Feelings Involved?


The Next Morning:

Sooyoung and Taeyeon walked into their café both yawning loudly. 

"I don't understand why you want get up early to open the café, I bet the girls and guys will wait a whole day if they have to, just to see their beloved Sooyoung..." Taeyeon teased as she sat in a nearby booth. 

"Today is special..." Sooyoung said while closing the curtains that Taeyeon opened up. 

"What are you doing? I just opened those!"  Taeyeon exclaimed as she stood up from the booth. 

Sooyoung smiled, "I need them closed, Tae-unnie." 

Taeyeon eyebrows scrunched together. "Why?"

Sooyoung smiled wider, "Becau-" 

"Sooyoung!" A booming voice echoed through the cafe. 

"Oh~" Taeyeon said in realization. "Got it..." She sat back down and watch the scene play in front of her. 

"Dad!" Sooyoung turned to the employee entrance that only her and Taeyeon could go through, to find her dad looking at her with big smile and open arms.

"Come here, sweetie!" Her dad said.

Sooyoung grinned and walked to her dad to give him a bear hug. "I'm glad you could make it!" 

"I told you I would, and luckily I found time to be able to see you, how have you been?" Her dad asked. 

"Amazing! college is incredible and I get to experience a lot, also this cafe is getting more popular!" Sooyoung said excitedly. 

Taeyeon smiled as she watched Sooyoung enthusiastically tell her dad everything that's been happening to her life. It was like watching the kid-version of Sooyoung surfacing again. 

"I'm so proud of you! I'm glad you're having fun with your life." Mr. Choi smiled at his daughter and turned to see that Taeyeon was sitting and just watching them. "Taeyeon, how have you been? Have you been taking care of Sooyoung?" 

Taeyeon stood up and smiled, "Yes I have Mr. Choi, this child has been in good care." 

Mr. Choi chuckled softly, "Good to have you around her, and I told you to just call me uncle, I already treat you as a second daughter. "

Taeyeon grinned, "yes uncle, someone has to keep this kid out of trouble." 

"Hey! I'm already 19! I'm no kid!!" Sooyoung said pouting. "And you're only a 3 years older than me!!" 

Taeyeon grinned and stuck out her tongue, "I'm gonna go to the convenience store close by, and buy some ramen noodles." She started walking out of the employee door. 

"Tae-unnie...we serve food here...why don't you just make breakfast for yourself?" Sooyoung asked in disbelief.

"Because that means I have to make it...and I'm kind of sick of the muffins for breakfast."

"What's wrong with the muffins we make? They're healthy and delicious." Sooyoung said matter-of-factly.

"Exactly why...they're healthy, I'm gonna buy my self some junk for breakfast...bye... Nice to see you uncle, you guys have fun catching up!" She waved and quickly walked out of the café before Sooyoung could stop her. 

The older Choi chuckled, "That Taeyeon is a keeper, why aren't you dating her?" 

Sooyoung looked at him like he was crazy, "Dad, are you serious?" 

"What?" He sat at a table nearby. "I don't see why you shouldn't. She's a wonderful girl, she cooks, she's responsible, she's very pretty, and you've known her all your life. Now, why don't you make me some of your amazing coffee." 

Sooyoung went behind the counter, "But that's it dad, I've known her since I was a baby, she's like a sister to me...I'm not sure I can see her in a different light." She grabbed a mug and a machine.

"Sweetie, have you ever tried?"

"Nope, and I'm not about to try, she probably sees me as just her troublemaking little sister, and if I do somehow like her in that way I would force myself to forget the feelings." She said as she grinded the coffee beans. 

"Why?" He asked curiously as played with a napkin, which was a funny scene. A man in his late 40'a playing with a napkin, trying to make origami, Sooyoung had to giggle at the sight. 

"Because dad, I have no intention of letting anything get in between our precious friendship." She said as she continued making coffee.

"Alright, but I'm telling you, feelings are feelings and if any kind of feelings form, it's hard to dispose of them." He stopped playing with the napkin and was watching his daughter. 

