Ma Petite


He always noticed how the other boy seemed to shine brighter than the rest, even brighter than himself, being the self-claimed 'brightest' member, what he hadn't counted on though, was falling for the man himself. Despite those ma petite features of his. He was losing himself, fast, to that wicked man he knew hid beneath the layers of those absolutely breathtaking refinery. 

~I've fallen for this irresistable, powerful feeling, and I've let go [of myself]. I like simplicity.
   The hidden thing within me has opened it's eyes now..


It amazed him, how much those lyrics were proving themselves to be true, very, very true indeed.



ChanSoo~! I know, I know, I shouldn't be doing this to BaekYeol, but I couldn't resist, the temptation was too sweet~! C'mon, those two are sweet together, too! ><








*dies of cuteness overload*


Oh chakkan, thanks to everyone who dropped by~! You have renewed my love for EXO and writing~! ^^

I'm really thankful to all those took time to go through this story, it really means a lot to me~! And i promise to update as soon as my PC's back! Thank you~!


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yuki_ira #1
Chapter 4: Ige mwoya....
.author-nim....this is toooooooooooo short
soozyyy #2
Chapter 1: OMG can't wait to read more ! :D
yuki_ira #3
Chapter 1: .this story is interesting
.please update soon author-nim

sehuneth #4
Chapter 1: Next please