The Beginning

My Dreams

Sky's POV

*beep beep beep* my alarm beeped as it vibrated 


‘mmmmh’ i grumbled half awake searching for my phone and turned my alarm off 


‘today is the day’ i thought to myself smiling. i drag my feet out of the bed and stand up, feeling the cold wood floor, i walked to the bathroom to get ready. *The outfit is in the picture below




Most of my clothes are from T.LA since it’s technically free cause my aunt owns it. I love their range of clothes, they sell different types of clothes like sportswear, hip hop, hipster, girly and many more. omg look at me fangirling over clothes -__- but yeah, i love fashion and experimenting unique styles. 


I head to the kitchen and grabbed some breakfast to go, then i walked to the YG building, which isn’t so far away, only a 5 minute walk


I entered the huge building and giant picture frames were posted in the main floor, there are many faces i recognise, like 2NE1, BIGBANG, WINNER, EPIK HIGH, LEE HI, and IKON. 


‘wow’ i said in amazement


I pressed the ‘up’ button and waited for the elevator to come


Once the elevator doors opened, i saw someone.. omg is that B.I? i just stared at him for almost a minute until..


‘Ya, are you gonna get in or not?’ he snapped


‘y-yeah, sorry’ i said, i was kind of annoyed by his rudeness


We stayed in the elevator in silence, trying to avoid the awkward tension


We arrived at the 15th floor (idk i assumed) 


both of us went out of the elevator, before taking another step, ‘Who are you anyway?’ he asked me rudely


‘I’m a new trainee, i start today’ i replied but avoiding his eyes


‘Oh, well.. do you even know where you’re going in this building’ he asked


‘No, not really..’ I replied


‘Where are you going now?’ he asked again


‘I’m supposed to go to the practice room’ I replied


‘Follow me’ he said gesturing me to follow him


I followed after him, staying behind him


‘Here’ he said while opening the door to the practice room


‘Thank you’ i said while bowing a bit


‘Yea sure’ he replied 


Hanbin’s POV


‘Yea sure’ i replied then i left the practice room, then i hid behind the door. If you’re thinking that i’m creeping on this girl, no. I want to see if she’s really YG material.


As i peeked through the glass, I saw her put her bag down in the corner. She pulled her IPod from her bag and plugged it to the stereo, then she set a small digital camera in front of the mirror. 


*Song comes up Party Girls - Ludacris*


She positioned herself in the middle, then she started moving 


(*if you want to see her choreography go to and skip to 1:29 minute)


Whoa. I thought to myself, she’s amazing, the movement is y yet she kept her charisma. I gotta say that i’m impressed 




‘Hanbin-ah what are you doing?’ said YG tapping my shoulder behind me


‘U- uh nothing sir, i was just—‘ i said stuttering


‘Creeping on the newbie?’ he said smirking


’N— no sir, uh i gotta go practice’ I said walking fast to the other room


‘Hey wait! come back here’ he shouted 


‘Yes sir?’ I replied


‘Come here, i need you to help the new girl’ he said


Huh? why me? i thought to myself


I went back to the practice room with YG 


She looked at our reflection in the mirror and she stopped dancing immediately, facing YG and bowing 90 degrees


‘Hello, it’s nice to officially meet you’ he said shaking her hand 


‘Nice to meet you to sir’ she said smiling 


‘So you might know this guy’ he said pointing at me


She nodded


‘He’s going to help you settle in here, and if you have any questions about anything, ask Hanbin, he knows every single thing about this building, you can also ask him to mentor you too’ he explained


‘But si—‘ i said 


‘Ok then, that’s settled, i have to go, work hard Sky’ he said while reaching out to the door 


Sky, so her name is sky. 

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tdm1000 #1
Chapter 4: it's good but you should put more detail in it and also you use 'hi' like thats wrong you put "hi" with double comma marks. Also you don't have to put a cliche mean girl in there. These are just things you can work on.
WhiteBear1108 #2
Chapter 4: I love this story thanks for mentioned this story to me RaRa
Chapter 4: Yes I love the OOTD! And nice update!
SaraGM #4
Chapter 4: Nice chapter!!! Omg i'm gonna tell this to my friend
SaraGM #5
Chapter 3: Ahhhh!!! So sweet
wutevsidc #6
Thank you for your support SaraGM! :)
SaraGM #7
Chapter 1: I love your first chapter..update soon cookies(i used to call people cookies so hah)
SaraGM #8
The description sounds amazing..!! Update soon