SH vs. MS

When Ships Collide

The university looked uncharacteristically busy as the students swarmed the usually desolated streets. Most were brisk walking to the lecture hall, laboratory, their professors’ offices or whichever they have to go to pass their requirements or take their examinations. This good old Hell Week was always expected but the students seem to never learn.

It was Hell Week. Once again, let’s take a moment to digest that. It was ing H to the E to the double L -Week when Minseok decided that he needed a break from all the paper work. He only has just one project to finalize and then he’s done. He’s quite lucky to have worked on them a week before this cursed period of the semester and he has only a test or two unlike his roommate, Jongdae, whose professors seemed to have talked to punish him and decided to schedule their examinations within a day.

“I hate you, Kim Minseok.” Jongdae muttered with his nose buried in a thick Economics book. “Why don’t you suffer with me? Life is so unfair!” he whined and Minseok cringed at the sound.

“That’s your fault.” Minseok smirked while tying his rubber shoes. “I told you to start your projects while you still have the time. You didn’t listen so you; I’m going out to unwind.”

“To unwind, meaning,” Jongdae lifted his head from the book and rested it on the palm of his hand. “To fanboy over your gay idols!”

Minseok immediately stood up from his bed and crossed the room to his dearest friend and unleashed his unimaginable strength by punching Jongdae on his arms. The latter howled in pain and held his damaged arm. He swears, his life flashed before his eyes at that simple blow. Legit tears started to prick the corners of his eyes as he struggled, wishing he was a titan or something so he would regenerate that fast. Breathe through the pain Kim Jongdae. He advised himself (because Minseok wouldn’t do that, right?).

“They‘re not gay--”

“Then, why do you ship them?”

Peeved, Minseok punched Jongdae again; this time, on the other arm. He cackled as he Jongdae fell from his chair and started rolling on the floor because of the painful hit.

“As I was saying,” He crouched down near Jongdae. “Even if they were gay, I would accept them whole-heartedly. Besides, I’d be very happy to see them together.”

A shiver shot down Jongdae’s back when Minseok said it with a saccharine voice. He sounded so fond of the Dynamic, a duo composed of a bad- in stage but a super cutie pie in everyday life, Jongin (also known as Kai) and a half-Chinese and half-deer, Luhan.

“You sound like a sasaeng...” Minseok lifted his fist. Jongdae curled to himself to protect his vital organs or just anything that Minseok could destroy with that unbelievably little but strong as fists. They could probably turn Wall Maria into rubble... The expected blow didn’t come so he peeked from his arms and saw that Minseok was already walking to the door. He lied flat on the floor and dramatically outstretched his hand and cried. “Minseok, don’t leave meeeeee!”


Minseok tapped his foot impatiently on the carpeted floor of the bus he rode to the city. He couldn’t wait to buy the latest mini-album released by his Dynamic. Hearing Jongin’s squeaky but cool rap and Luhan’s effortless high notes and suave voice were all he wanted in life. After hearing them sing, he swore he could die (or maybe not, because there would surely be a lot more songs to appreciate, performances to attend and albums to spend his money on). He was too busy to buy it first hand when it was released two weeks before this hell week. Now that he has the time, he would absolutely listen to it in replay (even if Jongdae would complain about it) until he could sing the songs even when he’s asleep.

When the bus pulled to a stop, he almost jumped from his seat and ran to the opening. Thankfully, he had mastered the art of hiding his feels a long time ago. He walked casually and got off the vehicle with a swag that Jongdae would kill for just to learn.

He quickly found the CD store that Lay was talking about.

“How is it special?” Minseok asked when they were eating in the cafeteria.

“For your information,” Lay looked up from his plate. “It’s not just your usual CD store. It’s a CD slash merchandise store.”

Minseok didn’t believe him. I mean, look at him! He always looks like he’s high or something...There was one time when Minseok asked where’s the nearest CR in the Physical Sciences building and Lay led him to the back of the building where no one clearly goes to, saying oh so casually, “This is better than nothing.” And he started peeing there, shooting his urine and even attempting to write his name on the wall with it. Disgusting. Thankfully, his friend seemed to lay off the drugs (Minseok just guessed, A.K.A. judging Lay even though they’re friends). He’s getting more normal these days.

This time, (Minseok exhaled and thanked all the gods in the process) Lay wasn’t leading him to his death. The store looked promising. Minseok couldn’t help himself but to fanboy as he saw the rack of his mother ship of all ships. In his eyes, it was sparkling and it was very beautiful. The standee of the duo just next to it was divine. He thought he was going to pass out right outside the store where the Dynamic’s albums were waiting for him.

