

I slid the classroom door the next morning.

All the chairs had been set down and Wonwoo sat in his usual table hunched over a piece of paper.

I sat across from Wonwoo on the desk with my feet swinging off the desk “What’s the plan?” I looked down at the paper Wonwoo was writing on.

He looked up from the paper and spoke, “We’re going to Seoul.”

“Can you be more specific?”

“We’re going to look for Soonyoung in the center of Seoul, the surveillance camera I watched showed that he entered that one way non stop train to Seoul, the train stops at the train station in the center of Seoul. If we’re lucky Soonyoung is staying around that area.”

“When are we leaving?”

“Right when Christmas break starts. The sooner the better.”

“Where will we be staying once we get to Seoul?” Wonwoo looked back down to the sheet of paper. “You didn’t think of that did you?” I asked. He shook his head. I my lips in an attempt to think of a place for us to stay. My phone suddenly went off with text messages, I pulled out my phone and took a look about  what was so important that they all had to text me when they were supposed to be in school. “How about we stay with my friends?” I pulled my eyes away from my phone.

“What?” Wonwoo asked.

“I’ve told you this before haven’t I? I lived in Seoul before I moved, we could just stay with a few of my friends.”

“Won’t that be kind of obvious? If our parents were to find out we’re heading to Seoul wouldn’t they ask your friends if we were staying with them?”

“Not exactly,” I smiled a bit, “they don’t live in the center of Seoul but close and still not close, plus my parents never met all my friends and a few of my friends might be willing to help us, besides they’re good at lying if anyone raises any suspicion.”

“What if they’re lying to you?”

“Do you have a better idea? I know you’re rich so you can probably pay for a motel in Seoul but wouldn’t your parents find it suspicious if you take a bunch of money before disappearing?”

“Fine but we’re only staying with your friends for a few days, after that we’re on our own.”

“I’ll call-”

The classroom door slid opened startling both me and Wonwoo. I jumped off the desk as Wonwoo tried his best to hide the sheet of paper.

“Morning Mingyu,” I smiled, “what are you doing in here? You’re not supposed to be here this early if it isn’t your turn for morning cleaning duties.”

Mingyu smiled his lips starting to make him look like a newborn puppy having his tummy rubbed for the first time, “I figured you haven’t had anything to eat since you had to come early so I brought you this,” he held out a pack of strawberry flavored Hi-chew.

“Thanks,” I took the pack of candy from him and managed to get a piece out.

“Fat,” I could hear Wonwoo mumble under his breath.

 I ripped the piece of candy in half, before taking it out of the wrapper. Squishing Wonwoo's cheeks together I popped half the candy into his mouth, “Your friend brought it risking the fact that he could’ve gotten in trouble, you should be grateful,” I hissed before popping the other  “Your friend brought it risking the fact that he could’ve gotten in trouble, you should be grateful,” I hissed before popping the other half into my own mouth. Wonwoo’s eyes widened a bit before he coughed. “Thank you,” I smiled at Mingyu before giving him back the pack and leading him out the door.

“You sure you don’t want the rest?” Mingyu asked holding the door.

“Yea, but thanks anyway,” I made sure Mingyu left before sliding the door shut. For the rest of the morning Wonwoo and I went over the plan inspecting all the details.

During lunch I walked around outside looking for a deserted place. I ended up finding a leafless tree no one was near. Quickly, I pulled out my phone and dialed the one person I could rely on. It rang three times before they finally picked up.

“Yuna?” the voice on the other line asked.

“Umhm,” I nodded even though they couldn’t see me.

“Oh what’s up?” I could hear chatter going on in the background, “hold on I can’t hear that great,” shuffling was made as wind sounds came through the speakers on my end, “okay now I can hear better,” no other sounds were heard on the other end.

“So you know how you said I could go to you for help no matter what it was? Well me and my friend are thinking of going to Seoul for Christmas break and we kind of need of a place to stay for awhile,” I waited for a reply.

“Do you even have to ask?” I heard them trying to hold back a laughter, “you remember the address right?”

“I think it’s,” I recited the address from the back of my head.

“Yup, the passcode’s the same as always.”

“Thanks,” we had a short conversation before bidding bye.

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sanghyxk #1
Chapter 3: ooooh I'm so excited to see how this turns out!
Chapter 1: Ah~ this is so cute ♥-♥ thank you for the update!
Chapter 1: Omg an update! Im so happy~ ♥
And the chapter is just soooo cute *-*
Ellie__Song #4
Chapter 1: I loved the last part of this chapter! It was like AHHHHH! <3 Update please! Soonyoung is my bias hehe *-*
Can't wait to read it~ ^^