Chubby Boy

Birthday Letters



Leeteuk-hyung, Jungsoo hyung.

Thanks for everything. I can’t believe we’ve stayed under the name Super Junior for six years. And you’re the one who lead us. I’m very proud of you. I love you so much. As a member, leader, hyung, even my own family. Super Junior is one, right?

You still love me as your fat baby boy but chubby and squishy. You’re the one who made me lost 20kgs. Even though it feels weird, you’re the one who accepted me as a member. It’s not because you’re a leader, but you accept me from deep inside your heart. You’re a kind person. Cry baby, but I can understand that. You’re trying to hold them, but I know there’s time you can’t take them all. There’s too much of them. You cried when you’re happy. It’s rare to see you cry when we’re having our hard times. You’re strong. Very strong.

Happy Birthday, Jungsoo hyung. I hope you’ll have a happy day from now on.


-Shin Donghee-


P/s: I love your ramen the most!



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pinkaddict #1
cool story!!