Chapter 2; With The Girls

Reminiscence 2014 [rest]
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Chapter 2  


Juliette Fashion Building, Jung District, Seoul.

12 January 2015


She looks over and over again but still feels something is not right about the design of the page. Something seems lacking. Just then, her telephone rings and she picks it up. "Yes?" she answers. "Miss Kwon, there are 3 ladies outside waiting for you. Should I let them in?" secretary Yu says. "Yes, please let them in," Yuri says. 

20 seconds later, 3 bright face barge into her room, shocking her. "Eonnie!" Yuri looks up to see her sister, Hyoyeon, and Krystal all walking towards her. She stands up and hug Yoona who was running towards her. "Take a sit," Yuri says and gesture them to sit at the sofa. She sits across them and smiles. 

"What suddenly brings you guys here?" Yuri asks, pouring them orange juice one for each. "Hmm, can't I see our pretty charismatic friend doing her work?" Hyoyeon asks as she drinks the juice. Yuri laughs at her sarcastically. "No, it's just that we want to see you and maybe get lunch together, eonni," Yoona says. Yuri quickly checks at her armwatch and notice it's 12:05PM. "I don't think i'll be eating lunch at 1PM though. I'll probably eat at 2PM because I still have something to do," Yuri says. 

The girls have agreed to wait for Yuri so they stay there while Yuri continues her work. 

"Girls, can I ask for your opinion?" Yuri asks, her eyes focuses on her computer screen. "Sure. What is it?" Krystal asked. The 3 of them scurry to Yuri's table and look at the computer screen. "About this design, what do you think is lacking? I've tried to put this and that but nothing matches. I can't re-do the design though cause this is already so good but you know... things are just lacking sometimes," Yuri says. 

The girls all keep in silence while looking at it until Krystal finally says, "Wouldn't it be nice if we could make some like pink blocks here, no I mean make it pink here and also at this side and this side a little bit. Below is perfect, we could keep it clean like that," Krystal says. "That sounds like a good idea, i'll try," Yuri says. "As expected from our fashion design student," Yuri says again as the girls return to her seat. 

Yuri finishes her work with Krystal idea at 1:32PM and quickly go to get lunch with the girls. 

"Secretary Yu, i'll be out for lunch for a while. Please hold if there's call," Yuri says and walks out with the girls. 


They are walking down the street, choosing restaurants. "I want to eat Korean today honestly," Yoona says. "No, at time and place like this, Italian would be the best," Hyoyeon says. Krystal agrees for Italian and now everyone is looking at Yuri. Yuri chuckles and says, "I'm up for anything." 

And like that, they go to a fancy Italian restaurant. They all manage to order savely including Hyoyeon who got suggested by Yuri.

"Yuri-ya," Hyoyeon says. "Hmm?" Yuri asks, looking up from her phone. "Do you still dance?" She asks. Yuri looks up to her and grins. No one has asks her that question for the past years. "No," Yuri says.

Dancing was like his one-time love. She would be happy if someone says she could dance again but the circumstances and her position in the company makes it almost impossible for her to find time for that. Now that Hyoyeon mentions it, she smiles at the thought of dancing. Should she really starts dancing again? 

"Well then. Even so, you should come to my dancing school once," Hyoyeon says. Oh, and did I forgot to mention that? Hyoyeon now owns her own dancing school and also teach there. Howon is one of the employee there and one of the person who has one of the highest position. "Sure thing. But you never invites me," Yuri says. "We should come all together. Maybe bring the boys too," Yoona says. Krystal nods. "Agree with that. I can call the others if you want. I have most of the 'EXO' guys phone number and let them call the rest," Krystals adds. "Sure! That'll be great. Today?" Yoona asks. Everyone looks at Yuri. "I need to go back to the office first because I need to sign some papers. Mind giving me an hour?" Yuri asks. "Sure, no biggies!" Hyoyeon says. 

"Here's your food. Manicotti?" the waiter asks. "Mine. Thank you," Krystal says. "Parmigiana?" the waiter asks again. "Me," Yuri says. "I'll come back with the other two," the waiter says and goes away. "That looks so tempting," Hyoyeon says, looking at Krystal's. "You want, eonnie?" Krystal asks. "Can I?" Hyo asks. "Sure thing. Why not?" Krystal says and offer a spoon to Hyoyeon. Meanwhile, Yuri is busy feeding Yoona with her food. 

"Fettucini Carbonara and Frutti Di Mare?" the waiter comes back and put the food on the table. 

Krystal who finishes eating first, calls the guys. 


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Trackstar #1
Chapter 4: Why do they seem afraid to see suho? I'm sorry but it it's been awhile since the quuenka and the nerd came out. I can't remember about the past but can only remember that Yuri been through a lot as a nerd and now she is so successful in life now
Chapter 3: Glad to read and update from you author. I thought you are neglating this story. Anyway, once more...welcome back and FIGHTING !!! (^_^)
Chapter 3: Wow you are actually update another chapter.. i thought you already gave up on this story
btw its nice..i wonder who is the guy in jeju..update soon
Chapter 2: How i wish that you will continue with the story.. it seems like you naver update another chapter for this past few years..
Chapter 2: Yeay...bonding time together !!! What a perfect sence (^-^)
diannan #6
Chapter 1: YAYYA a sequel!!!! Finals are coming up though :'(
Chapter 1: This first chapter is really intresting author. Better then i thought. Tq for make this update. I'll wait for more (>-<)
Hey there author..i've been read from the story before n i just can say,i love it. And now i can't wait to read this sequel. FIGHTING author !!!
Espero actualización saludos