Sooyoung rolled her eyes, "I'll keep that in mind, anyways, do you just want black coffee or do you want creamer?"

"Creamer, you know black coffee by itself  is too bitter for me." 

"I knew, but I didn't know if it was still the same." She said as she finished making her dad coffee. She walked to her dad carefully and placed the mug in front of her dad. "Here you go." 

He smiled at her and patted her head.  "Thank you,sweetie." 

"You're welcome," she beamed and sat across from him.

As they conversed, on the outside of the employee door was Sooyoung's only best friend slumped against the door.  She was about to come back in to tell Sooyoung that she needed her phone, but she heard what they were talking about, and she couldn't help but eavesdrop. 

She decided that she didn't need her phone that badly, and started to walk away. She walked in silence for a few moments, as she pondered on their conversation. 

She sighed, "What if I don't care if it ruins our friendship?" She opened the door to the convenience store, "Would she be willing to see me differently?" 


"Bye Yuri!" A redhead said in a cheerful manner.

Before the redhead could go, Yuri gently grabbed her forearm, "Tiffany, Where do you think you're going?" 

"I'm going to take pictures of my café girl!" She held up the camera around her neck . 

"Isn't that stalking?" Yuri said letting go of Tiffany, who pouted and crossed her arm.

"No!" Tiffany uncrossed her arms and looked down at her camera, slightly fidgeting with it. "I'm merely observing from afar..."

Yuri rolled her eyes, "oh~ That kind of action has a name for it!" She said with hidden sarcasm.

"What?" Tiffany's eyes slightly lit up.

"Stalking." Yuri said as she tried pulling on Tiffany's arm."Come on, let's just go to the office." 

Tiffany stubbornly slipped out of Yuri's grasp and ran to the towards the café. "I'll see you later!" She waved without looking back at Yuri. 

All Yuri could do was shake her head and sigh. "That crazy girl...I have a weird feeling about what she's about to do..."she put her hands in her pockets and turned to walk towards office she had mentioned earlier. 


With Tiffany:

Giddily walking towards her favorite café, Tiffany her favorite camera. "It's already 6am, so they should be arriving at the café now!" 

At the café:

Mr. Choi looked at his watch, and looked at Sooyoung with a small frown. 

"What's wrong dad?" She asked.

"It's 6, time passed by really fast, I have to go to work." He stood up, "And you have to open up this café for you many adoring fans," he said with a teasing smile. 

Sooyoung pouted. "Do you really have to go?" 

He chuckled, and lightly patted her cheek. "Yes I do...unless you're okay with cameras in here, I have to go." She continued to pout, but she stood up too.

"Remember, it was your choice to do this, so don't blame me~" He teased for the last time. He gave Sooyoung a big bear hug, and kissed her head. She looked up at him and kissed his cheek. 

He let her go. "I'll see you next time, okay?" 

She nodded and walked him out the employee door.

With Tiffany:

"Almost there! I'll be able to see my café girl~" Tiffany smiled wide as she fiddled with her camera. 

What she didn't see, was a car that came out from behind her favorite café.

She was crossing the street and as she looked up, she heard the car's horn beep loudly. Fortunately, the car stopped an inch from Tiffany, who could only gulp, her shock made her legs collapse. 

The driver came out, "Oh No! I'm so sorry! Miss, are you ok?" He asked frantically, while helping her stand.

While the driver helped the girl stand, the owner of the car came out and apologized. "I'm so sorry. We didn't mean to do that. Are you hurt?"

Tiffany shook her head, "I'm ok...I think...anyways, no prob-" She cut herself off as she noticed who she was talking. "Mr. Choi Sung Jung?!?"

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." She did a 90 degree bow. 

Mr. Choi looked confused. "You're sorry. Sweetie, we almost killed you?!?" He looked at the driver, "did we hit her?" He looked back at Tiffany, "Is your head hurting?"

Tiffany shook her head, "No sir! I'm completely fine, I collapse out of shock, I'm completely fine now!" 

