Chapter One - Park Chun-sa


Chapter One – Park Chun-sa

‘Oh no, oh no!’ She muttered under her breath. A tall girl with long black hair. Dressed in a turtleneck and a pair of black slacks, she cut through the crowd, her red scarf trailing behind her. She had woken up late that morning and was desperately trying to reach her workplace. Shivering slightly, she pulled her white leather coat closer to her.

At last, she reached a big building with the sign, Seoul Daily. Hurrying, she entered the building and took the elevator, all the while attempting to make herself presentable for work. Within minutes, she arrived at the 8th floor and quietly, she crept towards her desk, trying to be as unnoticeable as possible.


Hearing her name, the girl froze. Putting on a smile, she turned to face the man who’d called her.

‘Ah, Jin-young shii, annyounghasehyo! How are you today?’

‘Yah! Park Chun-sa! You’re late again!’ A middle-aged man marched impatiently towards her.

‘Jwesonghamnida, I promise it wouldn’t happen again, sorry.’

‘Yeah, yeah whatever. Now’s not the time to make useless promises! There’s been one of those ‘untraceable’ homicides this morning’

At the mention of homicide, Chun-sa’s face darkened.


‘Yes. We need someone to cover the story so you better get your there ASAP.’

Grabbing a pen and notepad from her desk, she quickly jotted down the location of the crime and rushed out of the office. Leaving Seoul Daily, she got into the first available cab.

‘Number 12, Sal-in Street please.’

By then it had begun to snow. The first of the season. The white rain brought back sad memories. It had been raining too when she learnt of her brother’s death.


Just having put on her jacket, she rushed to get the call. ‘I’ll get it.’


‘Hello, is this Ms. Kwon?’

‘Yes, this is her.’

‘Is Detective Kwon Jiyong your brother?’

‘Yes, he’s my brother.’

‘I’m sorry to inform you that your brother was found dead this morning.’



‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes, I‘m sorry for your loss.’

The reality finally sunk in. Her trembling knees soon gave way and she dropped to the ground, the tears pushing relentlessly down her cheeks.

That day had been the start of a long and bitter winter. It was the day she cast her identity aside.

She glanced at the ID she had been fiddling unconsciously.

‘Park Chun-sa.’ She read.

‘Who’s that I wonder?’

* * * * *

‘No forced entry, no signs of struggles, no external wounds, no trace of poisoning, heck the only reason we know it’s a homicide is because the cause of death rules out suicide and natural causes. There’s no doubt about it, this is another one of those ‘untraceable’ homicide.’

Detective Park Yoochun looked up from his notes to see his partner staring intently at the ceiling.


‘Haven’t you notice that in all these cases, the victim is sitting right under a vent?’

‘Are you saying–?’

Before Yoochun could finish his sentence, a commotion outside interrupted him.

‘Who are you? What are you doing here?’ One of the police officers confronted a black-haired woman.

‘Uh…I was just…’

‘Chun-sa shii?’ Yoochun called out uncertainly.

The woman turned around and beamed at the sight of Yoochun.


‘It’s you again, the meddling reporter, Park Chun-sa.’ From behind Yoochun, a disgruntled man stepped forward.

Chun-sa’s happy expression immediately turned to a look of annoyance.

‘Nice to meet you too Yunho-shii.’ She greeted the man, her words dripping with sarcasm.

‘Oh, don’t mind him,’ Yoochun turned to the officer to dismiss him before turning back to Chun-sa. ‘So I guess you’re here for the homicide?’

‘Yes. Is it another one of those ‘untraceable’ cases?’

‘Yes, I’m afraid. However–’

‘That’s enough Yoochun!’ Yunho reprimanded his partner.

‘You shouldn’t be sharing information with an outsider.’ He spoke icily, emphasising the word ‘outsider’.

Chun-sa grated her teeth, preparing to retort, but Yoochun must’ve have noticed because he suddenly cut her off.

‘Oh c’mon hyung. You know as well as me how capable Chun-sa shii is. Maybe she can help us with this case too.’ Yoochun reasoned with his partner.

‘It’s alright Yoochun-shii, it seems I’m not welcome here, maybe, I’ll come back another time.’ Chun-sa bowed then headed for the door.

‘Don’t bother coming back!’ Yunho shouted out to her.

Chun-sa stopped in her tracks, her fist furling into a tight ball. Pausing for a minute, she continued towards the door.

Seeing Chun-sa disappear through the door, Yoochun turned to Yunho, ‘Why do you keep doing that hyung?’


‘You know, purposely irritating Chun-sa shii.’

‘I do not!’ Yunho protested indignantly. ‘I’m just doing my job as a detective, you know we’re not suppose to share information with anybody until the case is close.’

‘I know that. I just think you have a different reason.’

‘Well, there’s not. Get on your work’

The tone of Yunho’s voice indicated that there would be no more discussion on the subject.

‘Have you finished questioning the employees?’

‘Yes, they say ….”

* * * * *


Once outside the building, Chun-sa gave an annoyed shout. The nerve of that Yunho. If it weren’t for Yoochun, she would really give him a piece of her own mind.

Now without any real leads, she would just have to settle for employees’ account of what happened. Trudging down the building steps, she hailed the first cab that passed.

* * * * *

He watched at the corner of Sal-in street. He watched as the paramedics carried the body into the ambulance. He watched as the crowd dispersed and the last of police had left. He watched the female reporter leave followed shortly by the two detectives. Finally, he too disappeared into the shadows.

* * * * *

Endnotes (forgive me if the translations are not accurate, I’m not exactly an expert on the Korean language):
Annyounghasehyo - Hello (formal)
Jwesonghamnida - Sorry (formal)
Hyung - What a younger male calls an older male; usually a term of familiarity
Honorific – shii (formal)

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This is such a good story and Yay two of my favorite people in one story
i haven't been in here for a long time. it's such a good story. update soon..
MissFreshMilk #4
Love It!:D<br />
lOL<br />
UPDTAE SOON!!!!<br />
Remember to read my fan fic!!<br />
lOVE MissFreshMilk:D
good!! thanks for updating!~ (^.6)
oh, i just found this fanfic. yeah, agreed to kesenaitsumi. this is amazing. i'm eager to know the next. please updating this fanfic, kay!! *puppy eyes*
kesenaitsumi #7
why do you have, like, NO subscribers OR comments? this is AMAZING!