No, Minseok. Handle your feels. Those two talented young men are depending on you.  

Minseok successfully collected himself and entered the shop. The bell attached to the door chimed and he actually took time to appreciate the cute sound. (He’s weak to everything that is relatively cute.) Then, He quickly made a beeline to his idols and fanboy-ed over their handsome (Jongin~ *insert ear-shattering squealing noises here*) and beautiful (Luhan, I’m sorry but your beauty is just—ugh—) faces. 

He almost kissed the ground when he saw the rows of albums. The shiny covers were too much for Minseok to touch. Legit tears of love for his fandom pricked the corners of his eyes when he realized that all of the albums he missed (they were always out of stock) were there. Just. Right. There. It’s as if they were whispering to him “Come hither, Kim Minseok. Come. Buy us and be happy for the rest of your life.”

He could already hear his wallet crying in his pocket so he took it out and looked at it intensely.

“Stop crying!” He reprimanded his wallet. “I didn’t fill you for nothing!” His wallet seemed to whimper (at least to Minseok) but he could also feel its silent unwilling approval. Dynamic isn’t a waste of money. He heard it say (or perhaps, it’s just Minseok’s sub-conscious mind. Either way, we can agree that he has loose screws right now).

He was busy deciding whether he should buy the limited edition necklace or not when he heard someone tainting the name of his beloved Jongin and Luhan (most probably from the group whose name shall not be mentioned).

                Me: Okay, class, gather around. We shall discuss a little bit of history of the rival groups.

                Minseok: Let me explain it to them!

                Me: No, you are biased, Kim Minseok. Please take your seat.

Exceed is the greatest rival duo of Dynamic. Kyungsoo is Luhan’s counterpart and Chanyeol is Jongin’s. Both group almost debuted at the same time but CK Entertainment was sneaky and postponed Exceed’s debut. When Dynamic debuted, they were the most undefeatable group in every music programs. CK Entertainment, sneaky as they are, suddenly released Exceed. This was the start of the falling apart of the Queens and Kings (Dynamic fan’s name). Some of the Q and K’s (mostly Queens) flocked to support Exceed. Thankfully, Dynamic is a strong fandom and majority are loyal fans who vowed to never ever leave and cheat on Dynamic. Queens and Kings labeled Royalties (coincidence? nah~) as the traitor fandom and then, it’s an all-out war between the groups.

                Me: Any Questions? None? Okay then, class dismissed.

Exceed, I’m so sorry that they let you two be in the same lane as those Dynamic idiots. I promise I will talk to the manager.”

Fuming wasn’t the right word to describe Minseok when he heard those words. He was more than angry. He could feel the smoke coming out from his ears and his face was turning hot bright red from anger. Usually, he wouldn’t want to join in the all-out SNS fandom war but this was different. He heard the insult personally and he was hurt for Jongin and Luhan. This. Is. WAR. Minseok vowed to protect his Dynamic duo with his life. He shall obliterate those pirate ships like Exceed’s ChanSoo! KaiLu shall prevail!

He turned around only to find that the opposite rack was dedicated to Exceed’s merchandises. He almost vomited at the sight but he held himself together and saw the person who dared to offend his golden pairing. He tapped the tall person with an obnoxious pink hair.

Without missing a beat, Minseok asked, “Don’t you think it’s Exceed’s luck to be on the same lane as the Dynamic?” He put an emphasis on the Dynamic and tried not to gag when he mentioned the other group.

The stranger looked him up and down as if sizing him up. Given that the guy was tall as hell but he won’t back down just because of the height disadvantage (ouch). Minseok stood straight (as if that would make him taller. ha.ha.) and stared at the man in front of him.

The guy sneered (he ing sneered Kim Minseok, what you gonna do? Huh? Huh?) and crossed his arms across his chest. “Don’t you think it’s the other way around?” He tilted his head to the side, his smirk never leaving his lips.

“No, I don’t think so.” Minseok shook his head and did the z-snap. It looked kind of gay but he’d have to deal with it. “Dynamic was the first to debut so, basically, they’re the seniors of that copycat group.”

The man raised an eyebrow and bit his lips. “Seniors as in the old ones? Hah! Exceed never copied Dynamic. It’s the other way around because Dynamic is so old they can’t think of their own songs.”

Minseok raised an eyebrow too. Hey, he said that he will never back down, right? “Old? Don’t you know that Jongin is younger than Kyungsoo? This is what happens when fans don’t even know the facts about the group they are bashing.” He facepalmed and shook his head a bit.  

