

“…and so he said, ‘Ooops! I’m sorry sir. I thought you were a girl…’ and when I turned my head, the man was already fuming with anger that I decided to walk as fast as I could away from them…” Yuri burst out laughing after she finished her sentence. She had never laughed so hard for years and thanks to the woman beside her, Yuri is having the time of her life.

Yoona prepared a late night picnic inside Yuri’s office. The doe-eyed girl knew that her girlfriend will be late at night for the tons of works she needed to do so she decided to cook something for her. Yuri has not been getting enough sleep for the past days due to the paper works so Yoona has been accompanying her during nights like these and time by time help her do with the stuffs. And for tonight (which is a special night), instead of take outs, the rarely cooking Yoona delighted her angel with homemade goodies. Thanks to her Kim cousins, she was able to pull it off well.

“That’s very funny, Yul…” Yoona commented as she can’t stop smiling with the lame joke her girlfriend has just told her. She knew it’s not really that funny but whenever it comes from Yuri, Yoona always treats it as gem.

“I know! Kekeke… Aigoo…” the tanned girl wiped her growing tears that was formed out of that extreme giggling. Yoona find the gesture cute and pinched her girlfriend’s cheek softly.

“But you know what’s funnier?” Yuri shifted her position on the picnic blanket and stared at Yoona.


“The notorious Yoona cooking for the most charismatic leader in the world…” Yuri was grinning as she spoke the words that gained a shook on Yoona’s head.

“Ooohhh. Now that’s funny!” Yoona said, smirking mischievously while riding with the black pearl’s humor.

“I know right! Tsk tsk. Who would ever thought that the infamous troublemaker of the university who could only give people nothing but deadly glares will be spending her valuable time to cook for the most beautiful woman in the world?” Yuri dreamily said as she put her index finger on her chin.

Yoona could only smile at this sight. Yuri was right. Who could have imagined her, the least person who will fall in love, all head over heels with this Kwon President and even bothered her cousins to teach her how to cook. No one, she thought.

“Getting full of yourself now huh, Kwon Yuri??” Yoona teased.

“You think?” Yuri taunted even more, not backing away with this conversation with Yoona. The Im could only nod in response which gained a giggle from the tanned girl.

Suddenly, Yuri accidentally saw the band aids encircling the fingers of Yoona.

“What’s this Yoong?” Yuri asked as she held up Yoona’s hands only to be pulled back by the doe-eyed girl.

“It’s my hands…”

“No, silly. You know what I’m talking about…”

“Well, it’s nothing.”

“It’s not nothing Yoona. What happened to them?”

Yoona slowly pulled Yuri into a hug which made the other girl push her away.

“You’re not getting a hug from me until I get an answer Im Yoona…” Yuri said in between her efforts to break away from Yoona’s grip but the younger girl was stronger than her.

“Geez, okay… They’re just small cuts and burns that I got while cooking. But it’ll be fine. They’re not something serious.” Yoona said on the crook of Yuri’s neck.

Yuri’s heart immediately sank the moment she heard that Yoona had accidentally cut herself while she was trying to prepare the food. She was so dense to realize that the girl really made an effort this time.

“I’m sorry, Yoong…”

“Hey, don’t say that.” Yoona broke the hug to face the black pearl.

“But it’s my fault—“

“No, Yuri. It’s my fault for being careless. You should not blame yourself for this.”

“But baby—“

“No buts Kwon Yuri…” the tanned girl could only sigh in defeat as she lost in another conversation with Yoona. But she’s persistent enough, y’know.

“Okay at least let me make it up for you…”

“What? No. As if you have something to make up with me?”

“No, Yoong. Let me do something for you… Please I insist…”

Yoona looked at the puppy eyes of the black pearl and it’s just so adorable to resist. This has become her weakness since she fell in love with the tanned girl and she doesn’t even want to overcome it.

“Ugh! Okay. Okay.” the raven haired girl clapped her hands in joy that made the Im shook her head again at the childish act of her girlfriend.

“Okay. So what do you want?” Yuri asked innocently. Suddenly, an idea popped in Yoona’s head and grinned mischievously.

“How about…..this?” Yoona paused before grabbing Yuri’s waist and started tickling the older girl. Giggles and laughs are now audible inside the president’s office and it sounded like music in the doe-eyed angel’s ears. Hearing Yuri’s cackles was enough to heal the burns and cuts she got from cooking.

“Hahahaha! Stop it Yoong! Hahaha!” Yuri was struggling to break away from the younger girl’s grip on her waist. Before she knew it, they were already down on the floor with Yoona on top of her. The younger girl stopped tickling and both of them tried catching their breathes under the intimate position they were in.

