No Place for Love


People in love have impaired judgment.They should not be allowed to operate heavy machinery or make important decisions.Yes, true love is enduring. It is also rare. Everyone else is just temporarily insane. -Brenda L. Baker, Sisters of the Sari


It's not that I don't need love, the problem is that there no room for love. That place for love is reserved for seven men I will never meet.



I like to tell things upfront. Having a friend find out something about me through another source is not what I’m going for. For example, let’s say our mutual friend invites us to a social function. Ingrained etiquette for me includes a bow, and introducing myself. I’ll ask you about your life. I’ll listen carefully (or at least pretend to) and mentally put the final touches on what I’d like you to know about me. What are some things I might say about myself? I’m from Chuncheon, I’m a Engineering student, I’m a wannabe idol, my midnight snack is wings with dakgalbi, and some other snippets of my mostly uninteresting life. Before this friendship goes any further, I’d like to include one more thing about me:



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