Mr. Choi sighed in relief, "Good, uh...what's your name?"

"Tiffany sir...Um...Mr. Choi, sir?" Being a reporter, Tiffany couldn't push away the urge to ask.

"Tiffany, that's a nice name, yes?"

"What were you doing coming from here?" She asked curiously, she couldn't help being snoopy...it's her job. (Also a force of habit.)

"Uh...I came here to get coffee." He pointed at the café. "I've been trying out new places to see if any has potential to promote....well, I have to get going, nice to meet you dear, have a good day, bye." He said hurriedly as he dragged the driver back the car so fast, Tiffany didn't even have time to say bye or at least bow in respect. The car let Tiffany bow, cross and the car drove off, but this time carefully observing the road. 

She shrugged her shoulders and looked to see that she has reached the café, but it was still closed. She saw a bench just beside a window and decided to wait there. 

5minutes later:

Tiffany pouted as she stared at her shoes, "I wonder when this café will open..." 

"Why don't you knock and find out?" The owner of the voice sat down next to Tiffany. 

Tiffany didn't look up and just kept looking at her shoes, but she noticed it was a girl's voice."I don't want to disturb the owner, if they're not ready to open yet."

Tiffany heard the stranger beside her chuckle and thought it was cute, but feeling down that seeing her café girl would have to be delayed, she kept her gaze down. "Who cares about the owner?" The stranger said beside her. 

Tiffany pouted and irritated, "That's rude! Even though I've never talked to the owner, I still care..."She looked up at the stranger next to her. "...about...their...feelings..." 

Unknown to Tiffany, Sooyoung had come out from the employee door and found her sitting on the bench, Sooyoung was curious, that's why she approached her.

Sooyoung gently smiled, "That's nice to know."

Tiffany blinked and blushed. "S-Sorry for the outburst."

Sooyoung chuckled and lightly shook her head. "It's ok." She held out her hand. "I'm Sooyoung, the owner of this café." 

Tiffany thought,'Sooyoung? That's a pretty name...it fits her well.' Tiffany looked at her hand and decided to pretend not to know her and smiled. "Tiffany Hwang, Nice to meet you."

"Tippany?" Sooyoung asked cutely.

Tiffany giggled. "No, its Tiffany...with an f."

"Oh, Ti-Fany." Sooyoung responded. 

In Tiffany's head, she was screaming and jumping in joy. 'OH MY GOD! I'm talking to her!!! She's too cute!!!'

"So why are you here early?" Sooyoung asked as she let go of Tiffany's hand. "Would you like to come in?" Sooyoung asked as she stood up and opened the door. Tiffany followed and went inside. 

Racking her brain for an answer without having to say her real intention, Tiffany used a sentence she heard. "Uh... I was...um...ah! I was looking for new places to see if your café had enough potential to promote and to...um...put...into our newspaper!" Tiffany mentally gave herself a pat on the back to make up such a lie. 

"You work for a newspaper?" Sooyoung asked skeptically.

"Yes, why?" Tiffany asked as she scrunched her eyebrows together. 

Sooyoung grinned, "Because you look like a model."

Tiffany blushed at getting a compliment from her café girl. "Thanks."

"But it's cool you work for a  newspaper." She smiled, but her eyes widened, and she lightly slapped her forehead. "How rude of me? Would you like anything to drink?"

'Omo! She's too cute!' She squealed in her head. "Um...I'm not sure...what do you think is good here?"

Sooyoung gently smiled and stood up straight. She held her right hand to her heart, "I've got quite a sweet tooth, so the sweet chocolate caramel macchiato, is perfect." She moved her hand to Tiffany's shoulder.  "But of course, we can also make a classic caramel macchiato." 

Tiffany smiled at Sooyoung's charming self. "Then I'd like to try your sweet chocolate caramel macchiato." 

Sooyoung grinned widely. "Really?!? You'll try it?!?" She asked excitedly. 

Tiffany was confused on why Sooyoung was so happy, but as long as she could make her pretty café girl smile she could care less. "Yeah, sure." 

Sooyoung grabbed her hand and lightly dragged her to the counter. "Sit here, you can watch me make it!"

When Sooyoung grabbed her hand, all Tiffany could do as stare at the soft hand holding hers. "S-Sure!" She blushed as she sat down in front of the counter. 

Unfortunately for Tiffany, Sooyoung let go of her hand an went behind the counter. "One Sweet Chocolate Caramel Macchiato, coming up!" She grinned at Tiffany, who could do nothing but admire the girl making her coffee. 

Tiffany propped her head up on her arm, she could not believe her luck. She was planning on taking a few pictures of her café girl, which she had found out to be fittingly named Sooyoung. Then go back to Yuri, to work, and admire the pictures she took. 

Suddenly remembering her camera, she picked it up and looked through the lens. "Perfect Picture." Sooyoung turned at the sound of her voice, at the same time, Tiffany luckily captured the moment. 

Sooyoung softly chuckled, "You like your job?"

Tiffany grinned, "I'm a reporter/photographer. So I'm very much in love with my job." 

Sooyoung grinned in reply as she completed setting up, "That's great! I've only met a few people who are passionate about what they do." 

Tiffany nodded in agreement, "I've decided to choose a career that I enjoy, but it's true that there aren't a lot of people of do the same...Do you like working here?" She asked cautiously.

Sooyoung happily nodded and sweetly smiled. "I asked my dad if he could help me, and it was a pretty small café last year, but this year ever since I've gotten more time to balance my education and my job, it's gotten pretty popular...but I'm not trying to brag!...I'm just really proud of our accomplishments." She ended defensively.

Tiffany chuckled. "Don't worry, you don't seem like that type of person." She suddenly realized what Sooyoung had said, she backpedaled. "Education? May I ask how old you are?" She asked, suddenly worried that she might be crushing on a minor. 

"I'm 19. I'm a freshman in college." Sooyoung said fully concentrated on making the drink.

Tiffany let out a quiet breath of relief to herself. And when she saw how concentrated Sooyoung looked, she had to take a picture. 

"How about you? How old are you?" Sooyoung asked in polite grammar.

"I'm 22, I'm only older than you by 3 years." 

"Really?! Tae-unnie is your age too!"

"Taeyeonie?" She asked with a hint of jealousy. 

"Yeah, my unnie that is the co-owner of this place." Sooyoung said without even glancing at Tiffany. 

Tiffany's eye lit up. "Oh! Tae-unnie, that makes sense." 

Sooyoung nodded, "Yup..." She stopped her concentration to look outside. "She should be back anytime now though..."

Sooyoung finished making and put into a cute mug. "Here you go~" She said with a sweet smile.

Before Tiffany accepted it, she took a quick picture, "There..." She grinned at Sooyoung. "That's the last picture." 

Sooyoung put the mug in front of her and motioned for Tiffany to try it. 

Tiffany cautiously blew and brought it to her lips. "Oh my god! That is sweet." She smiled widely, "You really weren't lying...It's good!"

Sooyoung grinned and clapped her hands. "WOOHOO! Yay!!" 

Suddenly, a bell was heard. "What are you being so loud about?" Holding a grocery bag of things in front of her, Taeyeon didn't notice Tiffany.

"Did uncle leave?"

"Tae-unnie! You're finally here! And yes, Dad did leave." Sooyoung exclaimed. All Tiffany could do was observe their interactions. 

Sooyoung got out from behind the counter and walked towards Taeyeon to help out like usual. "Wow, you bought a lot." She said shuffling through the bag. 

When Sooyoung took the bag, Taeyeon was surprised to see a girl already sitting in front of the counter just staring at them. 

"Um...hi?" Taeyeon said awkwardly.

"Hi..." Tiffany politely answered back.

"Um...Sooyoung, what time is it?" Taeyeon asked.

"It's just 6:30." Sooyoung said looking at the digital clock on their wall. 

"Right...so?" Taeyeon didn't want to be rude, but Sooyoung didn't usually invite customers in, until it was time to open. She looked at Sooyoung and subtly motioned towards Tiffany. 

"What?...Oh!" Sooyoung  exclaimed, it took her a few seconds to understand Taeyeon. 

"She's a reporter slash photographer, and she came here early thinking we were going to be open at 6...she said she was looking for new places to promote." She took a second to glance back at Tiffany and smile at her, which the redhead slightly dizzy. 

"Oh! That's great!" Taeyeon exclaimed. "Did you get something to drink already?" 

Tiffany nodded and looked at Sooyoung. "You're dongsaeng here, made me a...what was called again?"

Sooyoung grinned, and put an arm around Taeyeon's shoulders. "Sweet Chocolate Caramel Mac-chi-a-to!" She said in a gloating tone.

Taeyeon raised an eyebrow and looked at Tiffany, "And you liked it?"

Tiffany blushed at the attention of two pretty girls, especially from the model of her many pictures. "I've got quite a sweet tooth." She looked up at Sooyoung subtly in expecting her to react. 

Sooyoung's grin grew wider as she realized Tiffany was quoting her. "See Tae-unnie! There ARE people like me who REALLY like sweets!" 

Taeyeon chuckled an shrugged Sooyoung arm off her shoulder. "Alright, whatever you say, I'll think about putting it in the menu, I'm going to go out up these groceries." She went into the kitchen leaving the two alone.

Tiffany was unconsciously staring at Sooyoung, which made the younger girl panic.

"What?" Sooyoung started touching her face, "Is there something in my face?" 

Tiffany giggled and gently shook her head, "No there isn't...it's just that you're eyes are really pretty."

Sooyoung blushed, though she doesn't want to admit it, she gets a lot of compliments and she's somewhat used to it, but to Sooyoung it feels different hearing it from her newfound unnie/friend. 

"Thanks, unnie."

"You're Wel-" The lyrics of Go Away from 2ne1 starts to play and spreads throughout the café. 

Sooyoung smiles and gestures for Tiffany to take her call, while Sooyoung looks around like she's giving Tiffany space for privacy. Which by the way drives Tiffany crazy, because she thinks its too cute. 

She grudgingly answers the call, "Hello?" In an indifferent tone. 

To Sooyoung it might seem like she answers all her calls that way, but the receiver of the hello knew how annoyed Tiffany was at being interrupted.

Tiffany smiled widely at Sooyoung, who returned it with a sincere patient smile.

"Did I interrupt something? You sound annoyed..." The other person on the line said.

"Yeah, I'm talking to SOMEONE, right now, Yuri...so..." Tiffany said while smiling.

"Why do you sound so mad?" Yuri responded.

"I'll tell you later, what do you want?"

"Mrs. Butox is coming in an hour, and if you're not here, you might ACTUALLY get in trouble..." Yuri said in a panicky voice.

"Oh Crap! I'm coming." She said with clenched teeth. She hung up, thinking that she didn't a goodbye from Yuri. She looked at Sooyoung apologetically. "I have to go..."

Sooyoung pouted but nodded. "Ah! Before you go..." She went behind the counter and transferred Tiffany's macchiato into a paper coffee cup. "Take it with you." She said with a sweet smile.

Tiffany swears that her heart just stopped when Sooyoung pouted, but she was quickly  resuscitated after seeing the younger one's cute actions and smile. "Thanks...I think I'll come by again!"

"You better!" After giving Tiffany coffee, Sooyoung went towards the older girl and gave her a goodbye hug, which in return made the redhead's heart jumping wildly. 

"O-Ok...b-bye..." She left, but when she got outside she shook her head. "Snap out of it! It's not the time to daydream!" Tiffany scolded herself.

She started running, while skillfully saving her coffee. "Gotta get to the office!"


7:30 AM

A Girl's POV:

Same routine again...

Waking up, washing up, dressing up nicely, then walking out of the house. Then going to a café that my best friend likes to go to. And to be honest I like it too.




...there's this girl that captured my attention, and she's always at the café. The first time I caught sight of her in the café, I decided that I loved going there. I'm not sure my best friend knows my infatuation, but I know she likes someone in the café. She told me herself that there was a certain someone she's into. But then again, she could know 'cause she's my best friend, and I can't hide anything from her...even if tried. But to be honest, I'm not worried that the people we like could be the same person, because Sunny and I don't even have the same type in girls.

Anyways, to the present now, I'm on my way to the café, today I've decided to "accidentally" come too early. And for now, that's my plan, I'll just wing from there. 

Walking towards the café, a girl with red hair and looks about my age bumps into my shoulder. She bows and apologizes.

"It's fine." I said indifferently.

"Ok bye, sorry again." The redhead turns and starts to sprint away, looking like her life depended on it. 

After observing the redhead run away for a second, I turned towards the café and saw the co-owner of the café. She had surprise written all over her face.

"J-Jessica-ssi? W-What are you doing here?" She stuttered.

Her flustered stuttering self is too adorable! I thought as I kept my face of indifference on. 

"I'm here to drink coffee..." I said with an obnoxious tone. "I mean...this is a café, isn't it?" I asked sarcastically.

She blushed and gulped. "Y-Yeah...but...we haven't opened yet..."

"So I have to wait out here?" I am so close to breaking out of my facade to hug her, she's too adorable.

She slightly frowned in thought, and her shoulders slumped. "I can't do that either...why don't you come in?" She slid to her right and made way for me to enter, which I did. As I walked past her, it was quick and short, but I caught a bit of her scent. 

I was a bit taken back, by how the scent attracted me so much. But nonetheless, I succeeded in keeping my cold facade. 

"Thanks..." I turned to look at her. 

"Y-You're welcome...Um, would yo-" I faced away from her and started to walk to a near table, because I knew my face was starting to heat up from just talking to her. 

She cleared and started again. "Would you like something to drink?" She asked cautiously.

I felt bad for being rude to her but I couldn't let her see that I was blushing! That's just embarrassing...

"I would like the classic caramel macchiato." I say calmly and coldly, while looking outside the window. 

I know it's rude not to look at the person you're talking to, but I feel like if I turn to even glance for a second, and I'll be so mesmerized, that I'll end up staring at her and making her feel uncomfortable. And I know, I'm slightly being more rude to her than I am to others, but it's because the feelings she gives me are so overwhelming that I can't help but push her away.

"Sure thing, it'll be out in a few moments..." She replied quietly.

A few moments later, I couldn't resist the urge to look. I turned my head saw her sincerely making my order. I felt my heart skip a beat. She must have felt me looking because her eyes met mine, and she gave me a small smile. 

It's like an arrow was shot my way, because I slowly turned to the windows again to feel my own heartbeat go really fast. 

Under the table, I held my wrist trying to feel how fast my pulse was, and to be honest it felt so fast, that in a few seconds, I wouldn't be surprised if I had a heart attack. 

'Why is she so nice?' I thought in my head as I stared at the window. All I've done is be rude and mean to her, but she just smiles in return like an angel.

I gave a big deep sigh. 

"Have a lot on your mind?" She asked cautiously. 

I decided to soften up a little. I gently shook my head and glanced in her direction. "I just have...um...something on my mind, constantly, so it's bothering me just a bit."

On the contrary, I'm totally gay. I'm not being rude to her because I'm denying my feelings or anything like that, it's because no girl has made me felt the way she does, and to still be friendly after countering my cold side, it just brings a lot of feelings to my thoughts...and body.

I looked at her and was so mesmerized that I was just bluntly staring at her,  "Yeah...this is my first year in college, in case you didn't know, and it's been really hectic lately..." She paused her actions and looked in my direction, looking into my eyes while she talked, and beamed. "...but overall I love it better than high school, because I get to meet a lot of different people."

"Hey, Youngie, where should I put--oh! Another customer...hello there." The co-owner looked at me and smiled. I didn't know her name, and even though it's mean of me I didn't really care much if I didn't know her, I just saw her every day I come here, but I've never talked to her. She is a really pretty girl that sometimes their interactions would make jealous of her. 

Ugh...I've got to get over myself. 

"Sorry, but will you excuse us for a moment." The shorter owner asked Sooyoung.

"Hold on..." Sooyoung walked over to me and gave me my macchiato. "Here you go, enjoy." She said with a genuine smile. 

I internally died in that moment.

"Sooyoung..." The co-owner said.

"Alright, I'm coming...." She turned to me. "Excuse us." 

They walked into the kitchen. But I can still hear them, they as whispering. 

"How can you do this twice? If Other people find out, we might have to start opening earlier." I heard the older girl say. 

"I'm sorry Taeyeonnie...She was outside and I saw her so I couldn't just ignore her..." Sooyoung said softly in defense.

'Taeyeonnie' gave a huge sigh, "alright, but can you just tell your friend not to tell anyone."

They came out and Sooyoung was smiling brightly at me. "Can you do me a favor?"

"I won't tell anyone." I said coldly as I sipped my coffee.

"You heard?" She asked a bit guilty.

I nodded, then shrugged. "It's fine, I understand."

She smiled again, this must be a habit for her, smiling that is. "Then in return, you'll be one of our special customers, as long as we're here come as early as you want, but not earlier than 6." She ended sheepishly. 

I showed a small smile and nodded. "Thanks." 

She stared. "Y-You smiled." She said a bit surprised. 

"I can't smile?" I asked with a cold demeanor again. 

She violently shook her head. "N-No! It's just surprising, that's all...in fact you should do it more, makes you look prettier." She concluded with what looked like a really genuine smile.




I turned away from her and tried to just sipped my coffee, trying to hide the blush, that I know is showing on my cheeks.

Dang it Sooyoung!

When you say things like that it's hard to calm my heart down. 

Well, they do say that caffeine isn't good for your heart, so I'm thinking, maybe the excitement caused by this café should be avoided...

But the question is...how would I even find the will to pull away? 

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Chapter 3: O_o
i died reading this... so much sugar overdose in one day... and i should do my thesis...
o_O imma going to camp here too, kay?
and you really should told me about your fic... seriously, i need this soo-centered kind of fic :3
qwertyuiopppp_ #2
Chapter 2: can sooyoung date taeyeon first? HAHAHAHAHA
Soofany_Lover #3
Chapter 2: OMG . It's so cute. Why sooyoung unnie is so adoreable? XD
Anyways keep updating
Chapter 2: ...finaaaallyyyyyy!! XD
ShikMush #5
Chapter 2: mahhhgawwdddd this sooo greattt!!!
hwaiting author
Syoung-pairings ftw :DDD
Sootuff #6
I just found your fic.
Sooyoung is my ultimate bias that I'll forever love her.
And you describe her so perfect here!!!
OMG I just love when lots of people fall for Sooyoung!!
Seriously she just so charmingly pretty cute beautiful girl!!!
And I see SooSica, SooFany and SooTae already. But SooSica is my otp so...
It's okay! I want to see more Sooyoung pairings here!
Thank you!!!
Chapter 1: ...in short...I SO LOOOOOVE THIS STORY ❤❤❤ all my fave OTPs are heeeeereeee...the feel, man. Cant controoool :3
Totomatoes #8
I love it~~!! Sooyoung is too precious, omona~! I love how you portrayed her personality as sweet and sincere, and I love how kind she is ^^ Plus the little bit of Soo blushing is just cuuute!!

I guess Taeyeon is like Soo's guardian angel...? Hahaha, it's adorable!

Kai though, what are you doing here? XD Go back to your planet hahaha.

For now I still haven't chosen which ship I'm gonna support, but I will definitely look after this story ^^
Chapter 1: Yay! SooSicFany! Love it ^^
10151996-ji #10
Chapter 1: Omg sooharem would be nice xD can you include nana too? Kkk interesting chapter btw. Hope you update soon. :)