Yoongi Number Two

The seven boys collapsed on the floor, panting and trying to catch their breaths. They were finally done with their rehearsals and it was finally time to go home. Yoongi wanted nothing more than to get back to their dorm and crawl into bed—maybe even cuddle up with Jimin—because he just hated moving around so much.

Jimin, on the other hand, still had a few more energy left in him. He was tired, yes, but he was so excited for their next performance that he couldn't sit still. The six other boys groaned and protested when Jimin pestered them by sitting on them. When he crawled over to Yoongi, he tugged on the elder's sleeve and said, "Hyung, I want to buy ice cream."
Yoongi grunted as he sat up. "I'm tired," he said.
"We can get ice cream on the way home," Jimin said, smiling brightly at Yoongi. The other boy couldn't argue at all when Jimin acted like a seven-year-old, so he sighed in defeat and nodded.
Soon, all seven of them were packing their stuff and hurrying out of the studio. Namjoon turned to face Yoongi and Jimin, asking, "Are you guys still gonna pass by the convenience store?"
Jimin nodded enthusiastically, taking Yoongi by the sleeve and pulling him forward. "You guys can go ahead, hyung," Jimin told Namjoon. "We'll be home as soon as Yoongi-hyung buys me ice cream."
"Who told you I was paying?" Yoongi asked, his face scrunched up with fake annoyance. The truth was, he secretly liked it when Jimin wanted Yoongi to spoil him.
"But hyuuung," Jimin started to whine.
"Okay, okay!" Yoongi said, throwing his hands up in surrender. He really couldn't say no to Jimin. "We should go before it gets late."
With a wave to the others, the two boys walked hand-in-hand to the nearest convenience store. Jimin kept blabbering about something, but Yoongi was too distracted to understand what the other was saying. He felt his exhaustion and stress wash away just by being close to Jimin. The boy couldn't shut up even for a minute, and for once, Yoongi loved hearing the voice of someone besides his own.
When they got to the store, Yoongi already knew what Jimin wanted even without asking. He took a chocolate popsicle for Jimin and a strawberry one for himself. When he paid for it, Jimin beamed at him and said, "Thanks, hyung!"
Yoongi couldn't help but smile. He held Jimin's hand again as they got out of the convenience store, quietly eating their popsicles. While they were walking down the alley, Jimin suddenly stopped.
"What is it?" Yoongi asked him. The concern on his face was visible, but Jimin was too preoccupied to notice.
"Did you hear that, hyung?" Jimin asked him.
"Hear what?" He was more confused than concerned when Jimin let go of his hand and started walking toward the trash bins. "Jimin, what are you doing?"
Jimin looked inside the bin then gestured for Yoongi to come closer. Yoongi obeyed, and immediately realized what the boy was talking about. As he neared the trash bin, he could hear soft meows. He peeked inside the bin and surely there was a kitten inside, looking up at both of them with pleading eyes.
"Hyung, what are we going to do?" Jimin asked, giving his ice cream to Yoongi and reaching for the kitten. He cradled it in his arms, cooing at it like it was a baby.
"What do you mean what are we going to do?" Yoongi already knew where this was going. He knew Jimin too well. "We're not bringing that home."
"But hyung, look at him!" Jimin protested. "He looks so scared and lonely."
"It's a stray cat, Jimin. It's smelly and it leaves fur wherever it goes. Leave it."
Jimin frowned at him and said, "No. I'm taking it home."
"Jimin," Yoongi warned, but the younger was already walking. Groaning in frustration, Yoongi threw both his and Jimin's popsicles in the trash bin and followed Jimin. "Fine. But I'm not helping you convince Namjoon."
Of course Yoongi knew Jimin didn't need help convincing anyone. When they got home, all he had to do was say please and the others immediately accepted the cat. Yoongi ran his hands down his face when he saw Jimin take the kitten into the bathroom, probably to bathe it.
He entered their room and waited for Jimin. He smiled when the younger boy peeked his head inside their room, but the smile faded when he saw the cat in the other boy's arms.
"Seriously?" Yoongi asked, annoyed. "It's sleeping in our room?"
"For your information, it is a he," Jimin said, sitting on the bed. "And yes, Yoongi is sleeping here."
"Why did you name it after me?!"
"Because it turns out that he's just as grumpy as you, so I named him Yoongi." Jimin placed the kitten on the bed and it got comfortable fast. He laid down next to it, cuddling it like it was the real Yoongi.
Yoongi glared at the innocent kitten who was already falling asleep next to his Jimin. The other boy started to doze off too, and soon, Yoongi was the only one awake in the room. He sighed and tried to sleep too, but the cat was in between him and Jimin and he didn't like that. Slowly, he took the cat away from Jimin's arms and placed it by their feet. The cat squirmed a bit, but then fell back asleep. Yoongi smiled despite himself. He had to admit, Yoongi Number Two was a little cute.
"Really," Yoongi whispered, "why are you trying to steal my Jimin?" He then turned to the younger boy who was sleeping peacefully next to him. He leaned down and kissed Jimin's forehead before finally draping an arm around him and falling asleep.
The next morning, Yoongi woke up to find Yoongi Number Two in Jimin's arms again. Yoongi groaned, but he smiled and s his arm around Jimin's waist, sending a mental note to himself that he had to get that cat away from Jimin.
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thatmoment #1
Chapter 1: Aww. So cute!
andreveronica #2
Chapter 1: This is so adorable awww
Chapter 1: this is absolutely perfect and adorable and fluffy too omg i just burst rainbows and omg rainbows wow omg ok i will stop now
KpopWednesdayite #4
Chapter 1: cute cute cute ^^ <3
Chapter 1: "Why did you name it after me?!"
"Because it turns out that he's just as grumpy as you, so I named him Yoongi." 
|D Perfection. (I think Yoongi is a really cute name for a cat.)

Chapter 1: awh this is seriously cute it made my heart burst rainbows ^^
bangxtans #7
that is seriously too cute and you write it perfectly!
Dencavitta #8
Chapter 1: This is too cute xD
Chapter 1: omo so cute *.*
yoongi Jealous of a cat hehe

I love this ^^
Chapter 1: Yoongi's so whipped, haha. I really love yoonmin especially when Yoongi is so in love with Jimin, he'll do anything for him. This story is so cute and jealous of a cat Yoongi is cute too. This fic is just what I need as a dose of yoonmin. Thank you, author!