EUNOIA ACADEMY; AU|School-themed|Facebook ROLEPLAY. Come come. Lettuce be friends. CHECK WISHLIST PLEASE PEOPLE
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Chapter 2: Character name and Group: Woo Jiho of Block B
Teacher or student: Teacher, PM have been sent
Two classes of your choice: ----
OOC Timezone: Gmt +1
Password: February 4th
Brief summary: I kinda make my characters up along the way, based on what personality would fit into the roleplay.
Hey, its Sulli. I got security checked again, ugh. I guess I will be leaving then, so tired of facebook's man. Im so sorry. Jaebum is leaving as well due to big examinations that he will be facing soon. ^^;; Sorry guys!
Chapter 1: Character name and group: Kyungsoo of EXO
Teacher or Student: Teacher can i teach
Two classes of your choice: can i teach philosophy or physics, otherwise can i be the lunch lady who gives more rice to the hot guys-
OOC timezone: GMT+12
Password: April Fools
Brief summary of character: Do Kyungsoo could be compared to Socrates, or he liked to think so himself anyways. A man of small stature and not in the least handsome by any masculine standards, he liked to wander the streets chatting up pretty boys. Often called two-faced by a certain someone, it is true to say that he liked to change his mind, about anything. Consequentially, he is often misunderstood to be fickle, unsubstantial, chaotic, and unreliable. The truth was that he was just an idiot, an accident of nature.
Guys- it's me, Sulli. I got ID checked AJhdjkasfgljafh ;__;
I'll make my account in a jiffy, give me a sec, ok?

Lay here~
-Jia Meng Update 7/16/15-

Sehun (exo)
Jinhwan (winner)
Kris (exo)

Lay (Exo)
JB (Got7)
Sulli F(X)

Keep it comingggg \ o / Bring on da brain fooood
Character name and group: f(x)'s Sulli.
Teacher or Student: Student
Two classes of your choice: Creative English and Astrology
OOC timezone: GMT+8
Password: July 12th
Brief summary of character: A silent young lady, yet she speaks with her observers and her loud mind. Choi Sulli, or her real name, Choi Jinri is a tough-looking sweetheart who treasures everything inside, not wanting curious lookers and people that passes by her to indulge inside her heart and read her mind, hence she masks her inner self by being quiet. Sulli might appear as a snob and self-centered at the first meetings due to her quiet and observant nature but deep inside she is striving to let people know that she is the opposite of what people think of her. Sulli is also a true animal lover and she is bubbly and funny as well.
jaehyuks #8
Character name and group: GOT7’s JB
Teacher or Student: Student
Two classes of your choice: Music Arts and Creative English
OOC timezone: GMT+8
Password: February 15th
Brief summary of character: An adolescent named after his great ancestors whose footsteps he follows in today. Jaebum has the fierce look of a refugee but deep beyond his heart, where people usually tend to neglect most of the time, he turns out to be a nerdy connoisseur who prioritizes every aspect of his taste in music to embrace the title 'perfectionist'. At first glance, he would seem pretty mediocre with everything but once you dive deeper into his nature, he could appear as the densest hog with the ability of exasperating any living soul to the brink of their patience in a split second.
kpopfantastic #9
Chapter 1: Character name and group: Infinite's Kim Myungsoo
Teacher or Student: Student
Two Classes of Choice: Astrology and Creative English
OOC Timezone: GMT-7
Password: September 15th
Brief Character Description: He is calculating, intelligent, cool and collected while working and while keeping busy with classes. He’s elegance and style in one person. Despite his perfection and insanity, he does consider his friends as family and will do anything to protect them. He is fiercely loyal to those he loves. A flaw of his though is his near obsession with his looks. He carries a mirror on him all the time, just to adjust his hair when it gets slightly messy. He may be a flower boy and have many girls practically bowing at his feet and thinking he is god or something, like any other person he still has his flaws and strengths.L is a very laid-back type of person. He will keep his nose out of other people’s business but not because he is being kind but because he just doesn’t care.