I don’t really wanna read about a crazy bipolar character but instead I like definite π r squared on the characters. I want a well-rounded character and not an opaque one. Especially for Toi, I wanna see what I haven’t even seen. Grammar and Spelling, pretty much if I can bear with it, then it’s perfectly fine! Enjoyment, I enjoy things which are beyond this world. Take me to somewhere foreign to me. South Korea doesn’t actually count and Philippines as well. Death perhaps? (Since. I never experienced it.)

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Can you please share the stories which participated to the contest? I'd love to read them as the guidelines sound interesting
Ohmygod! I just saw this! Darrn I want to join. Way too late. But good luck to you all!
Is this contest still ongoing?? ;) I'm planning on entering...
Do you accept oneshots?
If I manage to finish a story for this contest, I will make a blog post about it. Should I leave the link of the completed story (once it is completed) here in the comment section?