“Oh really? Well, why does Kai look a lot older than Chanyeol?”

Minseok gasped but he tried to mask it with a cough. Oh my god, did he say that Jongin looked older than he is? This is unacceptable! Jongin is the cutest thing ever walked on this planet! “He doesn’t! He looks oh so fine. If you can’t see that then it’s your loss.”

“Don’t worry, it’s not my loss. At least, I’m not blinded by mere looks. I root for the talents.”

“Are you implying that KaiLu don’t have talents?” This time, Minseok couldn’t control himself. He’s sure he had raised his voice to earn the look of the other people in the store.

The guy smirked triumphantly as if he already won the battle. “I’m not implying...I’m saying.”

Minseok would have retaliated if not for the saleslady who approached them. All of the venomous word he had formulated died down in his lips.

“Sir, please don’t fight in here. I’m afraid you’ll have to leave...”

Minseok composed himself and did a minute decision making and bowed at the saleslady.  “I’m sorry.” he said with an apologetic smile. “Then, let me just pay for these.” He then gave the stranger a piercing look as if saying, I’ll meet you outside. This war isn’t over yet.

In return, the man looked at him with an equally challenging look and mouthed “Deal.”



Minseok really waited for the guy to exit the store, clutching his newly bought merchandises as if protecting them from the harm the world could give (ahem Exceed).

“So, where’s our next arena?” The guy gave him a sidelong glance.

“I don’t know...” Minseok admitted. He barely—doesn’t actually— knows this person yet he felt like he should stick around to prove that his angels were not talentless people! Hell, he’s sure that this person hasn’t seen Jongin dance and hasn’t heard Luhan sing smoothly. “Anyway, let’s continue while we’re at it.”

“Sure,” The pink haired man shrugged his shoulders and brushed his bangs away from his face. If he wasn’t Minseok’s enemy, Minseok would have considered him as a handsome person. “As I was saying, Q and K’s should realize that both of them were just scouted because they’ve got the looks unlike Chanyeol and Kyungsoo who were scouted because they have joined a lot of talent competition before.”  

Minseok started walking and the guy followed suit. “You really didn’t try to study about them!” he replied indignantly. “F.Y.I, Jongin started dancing when he’s just a kid—I’m Minseok by the way— and Luhan is always in the top 10 best singers in JL Entertainment!”

Sweet. Who else can introduce himself in between arguments? No one! It’s a special talent brought to you by Kim Minseok~

“Sehun.” The man replied. “Hah, thanks for informing me.” he sneered (again). “Still, Chanyeol is better than Jongin. Jongin’s voice is so whiny compared to Chanyeol whose voice is so deep you can see Adele rolling in it.”

“That’s funny,” Minseok retorted sarcastically. “Comparison eh? Then how about Chanyeol’s dancing skills? He couldn’t even keep up with Kyungsoo—hey how about that cafe over there?—He’s always an eyesore in their performances.”

Sehun nodded to approve Minseok’s choice of venue and then caught himself because it looked like he was also agreeing with the comment about Chanyeol. They crossed the street to reach the cafe. “He’s not! He’s actually cute and both of them are always laughing on stage whenever he dances wrongly.” He held the door open and let Minseok through first.

“As far as my research goes, Kyungsoo always complains about Chanyeol’s errors. Poor guy, he doesn’t have that much stamina unlike my perfect duo.”

“May I take your order, sir?”  The cashier asked Minseok with her soft voice, Minseok barely heard her.

“Choco latte,” Sehun answered her first and continued to look at Minseok. “Your research isn’t enough! There’s this—”

“One Caramel Frappuccino please.” Minseok said to the cashier then directed his gaze at Sehun who just wet his lips with his tongue.

“As I said, there’s this interview where Kyungsoo said that it’s okay if Chanyeol would dance weirdly in his whole life because it’s his charm.”

After they have received their orders, Minseok led them to the tables outside and settled on one near the glass door. Sehun sat across him and put his paper bag on the seat next to him. “Well, if that is his charm then that charm isn’t enough to attract fans. I mean, come on, at one point in time I’m sure some of you are getting frustrated because Chanyeol doesn’t improve.” 

“He’s improving!” Sehun pouted and sipped a bit from his cup. “You’re turning his charm into a poison!” He huffed. “Anyway, let’s move on to Kyungsoo and Luhan.”

Mnseok nodded. In all honesty, he wasn’t ready to let the subject go yet but hearing Luhan’s name piqued his interest. “Go on, say that Luhan is the greatest singer of them all and his eyes are so sparkly they look like the stars in the night sky.”