Yoona stared lovingly at the sight which was gladly responded by the tanned girl with the same act. Their eyes are glued to each other and no one dared to break the trance.

This is so far the most loveable sight Yuri had ever saw. Yoona’s doe-eyes never failed to leave her at awe and give her goose bumps. Yoona on the other hand was feeling the moment. She had been planning to do something special today, keeping in mind what day is today. Yuri seems not to remember but she’s not bothered at all. The doe-eyed girl will still continue on her plan.

Bit by bit, Yoona’s face is coming close with that of Yuri’s. The tanned girl was left agape at the sudden proximity but did not even bother to push the other girl away. She and Yoona never kissed before and if there are times that they are almost there in hitting each other’s lips, Yoona will back away. Yuri is honestly disappointed by it but she doesn’t want to force her girl into something that she doesn’t want to do. Yuri thought that Yoona has reasons and she needs to respect it. So, this is really unusual of the girl to be this close to her. With this, she let Yoona move in a little closer to her and now their faces are centimeters apart. Yoona was sure she saw Yuri briefly look at her lips before gulping down and blinking her eyes so rapidly. The doe-eyed girl teased by nuzzling each other’s nose, making Yuri smile on the process.

The Im then decided to push her lips a little bit more towards Yuri’s lips and the latter smoothly closed her eyes, ready for the incoming impact. The crashing of their lips was so soft that Yuri felt the need to have more. But she can’t just pull Yoona harder. She doesn’t want to ruin the romantic atmosphere and turn it into lust.

Yoona smoothly brushes her lips with that of Yuri’s. It was the first time she had kissed someone so she didn’t know how it felt like until today. And for the Im, it feels like there’s a spark every time she would put her lips above Yuri’s that it would cause her to shiver and shake a little. Yuri’s lips was the softest muscle she met and she feels nervous to have it this near. The tanned girl noticed this and decided to put her hands on the trembling arms of her girlfriend and it. She finds it cute to see Yoona shiver while they were kissing. It was as if she was afraid or scared to hurt her with her lips.

With the comfortable hands caressing her, Yoona loosen up and her trembling body became still. She decided to brush their lips even more and it delighted her to hear a little moan from Yuri.

So this is a moan…

Thinking that things might heat up, Yoona pulled away but in a gentler way so as not to offend her lover. She stared down at Yuri and she saw her genuine smile as if saying she was contented. She smiled back, the smile that anyone would die to see in person.

“Happy 100th day baby…” Yoona whispered but was loud enough for Yuri to hear.

Wait what?! 100th day?? Today??

Yuri immediately shot her eyes open and gasp loudly. She pushed the girl up gently so they are now in a sitting position with Yoona at the front of her.

Maldeo Andwe. Maldeo Andwe!

“I…Is it today Yoong??” Yuri cautiously asked, trying to make sure that she her girlfriend is not kidding around.

Yoona bobbed her head with a smile on her face and that didn’t help the poor tanned girl be at ease. She tilted her head towards the calendar near her desk and, OMO!!! Today is really their 100th days as a couple and the black pearl totally forgot about it.

So that explains Yoona setting up this simple yet romantic picnic. It’s also the reason why Yoona cooked for today and even burned and cut her hands while doing so. And most especially, it’s the reason why they shared their first official kiss as a couple that she never thought she will get today.

Haigooo!! You’re so stupid Kwon Yuri!! Why did you even forget this special day??? Pabooo!!

Yuri grabbed Yoona and eventually pulled her to a very tight hug.

“Baby I’m sorry. I am such bad partner for not remembering. Gosh I’m so stupid! Yoong I’m sorry…” Yuri said at the crook of Yoona’s neck. She’s already on the verge of crying but she’s trying to compose herself.

“Ssshhh. It’s okay Yul. I know you were busy and I surely understand. Really. And I’m not angry at you baby. Please don’t feel bad about yourself.” Yoona sweetly said that resulted for the older girl to hug her even tighter.

Who could wish for a better partner when you already have the best?

Yoona is just the best, Yuri thought. Her efforts for today made Yuri’s heart cry in joy and she will never forget this day not only because it was their 1st hundred days but because Yoona finally gave her the kiss she has been wanting to have from the very beginning.

“I love you Im Yoona…”

“I know…”




The orangey color of the sky told everyone that it was already time to go home and rest. It is yet another day that has passed with a lot of memories and moments that one could proudly write inside his diary. It even had the one of the fairest weather in the place for the year. This is probably the best day ever.

But a certain black pearl is not convince with it. In fact, this day is not getting any better. No, not only today but also yesterday and the day before yesterday. There are a lot of worst happenings in the miserable life of the tanned girl and she could not ask for more.

First, her thesis draft has been missing for the past two days and she can’t find it anywhere. It was not in her apartment nor inside her office. She is known for being organized so she is quite stressed to discover that her life-long research she has been working on for the past couple of months is lost.

No, it’s not lost. It’s just missing.

Okay. That is the phrase she has been repeating over and over again inside her mind so as to calm herself and perhaps find it somewhere. She knows it’s just hidden somewhere but she doesn’t know where she placed it. The first checking of the research draft is getting nearer and she really needs to find it A.S.A.P.

Second, the day for the Junior-Senior Prom is also getting nearer just like her thesis checking. There are still a lot of plan A’s and B’s that needed discussion with the committee and it will need an approval from the university president, which is by the way will be hard for the tanned girl. The point is, the prom is not getting any further and every tick of the clock is important. She needs to settle everything for the most awaited time for the juniors and seniors. She can’t afford to screw things up.

Lastly, the swimming team of the school is up to a competition next week and she was only informed this morning about it. The coach said that she wasn’t able to tell Yuri since she has been very busy. Yeah, she has been busy with… No! She’s been busy doing nothing! She has been slouching and lazing around for a couple of months now, thinking why and how Yoona broke up with her (which is so not like her). And as a consequence, there are a lot of things she needs to deal with. Now she really hates Yoona. UGH! Now she has to drown herself with practice and trainings to prepare herself for the competition.

So, to start making things better, Yuri went to meet the prom committee today. She had a two-hour meeting with them which consumed all of her free-time for the day and even her lunch break. When she attended classes, she listened attentively to the teacher and jot down notes diligently. She didn’t even bothered to look for a specific Im inside the room. What for?

Her bestfriend Jessica wasn’t able to accompany her today. The blonde was busy meeting with the different subcommittees for the prom and the upcoming swimming competition. She was in-charged in managing things for a while since Yuri will be practicing for the race. The ice-princess said she will make it up to her maybe sometime.

Accordingly, after all that exhausting day, instead of going home, the busy president is now on her way towards the school pool. She will be spending her entire night practicing even though her body wanted to rest. She needs to do it if she wants to win. Besides, swimming is a way where Yuri can meditate and contemplate everything that is happening around her. This is somehow a relaxation after all so she can say it’s not a bad idea coming here to train. Maybe through this, she can also decide whether to accept or not the offer of the university president two days ago.


“Miss Kwon have a seat.” The middle-aged woman directed Yuri to take a seat at the chair infront of her office desk. The tanned girl respectfully obeyed and sat with a lot of questions in her mind.

“Let me get you straight Miss Kwon. I called you because there is an important matter I want you to know. The board of directors are really impressed with your excellent record in the university despite you being only a sophomore. You have become the student council president in a short period of stay as student which clearly means you are capable of leading. You have also given honor to the university by bringing home swimming championship. Plus, your academic endeavor is remarkable and the directors really applauded you for that. So…” the middle-aged woman handed Yuri a paper which was curiously taken by the listening Yuri after taking a brief glance on her. The tanned girl opened it and there are a lot of words printed on it. But two words caught Yuri’s attention: scholarship and Oxford University.  

The raven haired girl widened her eyes, agape at what she had just read. She blinked her eyes twice and re-read the paper, afraid that she had just misread the details. But no. She’s not mistaken. The paper really says that she has been granted a full scholarship in Oxford University.

“P…president Kang?” Yuri could only ask in confusion as to what this paper has to do with her. Is she by chance given the opportunity to attend Oxford?? For real?

“Yes Miss Kwon. The board of directors think that your excellence should be developed and enhanced in a facility that can give you the best offers, not that our school is not good enough. Dongguk is one of the best universities in Korea but the directors deemed that you Miss Kwon shall be given the chance to attend a university where your talent, your diligence, and your competence will be boosted to its highest degree. The directors themselves with the help of Dongguk will be your benefactors throughout the years of your study in Oxford so you don’t have to worry about anything except making the best of everything.” The middle-aged woman explained that resulted for the tanned girl to engulf herself more in silence.

Yuri had a mixed emotions after the news. Does she have to be happy about it? Oxford is a very prestigious school and only rich kids can afford there but she, an orphan,  will be given the chance to study on that university. And the best thing about it, she’s not going to worry anything—financial, dorm, tuition, allowance. She just have to do good in her studies and in her swimming. This is a once-in a lifetime opportunity that anyone would want to have. She should grab this chance right??

But why does she feel like instead of a good news, it’s more like a bad one? Is this because of Yoona again? Is this because Yoona will be left behind if she attends Oxford? But Yoona even left her, right? She even said that what they had was not real. So why does she feel like this? This might be the best opportunity to get over the girl so why is Yuri hesitating?

“So what now Miss Kwon?” the university president interrupted the thoughts of the tanned girl who seemed to be in a very deep thinking.


“Don’t worry. You still have time to think about it anyway. You have 3 months before the school year ends. I believe that’s enough to come up with a decision—a rational decision to be exact. And let me remind you this Miss Kwon. This opportunity only comes once and anyone, and I mean anyone, would really want to be in your shoes right now. Don’t waste this chance. Oxford is not something that comes into your door everyday. The directors really have faith in you to sponsor your education. Let your mind do the thinking this time, not your heart—since it is its very purpose in the first place.”


Yuri went to stand beside the pool, preparing herself to dive. She changed into her swimming trunks that emphasized her body curves and covered her head with swimming cap. Yeah, she looks hot right now.

The black pearl stretched a little bit before sliding down the pair of swimming goggles that was resting above her head. She inhaled a heap of air and exhaled it deliberately before diving herself unto the Olympic-sized pool that their university had.


Anyone who would see Yuri would think that the girl is a national athlete of Korea for the graceful yet powerful she was doing. stroke, sidestroke, butterfly and any other are being executed by her and no wonder she became a champion swimmer with all these major that she knew. Not to mention, she has a great speed and power while swimming. The elegance on the way she swings her arms on and off the water will surely leave anyone who watches open-mouthed.

And that’s what Jessica was doing. It was already 6pm and she was just about to go home after she met with the officiating officials, the staff and the volunteer medics to remind them of their tasks during the competition. She needed to make sure that everything is organized and well-prepared just in case something happens especially that Yuri is participating. This is the time of the year again when the blonde could see her most favorite person dive into the water and amaze people with her swimming style. And when she was just about to exit the swimming arena, she saw the most elegant swimmer of all time—all wet and hot on the swimming pool. So instead of heading her way, Jessica decided to walk towards the pool discreetly—not wanting to interrupt the practicing tanned girl.

Yuri was too occupied in doing a butterfly to notice the blonde approaching her. Besides, her mind was much-filled with thoughts about the scholarship, the competition, her missing thesis and most especially Yoona. These things don’t seem to fade inside her head so she figured out maybe she needed to do more and dives.

But the thinking black pearl’s concentration was disrupted when she saw a figure standing beside the pool, looking at her. For a millisecond, she wanted the figure to be the Im rebel but then disregarded the idea when she recalled Yoona’s words. There was never them, remember?

When she looked up, it was her bestfriend Jessica who was standing beside the pool. The blonde always looked so pretty and Yuri will not deny the fact that she would sometimes check-up on the ice-princess. But, it was only like a friendly check on her you know. She just admired how Jessica looks like. That’s all… perhaps?

“How long have you’ve been there?” Yuri asked whilst her torso and the rest of her body was still underwater, taking off her goggles on the process.

“Just a couple of minutes ago…” Jessica said as she went nearer the pool to get a better view of Yuri.

The tanned girl swam towards the edge of the pool and rested her arms on the tiles, looking up at Jessica.

“So what is my VP doing here?” Yuri tried teasing the ice-princess that gained a smile from the latter.

“I just happened to pass by when I saw you practicing. You look so cool when you swim Yuri…” Jessica said truthfully. Yuri slightly blushed at the praise and could only smile in response.

“I’ll take it as a compliment, Sica…”

“I know you will.” It was now Jessica’s turn to tease the other girl that made the tanned girl spatter some water towards the blonde. Jessica squealed at the act while Yuri just let out a laugh. Really a prankster.

“Yah Kwon Yuri!”

The tanned girl lifted herself up and suited herself on the tiled floor beside the pool, her legs still underwater while giving Jessica one of the brightest smile she has. The blonde blushed at the view and decided to distract Yuri so as for the girl not to see her pink shades.

“Le…let me get you your towel…”

The tanned girl really appreciates Jessica. She has always been there for her and she never left her side. She’s the best bestfriend one could ever have. She’s the protective type and the sweet one which is why Yoona doesn’t like her. Her bestfriend has always been one of the reasons why Yoona would fight with her, saying that Jessica makes her jealous.



“No worries…” the ice-princess then take off her shoes and socks and sat beside Yuri who immediately wiped herself while the former started the water with her fingers. The two girls remained in a comfortable silent for a moment while enjoying each other’s presence.

“I heard you’re offered a scholarship in Oxford…” Jessica initiated a conversation. She learned about the news this morning through the university president and her heart immediately sank when she grasped that Yuri might be leaving.

