Chapter Three - Allure


A/N: Sorry for the late update, it's been busy what with the end of the semester. This story may be a bit short and boring but it introduces some important characters.

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Chapter Three – Allure

Chun-sa entered the café and quickly surveyed the inside. Her brother had taught her numerous ways to get information without giving herself away. And so, while appearing to be a normal customer she checked if her guy was there. Excluding the teller, there was a guy her age sitting at the far end and two girls sitting on the veranda outside. It was a typical Sunday morning.

Trying to look inconspicuous, she walked to the cashier and ordered her usual coffee and muffin. She then settled comfortably at a couch by the window. Just as she sat her food down, the store’s bells chimed. She looked up and saw a young man enter. He had his hair parted to the side and was dressed a bit too smartly for a Sunday morning. Though Chun-sa found it a bit unusual, he wasn’t her guy. She took a bite out of her muffin savouring the strawberry filling that oozed out. The door chimed again, this time to the sound of feet leaving the café. Chun-sa glanced at her watch. 9:07am. He was late. Chun-sa finished the rest of her muffin and took a sip of her coffee. At last, the other guy stood up to leave as well. Chun-sa was about to take another glance at her watch when a sudden commotion caused her to look up. The man who had just left had ran into another guy and had spilled coffee all over him. Curious, Chun-sa studied he other guy. He had a golf cap on and was dressed shabbily. He was about 6 feet tall and had his medium-length hair bleached blond. Finally, he looked up and their eyes met. She recognized him at once. It was her guy. Max Changmin.

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[A/N: Changmin here is dressed as he was in the DBSK Miss You MV]

Changmin approached the coffee shop cautiously. He had been tipped off that Chun-sa was looking for him and that had him on edge. Once close enough, he peered nervously into the window and searched for the young woman. He found her almost immediately.

Instinctively, he jerked away from the window but his sudden movement caused him to knock into a customer coming out of the shop.

‘A-Pa!’ Changmin frantically tried to wipe away as much of the scalding coffee as he could.

‘Sorry, you moved suddenly…’

‘Don’t worry about it.’ Changmin glanced up. At the moment, his eyes met hers.

Without hesitation, Changmin took off immediately.

‘Yah, Changmin-ah!’ Chun-sa dashed after him.

Ignoring her cry, Changmin ran as fast as he could. He ran madly, pushing other passer-bys out of his way. Every now and then he would glance behind him and would find Chun-sa right behind him. Despite being in high-heeled boots, Chun-sa was keeping up with him and even managing to close the gap bit by bit.

Seeing how close she was getting, Changmin tried to look for a way to lose her. He turned the corner, almost tripping over an old lady and her dog. Right ahead, some men were carrying cartons of vegetables into a store. Deciding quickly, Changmin ran past the men and pushed the cartons out of their hands. The cartons of vegetables flew in the air and came crashing on the ground. Changmin stayed a bit to watch the scene unfold, and then ran on ahead hoping the wreckage would delay Chun-sa a bit.

Chun-sa watched as the wooden carton broke into pieces and the vegetables flew everywhere causing a messy wreck. Dodging the pieces skilfully, Chun-sa leaped past the mess and pushed her way through the angry men. Soon, she caught sight of Changmin again.

By then, Changmin had began to tire and wanted desperately to be rid of her. Once again, he turned a corner, entering into an empty alley. He ran ahead hoping to find an escape but instead found himself trapped by a fence at the other end. Changmin looked around frantically for another exit. Seeing none, he attempted to climb the fence but found himself being pulled to the ground.

Chun-sa, having caught up to him, had latched unto his legs and was attempting to pulled him down.

‘Yah, let go!’ Changmin shouted, trying to get her to let go.

‘No!’ Chun-sa refused firmly.

For a moment, both struggled before crashing into the ground.

Changmin landed awkwardly on his right arm and gave a gasp of pain.

‘A-pa…’ Changmin clutched his injured arm.

Having avoided the brunt of the fall, Chun-sa was able to get up quickly. Once on her feet, she pulled up the Changmin to his feet. Twisting his uninjured arm behind him, Chun-sa pushed Changmin against the fence.

Leaning forward, she whispered alluringly.

‘Hello Maxi.’

* * * * *


The wheels of the plane screeched as it touched down. The passengers sighed with relief at having reached their destination. One man however, continued to looked on grimly. He was a handsome man in his late twenties and had a mysterious allure to him.

‘Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at Incheon International Airport. It is now 2:02PM. It is a sunny day outside with a high of 22 degrees and a low of 15. As you leave, please let those with children and the elderly exit first. Thank you for travelling with Japan Airlines, we hope your stay in Seoul is a pleasant one.’

Soon after, the passengers scrambled to get their carry-ons from the compartments. Within minutes, the plane arrived at the designated terminal and the people began to exit slowly. The man grabbed his suitcase and followed suit.

At the immigration check point, he handed his passport and papers to the immigration officer.

‘Yamaa Tomohisa.’ The officer read the name on the passport. ‘And what is the purpose of your visit to Seoul? Business or pleasure?’

‘Business.’ The man answered solemnly.

The officer glanced at the photo then back to the man. He was dressed in a black suit and a blue tie. His hair was gelled back and he had on a blank expression on him. Finally, he stamped his passport and handed it back to him. ‘Alright, here you go. May your business plans go well.’

The man nodded and walked away.

‘It will.’ He whispered.

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Endnotes (forgive me if the translations are not accurate, I’m not exactly an expert on the Korean language):
Yah - Hey
A-pa - Ouch

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This is such a good story and Yay two of my favorite people in one story
i haven't been in here for a long time. it's such a good story. update soon..
MissFreshMilk #4
Love It!:D<br />
lOL<br />
UPDTAE SOON!!!!<br />
Remember to read my fan fic!!<br />
lOVE MissFreshMilk:D
good!! thanks for updating!~ (^.6)
oh, i just found this fanfic. yeah, agreed to kesenaitsumi. this is amazing. i'm eager to know the next. please updating this fanfic, kay!! *puppy eyes*
kesenaitsumi #7
why do you have, like, NO subscribers OR comments? this is AMAZING!