Toy Soldier (Drabble)


Little toy soldier Yongguk.


Just a little drabble/few sentence story I started writing while chatting to my friend. 
It goes with the current BAP controversy and the lawsuits etc

It might seem to be quite angsty in a way due to the recent events.
Plus it will kinda link with my other BAP/Yongguk fic which I will  link. ( HERE )
Read that first if you want too, it might help with the soldier type vibe I have going on.

Either way, I hope you enjoy this drabble.

Saranghae my lovies! ♥


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Chapter 1: Wow, this was good! I really liked "peace was an option. Yet war seemed better." Idky bit its just so..ugh.
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness this is so lovely! I had tears in my eyes by the end of it :')