“Who told you that?”

“President Kang”

“Right. That woman. So did she also request you to convince me to accept the offer?” Yuri asked, now staring at Jessica.

“Yeah. She did tell me that. But I’m not gonna convince you, Yul…” Jessica said as she continued playing with the water. Yuri smiled at the straightforward words of her bestfriend.

“And why is that?”

“Because I believe you should decide for yourself and no one should tell you what to do. It’s your life after all. You’re wrong or right decisions now will give proper consequences to no one else but you later on. It’s not like you’ll harm others with it…” Jessica said while staring at the water.

The tanned girl smiled for the nth time as she has heard Jessica’s words of wisdom again. Really. This ice-princess has a lot of knowledge inside that thick skull of hers. She should have taken up Psychology instead of taking up a business course due to her great advises and quotes that somehow made the confused Yuri relieved for a moment.

“And I know you will not accept it…” Jessica added as she finally looked up to Yuri.

“And why is that again?”

“Because of Yoona…”

The tanned girl looked down, recognizing the words of her bestfriend. Hell true! The only reason why she’s so packed up with all of these confusions is Im Yoona. If it was not because of her, Yuri’s life could have been easier. She will not be hesitating in a lot of things if not because of Yoona’s effect on her.

“I think so too, Sica. I think that a part of me is still uncertain to accept this once in a lifetime opportunity because of her. A part of me is still hanging to even the slightest hope that maybe, just maybe, Yoona will come back to me and everything will turn back to normal again…” Yuri could only sigh after her words. Those are sincere and she’s somehow relieved that she was able to take it off her chest.

Jessica’s heart was ripped again by the sudden confession of the black pearl. She was expecting for the girl to deny what she said and skip another topic but no. This time, Yuri admitted the least words she wanted to hear from her.

“Just get over her, Yul… Maybe she was your energy-pill before but now that she’s gone, it doesn’t mean that you’re also over. Life must continue even after a good, romantic story turned out to be a tragedy. Just stand, rub off the dust on your shirt and walk. That’s how you get over Yul”

Yuri sighed. Jessica’s words stuck her again but what can she do? She doesn’t even skip a second without thinking about Yoona. How can she do it with the image and thoughts of Yoona inside her mind and heart?

“You’re right Sica but how can I do that when all I’m thinking about is her? How can I move on?”

Suddenly, someone’s lips brushed over the tanned girl’s. It was as soft as that of Yoona’s lips that Yuri thought for a second that maybe it was the doe-eyed girl who kissed her. But no. Much to Yuri’s surprise, it was indeed the very person whom she has just been talking with a while ago. Jessica was indeed the one who kissed her and the black pearl was left agape at the much unexpected action from blonde that all she could do was to stare at her, astonished.

“I’ll make you…” 

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anatawowasurenai #1
This story deserves more recognition. I had read this before, but while re reading this again, I still can't stop crying. hehe
hkinki #2
Chapter 25: Thank you author nim for the great story. Thank you for the touching joyful ride. Looking forward for more stories to come !
Adampark19 #3
Chapter 25: Author-nim! Thankyou for finishing your story!! I've always been a silent reader but i have to thank you for this story. Thank you for not giving up on your fic and make my yoonyul heart flatters. Although i do wish yoona's dad didn't kill himslef and just made it up to yoona, i could never wish for anything better than a new yoonyul beginning. I'm waiting for more yoonyul story from you author-nim. You're one of my fave author!!
Chapter 25: Like fi nal ly ! I've been waiting for the epilogue since forever and dont regret it at all waiting patiently. The epilogue is great as expected but since you take long I have to re read previous chap to remind me. But that's okay tho , Im planning to reread whole story when I have time. How sad that Yoona's father (well I can call him that now when he's alr accept Yul and start to realize he made big mistakes) ended up die when he could spend the rest of his life with his children and mend up their relationship and make up for the loss of time. But to see his love to his wife so much I understand his reason to suicide , but that's still unacceptable tho. Glad Yoong have Yul by her side and they both have newly family love which both didnt have before.
Thankyou for making such a great story , I always ended up writing long comments when it comes to your story idek why. Glad that today dont exceed the max numbers.
So happy that you make another YY story ! See ya there!
Chapter 25: Finally, got to read an epiloge and it's so beautiful. You did a great job author, really good you know? Hope to see in your next story as well. Till then, FIGHTING !!! (^_^)
Chapter 25: Thank u for this beautiful fic .
Chapter 24: Wow what can i say for this story it exellent
Cant wait for next update im sure it must be beautiful..
hkinki #8
Chapter 24: Thank you for the sweet yoonyul history !!! Can't wait for more !!!