chapter 7 : back back again
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This is a flashback before namjoon meet Jimin and Jungkook at the beach,

Namjoon walked out from Jimin’s hotel room after he took a bath. He need to find jimin , it has been one hour since he left.

Namjoon locked the room and walked toward the elevator. He sighed. He really didn’t expect that jungkook would be there. Poor Jungkook, he must be really shock that he even  yelled at Jimin. He never yelled at Jimin before. And somehow  Namjoon felt guilty as if  its all his fault to took Jimin away too long. But he cant help it. Jimin must suffered a lot that he cant remember a thing about his marriage.

Namjoon still remember how Jungkook was so excited telling him about his marriage. Jimin doesn’t have parent so Namjoon became his best man since that time, namjoon is all he have beside his grandmother.

His daydreaming interrupted when someone tapped his shoulder.

“oh, Namjoon?”

Namjoon turned around to meet a tall man smiling at him before something clicked in his head,

“Jaehwan hyung!” Namjoon cooed.  Jaehwan is  someone he knew when he first came here.  He was in vacation at that time.

“it’s been a while! Oh, you grew up so well!” he said and patted Namjoon’s shoulder.

“neh, hyung! The last time I saw you when… oh, you helped me to carry.. Johny into the car!” Namjoon said and laughed remembering the moment..

Jaehwan smirked.

“so where is your little crush? He is not with you?” Jaehwan teased. Namjoon blushed before punched jaehwan’s shoulder lightly.

“no hyung! Well, we lost contact when I left to seoul… I even came here every year,”

Yes, namjoon’s first love is a guy with the name Johny. He look Korean though but he said his name is Johny. Namjoon meet him when he went to the club. That guy badly drunk and fainted in the middle of the road.

Namjoon who accidentally pass by the place, kindly bring him back to his hotel room.  What namjoon knew, the guy lost his little brother because he keep saying it and said that its all his fault. When he finally asleep, namjoon at last had the chance to look at his face properly.

That is when, namjoon fall in love with the man. Even he had a messy long hair and dirt on his face, namjoon fall in love stupidly on this guy.  Its weird but yeah, love is blind and unexplainable,

but, next day, he’s gone. Leaving a short note

‘thank you, and I’m sorry’


Namjoon came back to Jeju island every year on the same date , hoping to meet him again but.. he never see the guy anymore.

“weird,” jaehwan said out of blue.


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sorry, you guys have to wait because my laptop is being such a to me, so i cant post it, i already wrote 3 more chapter


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Author-nim... I miss your story T_T
minimievk #2
Chapter 29: Authormin please dont forget about this storyyyyyy T.T
oronoazorro #3
Chapter 29: Author-nim where are you ~ T.T
helloimavkooklover #4
Chapter 29: Please finish it authornim I'm dying in suspense here
plssss update T.T
camy_chaztler #6
Chapter 29: authornim you can't leave me haning here!!! i' m dying to know more........plz update
-Jimean #7
-Jimean #8
Chapter 29: Omg Don't make yoongi cheat on jimin asdfghjkl imma cri a fxxking river (ehem srry for the 'word') but if it's included in the plot of your story, then I'm not gonna force you lool
Chimslunatic #9
Chapter 29: uarghhh pls update :(
selu9490 #10
Chapter 29: please update this story soon! I really love it!(: