Chapter 2

My Heart That Wants You
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[CONTENTID1]♦Chapter 2♦[/CONTENTID1]   [CONTENTID2] Getting back? [/CONTENTID2]   [CONTENTID3]   Jihyun's POV


"I'm going to somewhere far... Somewhere you can't find me. Don't worry, I'll have a good life there." His gentle voice lingered around the air. With that sentence, his figure started fading, his hand was placed on my  cheek. A single tear flowed out of my eyes to his warm hand.    "Don't cry. Be happy and live without me." His smile made me cry even more. Then, the warmth I felt on my cheeks disappeared,  with his body.  That smile was the only thing he left me... I looked around me, it turned from white to black...     he's not there.    "NO! Jungkook! Please come back!" I yelled but instead of a reply, my pleas only echoed. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as though it was the pain that was hurting my heart.   "JEON JUNGKOOK!" I yelled once again and I opened up my eyes, I stared at the ceiling.   It was all a dream or, a nightmare.     I sat up and realised I wasn't on my bed. I looked around the room, it was all painted with white. The room was neat. It wasn't Jungkook's or Jimin's room. I got out of the bed and saw a pair of shoes on the floor. I slipped my soles into the pair of shoes and roamed around the room.   I looked at the desk and spotted a post-it note. I took it off and read it. "That pair of shoes is for you and there's clothes I prepared for you to wash up. There is also another set of toothbrush and other necessities for you. It would be placed on the right cabinet. Come down for breakfast! :)"    Who could be the one who brought me here? I shrugged my shoulders and my eyes went straight at the chair near the washroom. It was a dress with ... some undergarments but anyways, it's not like it was a revealing one. I scooped them up into my hands and went into the bathroom.    The washroom was big, there's also a bathtub. I hung the towel and the clothes on the hanger and opened the right cabinet, inside was the toothbrush, face cleanser, toothpaste, a mug and SANITARY PAD?! I blushed and slam the cabinet. Is this person weird?! Why is there a... a stuff like that!? Did he buy it?! Is he any e?!    I faced the other side as I tried to take the toothbrush and toothpaste, feeling so awkward if I were to take a look at the pad. As I felt something soft like a brush and something that has a cap, I took them and slammed the cabinet's door again. I gave the toothpaste a little squeeze and put the paste of my toothbrush. I brushed my teeth furiously, but then I stopped all of a sudden because I thought of my dream.   Even if that was a dream, he still left my side...    I looked at the reflection on the mirror, all I could say to it was "Why didn't you appreciate him when you should?", I sighed and continued brushing my teeth.  

I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. I thought of what could have made Jungkook have the thoughts of divorce. I tried reasoning with myself that it was all my fault. Maybe he would be better without me.

  I wiped myself dry with the towel provided and wore the dress and of course the...   I looked at myself in the mirror as I stepped out of the washroom, the dress was fitting. Not only that, it looked pretty on me. I looked at the towel I just used, what should I do to this? I could put it on the chair but... what if the person is really a ert and wants to smell it?! I felt goosebumps all over me when I thought about it.    I couldn't be bothered when I heard my stomach grumbled. I grabbed the towel and my other clothes... wait! I took a look at the clothes I am holding onto. The clothes I was wearing when I slept wasn't a T-Shirt and a long pants! I wasn't wearing a tank top with short pants yesterday! What happened to those clothes and worse still, WHO HELPED ME CHANGED THOSE CLOTHES?! I was so worried, did the person do anything to me last night?    I pulled my hair and I was so afraid but nothing matters when it comes to food! I grabbed all the clothes I wore last night and the towel. I went out of the room and I walked down the stairs. I was greeted by the smell of ... bacon!!! I am super super hungry! I walked down the stairs as fast as I could and I saw no one at the dining table, instead, there's a guy in the kitchen, preparing something. The ert!   I dropped the clothes on the floor and ran to that guy. Without looking who is that, I hit that person several times. You ert! How dare you change my clothes while I am unconscious! It was lucky that you did not change my undergarments or else I would have punched you in the nose!!!    "Stop! What did I do?!" The guy yelled and he sounds mysteriously familiar. That guy turned around and I gasped when I saw him.                            