“No.” Sehun looked at him squarely. “Luhan looks like a—” he cleared his throat and sang. “Do, a deer, a female deer.”

Minseok almost laughed. Thankfully, he caught himself. “Sure, he looks like a deer but he’s beautiful.  How about Kyungsoo? He always looks like he’s scared. His eyes are bulging out from their sockets.”

Sehun gasped and looked ultimately flabbergasted. “Hey! Those eyes are cute! Don’t you dare make fun of him!” oh the biases... “At least, CK Ent. wasn’t that desperate to scout a non-Korean talent.”

Minseok sniffed and Sehun looked at him weirdly.

“What are you doing?”

“Don’t you smell it?”


“The smell of racism!” Minseok banged the table, their drinks almost spilled. He leaned on the table. “You’re a racist! It doesn’t matter whether he’s a Korean or not. The important thing is his dedication to whatever he is doing.” He’s seething with anger (because what the ? This Sehun judged his bias—I’m sorry Jongin. Minseok loves you both but he just loves Luhan better—and he just wanted to run to Luhan and hug him and tell him that everything will be alright). He must not falter.

When he finally became calm, he said. “What’s with the name, anyway? Exceed? Exceedingly tall and exceedingly small?”

“Kyungsoo’s height is okay!”

“Everything about them is exceeding. I mean, look at Kyungsoo’s eyes: exceedingly big and round, then his lips: exceedingly plump. Then there’s Chanyeol. His ears are exceedingly pointy, he’s also exceedingly tall and just like you said he has exceedingly deep voice!”

“What about Dynamic?” Sehun , drank (not sip huh) all of his drink in one go. “Their entertainment is so creative, they just called them Dynamic.”

The trash talking about the groups’ names and physical features went on for like an hour.

Minseok was running out of words to defend his beloved duo. This is not good...Then, without second thoughts, he resulted to the most heart-breaking sentence a shipper could ever hear. “Your OTP is not real.”

Sehun elicited another gasp. He looked legitimately scandalized.  “You. Did. Not.”

“I did.”

“Haven’t you seen their genuine friendship? They’re like the cutest OTP of the OTPs in the entire universe!”

“Then, I must apologize because they’re no better than KaiLu. Look at them—” Minseok took out his phone and showed Sehun the folder in his gallery that was dedicated only for Dynamic. “They’re an adorable couple.”

Sehun also fished his phone in his pocket and showed Minseok multitude of ChanSoo pictures. “No, you have to look at them too. Look at them! They’re the dorkiest thus the cutest couple!”

“You see?” Minseok’s eyes flashed with mischief when he saw ChanSoo’s picture where Kyungsoo was strangling Chanyeol in a radio show. “Unlike the cuddly KaiLu, Kyungsoo wanted to kill Chanyeol!”

“It’s because that’s part of their friendship!”

“Are you insane? Do you strangle your friends?”

“No, but I wish I could!”

They looked at each other and then they erupted to incoherent laughing mess. Minseok wiped a tear from laughing hard and checked the time on his watch. He didn’t want to leave yet...but he had to...

“I shouldn’t be talking to a Royalty... but my god, that was funny.” he collected his stuff and stood up, letting the chair scrape against the marbled floor. “Sadly, I have to go.” He bid his goodbye and walked away. In the middle of his way to the waiting shed, he suddenly stopped. He felt like he needed to do something far more important than going back to their apartment and begin reviewing for his examinations.

“Wait!” Sehun appeared out of nowhere and went to him. “Uhm—”

Minseok turned around, a smile creeping to his face. “What is it?” he asked, suddenly intrigued.

Sehun cleared his throat and his darted out his tongue to wet his lips. (Is this how he torture people? Wetting his lips and making them shiny that you would want to kiss him? Yah, Minseok, what are you talking about?)

“This is weird. I mean, can I get your number, e-mail or anything to contact you or something? I’m weird, right? It’s just that it’s my first time to see someone like you. God, I sound like I’m hitting on you. Anyway, you don’t really have to—”

Minseok smiled widely and laughed at how pink Sehun’s face was becoming just like his cotton candy hair. “Of course,” Well, he really has weakness for cute things.


Jongdae looked up abruptly when there was a loud bang on the door. He stood up from his study table and made way to the living room slash dining room slash kitchen. He found Minseok’s paper bag of CDs abandoned. ABANDONED. Oh my god, what kind of sorcery is this? Is this the world’s end? Should he call his parents and tell them that he loves them one last time?

