A poem for my one sided love


He doesn't care.. But me who gets so happy when he message me first.. Like a fool... I get happy and my emotions get filled with excitement. He doesn't care... He only sees me as a "thing" who he asks opinions when he wants and talks when he feels like it.. and just throws me away... He's doesn't care that I love him so much. He doesn't care that I'll always be there for him. He doesn't care that I'll always be helping him. He doesn't care... He doesn't care... At all. Like a fool, I wait and wait. For him I can do anything but I'm so stupid because he doesn't care, he doesn't care. he doesn't care...... Get it through your head.

When he turns around I look at him.. When I hear the facebook chat notification I keep thinking and hoping that it's him.... but everytime it dissapoints me. Until that one day when he actually messaged me. He said he wants a favour. We only exchanged 3 or 4 sentences and it was the end. I want to talk to him longer. I wish I could but then again he would find it annoying and he wouldn't care. I keep hoping that it's him until I check my faceboox chat friends list and see that the green light that was next to his name is replace by dark grey coloured letters.  


A poem for my one sided love. Do you feel this way? (A new fanfic idea, Character would be revealed later when the idea is complete. Who do you want to see in the fanfic? If you have any ideas please write them in the comment section. Thank you.) 


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I love to read the character of the JoTwins in BOYFRIEND..haha its just my suggestion..