Sandy & Loco's Dilemma...

Sandy & Loco's Dilemma...

Sandy stood outside of Loco's house, her breath unsteady and her hands clenched. Slowly she raised the, about to knock when the door swung open. Sandy staggered back, there he was. Loco wore his pink onesies and had matching uggs to go with, the outfit that made Sandy weak.


Loco's eyes beamed as he saw what was unrecognisably Sandy's signature bun, "Sandy!!! Come in! I want to show you something." His warm soft hands held Sandy's and dragged her to his bedroom. He made her sit on his bed and told her to close her eyes, leaning in to her ears he whispered, "Are you ready?"

Sandy's heart raced, this was finally the day they would do it

She felt his soft touch travel up her spine, "Oh Loco, she couldn't help it. She opened her eyes."

Loco was holding a plushie and controlled it so its arm was touching Sandy's leg, "No peeky-weeky Sandy!" He giggled.

Sandy sighed, "I thought this was finally the day we would do it Loco baby." She pushed herself off of his stuff toy covered bed. 

She turned to leave his room when his hand grabbed her arm, it felt different to normally, it felt like a man's hand.

Was this the same Loco?

"Sandy..." Loco held her face in his hands, "What's it?" A small fart escaped his onesies, Sandy tried not to let her eyes water.

She pulled away from his grasp and ran to his front yard, "I knew you were too immature! I need me a real man! Like Dok2 oppa."

As she cried and ran to the Mercedes Benz that was parked up the road where Dok2 was waiting, Loco looked into the distance until he saw Sandy drive off.


If only he knew what the big boy word immature meant.

He shrugged and shuffled back inside, ready to drink his daily dose of milk.

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