Minseok came out from the CR and he looked incredibly happy (which was sometimes a bad news for Jongdae).

“I’m so happy.” Minseok almost squealed. When Jongdae didn’t say a thing, he pulled his friend to the kitchen table and pushed him down to sit. “Aren’t you going to ask what happened?”

No, I don’t really want to ask. Jongdae thought to himself but he knew it would lead him to his early death. “Okay then, what happened?”

“I think I found my soul mate.”

Jongdae, if he didn’t know Minseok very well, would have jumped for joy. Instead, a question irked him so he decided to ask Minseok. “Does this person also ship two men together? Like Dynamic?”

“No, he ships the rival group.”

“Oh look, a star-crossed lovers. Well, good luck with that. I hope you two get along.” Finally! He’s finally free from Minseok’s rambling about how cute Jongin and Luhan are. “Now, stop talking about your impossible ship...”


Jongdae banged his head on the table. He should have known...

Stupid Jongdae.






Jongdae’s POV

Ever since Minseok found out that he and Sehun are in the same university and Sehun lives in a dormitory, the younger boy almost always seemed to be hanging out in their apartment.

It was okay, at first. Jongdae was okay with everything because Sehun is a nice kid and sometimes a funny one. The three of them ate and sometimes watched movies together. This arrangement, however, started to hurt Jongdae inside and out. Even though there were three persons inside the apartment, he could still feel the loneliness.

Sehun and Minseok were either fighting over whose group is better or affecting each other with their feels. Sehun would sometimes let him join the heated conversation but he would always feel so out of place. He couldn’t relate with what they’re saying. What in the hell does he know about performances and make-ups?

Today, just like any other day, he was lonely because Minseok and Sehun were locked up inside Minseok’s room. Oh no, he didn’t have to know what they’re up to.

He went outside and decided to hide himself in the fire exit (just like what Geum Jan Di did when she’s stressed out). He took a deep breath and shouted, “What did do to be on a solo flight?”

“Let’s rewind, okay? This was a SeMin fanfic with a hint of ChanSoo and KaiLu but what about me? Author-nim! What about me? I’m the only one who doesn’t have a pair here! Why am I alone?”

He hung his head low.

Just then, a bright entity showed up beside Jongdae. Jongdae looked to his left and saw yours truly, no, just kidding!

“Hi Jongdae, I’m author-nim.”

Jongdae’s eyes went wide and he couldn’t even utter a single world.   

“I will be writing another XiuHun fanfic. Do you want to be a part of it?”

When Jongdae recovered, he immediately reacted to author-nim. “Another XiuHun?! What the hell?”

Author-nim, despite her height disadvantage, reached up to hit Jongdae’s arm. “I’m a hardcore XiuHun shipper, what do you expect?”

Jongdae rubbed his arm with a scrunched up face. “Yeah, okay, stupid me...” Then, he muttered as if author-nim couldn’t hear him clearly, “I’m so done with these shippers.”

“Come on!” Author-nim lashed out because she still has a lot to do like her synthesis paper and reviewing for her tests. “Tell me what you want and I shall grant your wish.”

Jongdae smiled diabolically that made author-nim swallow the lump in .

Somehow, author-nim could just feel that she would regret this.





For those who are wondering what the Jondgdae was talking about...please watch Shingeki no Kyojin

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bananaicecream #1
Chapter 1: soooo funny!!! xiuhun as rival shippers is too cuuute!!! poor jongdae lol
but.. authornim what did jongdae do to you?
vitoriagi #2
Chapter 1: So cute and funny.*squeals* I found this while looking for Xiuhun fanfics. I sending you a hug for the story. <3
Fav. Line EVER: "Chanyeol whose voice is so deep you can see Adele rolling in it"

PS.: Jongdae, what you're going to do with author-nim?
Chapter 1: This was adorable and so funny, loved it! >u<
Really awesome
Chapter 1: so much cuteness XD
Chapter 1: This story is friggin cracklicious!! Loved it! I never really thought of Xiuhun but looks like its gonna get interesting.. //great big hug for you// <3
nyongdepii #7
Chapter 1: Nice crack^^ I like the idea of introducing himself in the middle of argument hahaha xD
Chapter 1: Oh my God. Rollin' like buffalo. XD This is a genius crack.
Chapter 1: I love how Xiumin hated to mention the lowest /and most cruel/ thing to ever say to a shipper. "Your OTP is not real."

=)))))) That was so funny! Hahahaha! Thank you for writing this! Good luck on your papers! :'D