The Blood of Wesmorland


"If the creature that rests within is not your burden to bear - turn now, friend. Run. Pray that it does not follow." (Kai/Kyungsoo, Vampire/Witch AU)


This story began as a roleplay done years ago in collaboration with Kie. The first chapter is just that, edited into story format. The characters are a product of our imaginations, inspired by real people. In no way, however, do these characterizations reflect our opinions of real people, or depict personalities that we believe exist in real life. This story has a unique universe and does not take place in a real region or time period. 

This story can now be considered a work in progress in desperate need of feedback. Please comment honestly. Corrections and revisions may be made to already posted chapters.


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Eren-Natsumezaka #1
Chapter 1: This is a really great story !
Normally, I don't like vampire au and all, because I find them too cliché, but you succeeded to make me appreciate, and even more, I want to read other chapters !
I like how everything seems to happens logically but I still keep getting surprised ! That's weird isn't it ? (it is, right)
I don't know if you're gonna see this comment but I'm rooting for you !!
milikaa #2
Chapter 1: update soon please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pwincessusagi1 #3
Chapter 1: Its soooo awesomeee!!! I luv their personalities!! Fighting author-nim ^0^/
Phoennix #4
It's really interesting... i wonder if kyungsoo will let him drink his blood? And i am really curious about kyungsoo's parents.
Chapter 1: Really interesting ☆☆☆☆☆ hope you update soon.
PrincessPanjandrum #6
Chapter 1: I really like this so far!! Keep up the good work! :)