Bus 11


The boy had arrived. She looked up and glanced at the familiar figure entering the sparse bus. He took the seat adjacent to hers and gazed out of the window. This was the seating plan and both strangers realized and respected it for three years and counting. She looked out of her own window, turning her body away from the boy. Yet the view was unchanging as she peered at his reflection upon the clear glass. Like always, she examined his hair. His hair, she believed, was a magnificent cry for attention. It was dyed with neon colors, long and spiked, as if he just came out from an anime. It also screamed ‘rebel’ but in a way, it was enough to intrigue her. There was no need to scoff at his attempt of breaking the rules because it had a factor of je ne sais qoui which mesmerized her like a cup of hot milo on a cold snowy mountain.

He turned and found the girl facing the other way. The left side of her was still a mystery to him. But knowledge of her image would be merely an accessory to the feature which he truly cared about, her presence.

Her existence was comforting; to have her missing from across her aisle would be awkward and lonely. She was his unknown bus companion for half a bus ride to school for three years.

The bus came to a halt and the passengers began to file out. The bus terminal, this was where they separated. He waited for her to move into the aisle first. She noted this act of gentlemanly kindness and returned with a small smile of thanks. These were the courses of events that would take place, every weekday morning, on Bus 11.


Decided to get things fired up a bit since I'm almost down with my current fic 'Lurking In The Shadows' and will be finishing this short little story. I won't eleborate much but hopefully, this chapter will give you a little hint on the development of the story. COMMENTS ARE LOVED! 

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almost_asian #2
Up.....date.... please....
almost_asian #3
AhmanduFT #4
OMG! Exciting :)) reminds me of bus rides to school every morning :)
WAAH! nice start!
Yerlie1001 #6
Plz update this one soon! I really want to read this!!!^^
Omo! New fic?! Update soon! Seungyoon is hawt! ^^
Keke, I wonder what will happen!! Update!!