Hyung is a Star! 02

Hyung is a Star!

Kyungsoo doesn’t believe it at first. What is Kim Jongin himself doing in a 7-11? Doesn’t he have important things to be doing, like practicing, or something… something else other than this? He nearly drops the carton of eggs again.

“Sorry,” grunts Kai, beginning to walk past Kyungsoo.

To be honest, Kyungsoo is shocked. First, because Kai didn’t even stop and ask if he or the eggs were okay, and second, because Kai just spoke to him. Kyungsoo reaches for Kai’s arm to stop him, and the taller male looks down at him, impatient and wondering what he wants.

“You’re Kai. Kim Jongin,” says Kyungsoo shakily, still unable to believe it.

Kai’s eyes go wide as he realizes that he was just recognized, and he tries to shake Kyungsoo off. But the younger’s grip is tight, and a smile crosses his face. “You’re Kai from XO!” he exclaims, and Kai tries to shush him.

“Shhh. No I’m not. You’re crazy.”

“No, you are Kai! Omo! I can’t believe that I ran into you here of all places! I was just thinking earlier, what if I ran into Kai at some random place, and what would I do and say and how would I react, and here you are, and – omo, you’re Kai! I love XO!” rambles Kyungsoo, his grin growing wider with each passing moment. He lets go of Kai and holds out his hand. “My name is Do Kyungsoo and I’m your biggest fan.”

Kyungsoo is perfectly aware that he’s probably coming across as stalkerish and creepy but he can’t help it. This is the love of his life standing right in front of him.

“Okay, uh…” There’s a moment of silence as Kai looks for the right words to say, and then he finally says, “I have to go.”

And he sprints out of the store.

Kyungsoo looks down at his hands. Eggs… or Kai?

Eggs… or Kai?

Eggs… or Kai?

He puts the eggs back and sprints after Kai. It’s not hard to spot him; a six foot tall man running across the street in an otherwise empty neighborhood. “Kai!” screams Kyungsoo. “Hyung, come back!”

Kai runs faster.

“I’m not a sasaeng, I promise! I’m just a normal fan!” A fan who’s in love with you and just wants to kiss you! adds Kyungsoo in his head.

And eventually, of course, Kai tires out and has to stop running. Kyungsoo is panting as he catches up to Kai, putting a hand on the other’s back and wheezing. “I… don’t have my inhaler,” he rasps before falling to his knees.

Kai curses under his breath and kneels beside Kyungsoo. “Are you going to be okay?” he asks. His voice is deep and husky, and it sends a chill down Kyungsoo’s spine.

Nodding, the younger boy clears his throat and looks back at him. “I can’t believe you’re Kim Jongin,” he whispers, his voice weak. Then Kyungsoo is laughing hysterically. “You’re Kai! I can’t believe it!” He’s sure Kai gets this a lot from fangirls, so at least he’s used to it.

“Yes, yes, I’m Kai.” He stands up and runs his hand through his hair and Kyungsoo gawks at him, amazed by how ridiculously hot that simple gesture was. “What do you want from me? Do you want to take a selca with me, or do you want me to autograph something for you…” He trails off and looks at Kyungsoo.

What do I want? wonders Kyungsoo. He wants to be Kai’s best friend, to fall in love with Kai and spend the rest of his life with him, but he probably can’t have that. “I want…” Kyungsoo thinks for another moment. “Your phone number,” he finally finishes lamely, unable to think of anything else.

Kai’s eyes widen. “I can’t just give that out, you know. If I gave my phone number to everyone who asked for it, my phone would constantly be blowing up. And besides, even idols have privacy rights, you know.” He crosses his arms over his chest.

A surge of boldness flows through Kyungsoo and he says, “Fine. Then I want to go on a date with you.” Where is this coming from? he wonders. Here he is, asking Kim Jongin of all people out on a date.

“I don’t feel that way about boys,” says Kai flatly.

Kyungsoo blushes. He’d completely forgotten about the whole gender thing. After being a homoual fanboy for so long, he forgot that his idols weren’t all gay, too. “Hyuunnngg,” he whines, pouting. “I really like you.”

“That’s nice. But I have to go.”

Tears spring into Kyungsoo’s eyes. He’s so embarrassed. I can’t believe I’m about to start crying in front of the one person who means the most to me in this entire world. Unfortunately, Kai notices… or maybe, fortunately. He sighs, thinks about something, and then says, “Hand me your cell phone.”

Confused, Kyungsoo hands over his iPhone. Kai fiddles with it for a moment and then hands it back. “I added myself as a new contact. Please don’t share my phone number with anybody. I just had to get a new phone because fans got my number somehow.” He chuckles uncomfortably. “I really have to go now. I was just supposed to get some ice cream for myself and the guys, and I didn’t even get the ice cream.”

“I was supposed to get eggs for my mom to bake a cake, but here I am, eggless.” Kyungsoo shrugs, trying his hardest not to jump up and scream, I JUST GOT KIM JONGIN’S NUMBER!

“It was nice meeting you, uh…”

“Oh! My name is Do Kyungsoo. It was fantastic meeting you, hyung.”

Then Kai is walking away, and Kyungsoo’s heart is beating so fast it’s probably going to leap out of his chest. Kyungsoo hurries home, and when his mother scolds him for not even getting the eggs and somehow losing the money, too, Kyungsoo doesn’t even mind.

Later that night, he’s laying in bed staring at the contact that reads ‘Kim Jongin’ with a little music note beside it. He smiles just seeing the contact, and it takes everything in him to not call or text right now. Besides, what would he even have to say? ‘Hi’?

He’ll call in a couple of days, he decides. And as he falls asleep that night, he’s wondering how the conversation will go.

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Chapter 28: Please update soon. Please.
AmyWtsn #2
Checking back in...
AmyWtsn #3
Chapter 28: He should apologize and admit he'said scared... oh wait he'said a silly boy in love. Nevermind.
_chanchan #4
myriad52 #5
Chapter 28: oh god i can't wait for the next chapter
AmyWtsn #6
Chapter 27: Need more with him being a trainee.
_chanchan #7
AmyWtsn #9
Chapter 23: I understand. I haven't updated in months eithe. Sigh. This was an adorably cute chapter. Thank you.