It was Taehyung.           "Sorry, I've mistaken you as a ert, that's not the important part. Did you helped me change my clothes?!" I asked frantically. He nodded innocently, not knowing anything. AHHHHHHH! HE SAW MY BODY THEN!    "But don't worry! I did not look at your body when I helped you to take off your clothes neither did I when I helped you put on my clothes! I swear I did not see anything except for your legs and your arms, nothing else or I would be involved in a car accident today!" Taehyung explained and covered himself with both of his arms. "You'd better not be lying." I snarled and I sniffed the air. Hmm, smells like something is burning. Taehyung turned back to his cooking and he gasped: "My bacons!!!"    No wonder something smells like it is burning! Bacons? BACONS! I looked at the pan and saw bacons! Oh my! My dear bacons... *sobs* I really want to have some, it's my favourite! "I'm sorry, Taehyung." I whispered and looked at him. He turned to me and gave me a glare. "You'd better be!" He exclaimed and he was about to throw those bacons into the bin until I stopped him. "WAIT! Don't you think they are wasted?!" I asked and he gave me an are-you-serious-look.    "So, are you saying you'll eat it?" Taehyung asked and gave me a questioning stare. I nodded without caring, food is the most important to me afterall. He laughed and scoffed, "When meat is burnt, it will form harmful compounds which are associated with cancer! Do you want to get cancer?!"    I shook my head after hearing what he said. He threw them away and I looked at them with a longing eyes.  I really really want to eat it!!!!!! Taehyung washed his hands and wiped it dry. After that, he walked to me and patted my head, "It's good that you did not eat that and let's have breakfast, go."    Taehyung helped me to my seat and I looked at the food in front of me. It seemed nice but it would be better if there are bacons.    I ate it and it tasted wonderful! I never knew he could cook! Maybe I am not the first to taste his cooking... I sighed.    "Why? Is the food not to your likings?" Taehyung asked with food in his mouth. I shook my head and continued eating.    "Do you know that not even Hee Young tasted my food before? You're the first!" He said happily. Really?! I thought she would have eaten the things cooked by Taehyung.   "Yes, I'm very honoured to taste your cooking but what if I am just your guinea pig that taste your food so you would know whether it would be good or bad?" I teased. "Hey! Don't say that! My cooking is good okay?! It is just that I used to be a glutton who knows how to eat but not cook and my cooking is not as good as Jin's!" He exclaimed and continued eating. I laughed and continued eating.   After I finished eating, I went into the kitchen. I put the dishes into the sink and was about to wash them until a hand reached out to stop me. "You're a guest so let me do all these stuff." Taehyung said and pushed me out of the kitchen.     I looked around and realised the clothes I dropped just now. I ran to pick them up. Where should I put them? Just then, Taehyung took them in an instant with his wet hands. "Let me help you." I felt so awkward because he... he is holding onto my undergarments other than the towel and his clothes!!!! "YAH! KIM TAEHYUNG!" I yelled, pointing at my undergarments. At first, he was confused but when he looked at what was at his hands, his face went total red, as red as a tomato and he just stood there, frozen.    "YAH! Stop staring at it!" I hollered and went to grab them away from him. "I... I didn't know you were C-cup." He stated out of the blue and I was totally embarrassed as my face was painted red. WHY DID HE LOOK AT IT?! "Yah! Don't say it out! It's so embarrassing!" I said and I went to hit him.    "Okay! I'm sorry!" He said and he ran to put the other clothes in the laundry. What should I do with my undergarments?!    "If you're okay with it, let me help you get your undergarments washed? Anyways you can't bring it back like that... If you ever come back or when I visit your house, I will give you back privately, okay?" Taehyung said, blushing and I thought about it. It sounds not bad but it would be so awkward to let your ex-boyfriend keep your private wears... But I can't bring it back like this! Jimin would ask me to show him what is it if I hide it!    "Jihyun?" Taehyung asked and I told him that I would let him help me but of course, I requested him to show me where he put his laundries as I would rather hold them than to let other people touch them. I put into the basket of laundry and blushed. It is so freaking weird!!! 



  I sat on the sofa and took out my smartphone. I turned it on and realise it was left with only 23%. I sighed but there's something that made me go crazy.      216 MISSED CALLS AND 1398 MESSAGES??? WHO THE HELL CAUSED THAT?! ARE THEY MAD?!    I checked my contacts and I realised that most of them belongs to Jimin. Oh! I had forgotten that I called him yesterday!    197 missed calls from Jimin, the others?    I checked and my expression changed from a worried one to a mixture of sad and happy one. The remaining ones all belonged to Jungkook......   "What's wrong?" Taehyung asked while hopping onto the sofa, on the spot beside me. He took a peek on my phone screen and he gasped. "Why are there so many calls and messages?! It's no wonder I can't sleep last night!"    "By the way, why didn't Jungkook came to find you in the rain?" He asked, looking at me but I was still staring at my phone. "We're... divorced, just last night." I stated and Taehyung was shocked. "How could that be?! Yesterday we met and you two seemed happy and...... you're telling me you two divorced suddenly last night?! Are you lying?!" He asked.    "I hope it was all a lie too! I am also shocked that it all happened so fast! I just wanted to spend the day with him happily but he suddenly changed... when he met you guys..." I exclaimed, tears started stinging my eyes and made their way to my cheeks.    "It's alright. You still have your brother and your friends." Taehyung said and hugged me. I hugged him back and I cried in his embrace. His words comforted me, a lot. I pushed him away gently when I realised I hugged him and wiped my tears. "You don't have to comfort me anymore, I... I can try to be strong." I said, not looking at Taehyung's eyes. "But don't keep a brave front. It'll only make you more miserable." Taehyung said. I nodded and went back to my those messages. All of them were 'Where are you?' and 'Are you alright?' from both Jungkook and Jimin.    "Taehyung, I think I need to go back home because Jimin must be worried. And please, never tell them that I spent the night at your house." I told Taehyung and he nodded. He even offered me a lift. I sat in his car and he drove to my house, of cours
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Chappie 2 up! Sorry for only Jihyun's POV! Next chap would be Jungkook's turn, maybe even Taetae? HaHa, be sure to comment or upvote! Enjoy! [3/1/2015]


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Chapter 3: Please update soon!! I love your story! I need to know what'll happen. She shpuld regret not realizing she loved Jungkook and Taehyung,you should realized it earlier before breaking up with her. I feel bad for Hee Young,Junhkook,Taehyung and her.
Chapter 3: LOL, just realise chapter 2 had only Jihyun's POV... sorry! The next chapter would be Jungkook's POV!
kimyeejati #3
Chapter 2: please update real soon!!! love the story line! :-D
Chapter 2: Poor kookie......he's real a VERY GOOD husband....
Poor jihyun too......why don't you realise it earlier?oh gosh....
Btw...keep update ASAP,author!
I can't wait for the next chapter!please,author?
Fighting ^_^
Chapter 1: Nice!keep update author...
Huh...i prefer jungkook will be happy in the last chapter!
Cause he is ma bias....
Just telling you this....
Hehehe...don't mad,author,kay?:-P
Sounds interesting..I will wait 4 you