

I didn't make this up, a wirter on my blog, cha_cha, made this hilarious game and wanted me to post here to see if people would play. Hope you enjoy this :) Everything after this will be all her writing.


Hello everyone! K-pop is about fun, so I've decided to attempt at making something fun.

All of the scandal this and scandal that this year has given me an inspiration to make a k-pop scandal game inspired by all of this k-pop related stuffs that's been going this year. Participate, play, and leave your results in the comments below!





Tired of the head-ache inducing year that was 2k14 and need a little something to enitiate laughter of it? Look no further than this game!

***NOTICE*** None of the idols mentioned in this posted are hated by I or the originally creator of this game, nor do we belive that these idols are bad people by any means, considering quite a few of them are our biases. Idols are human just like you and me that make mistakes and/or have rumors made up about them in order to make them look bad. Don't believe anything without proof, play safe guys :D


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