Skinny Love

Skinny Love

'Skinny Love: When two people are in love with each other, but are too shy to admit it, although they still show it.'
Heechul chuckled at the unassuming term that appeared so often on his computer. The low level of light in the room accompanied by the garish veil brought on by the computer gave him a ghostly appearance. Pale skin along with a sinful smirk could bring perhaps a bit too much eccentricity sometimes. The 'chuckle' supported this, for when a tall, cat-like man entered the room, he shivered at the atmosphere.
Heechul remained as he was. "What is it, Leeteuk?" He said kindly, but with a slight urethral quality to his voice. Or so it seemed to Leeteuk, who, in the sudden change of light, could barely make out the shapes in the room.
Leeteuk shifted nervously, squinting at the slim silhouette. "I-I brought you some food." He said quietly. Heechul turned in his chair, while the other turned his head away, attempting to hide the blush on his cheeks.
A smirk. "Why thank you. Is that all?" An outsider would view this exchange as odd, seeing as though Leeteuk had gone through trouble to bring a friend food, but when he glanced back up at his ghostly friend, his face showed anything but annoyance. In fact, it was rather satisfied, as was the expression on Heechul's face. Their eyes sparkled in spite of the darkness, and after a moment of comfortable silence, the cat-like man turned to leave.
"Just a moment." Heechul stood, voicing his objection. He crossed the room quickly, appearing to float gracefully across the thick carpet. Leeteuk had paused mid-step upon hearing the command, and now stood stock-still in what could only be categorized as anticipation. The muscles in his back tensed noticeably as Heechul's hands brushed his back, then traveled further until they met once again upon Leeteuk's stomach.
Heechul sighed, his breath warming the spot just below Leeteuk's neck, and proceeded to pull him gently back into the dimly-lit room. At a glance, this would appear akward, as their legs moved in unison, but upon closer inspection one would note how their legs never once touched, never brushed together. As though the move had been repeated countless times.
At one point Leeteuk's hands had moved upward, gently lingering on the pale fingers that had entrapped him so completely. This lasted just long enough to create suspicion, but then the strong hands moved on, tangling themselves in the blonde hair resting on Leeteuk's head like a large, yellow cat.
"Couldn't have you leaving now, could I?" Said Heechul upon disentangling himself. Leeteuk raised his eyebrows, appearing skeptical but not disputing the reason for the embrace.
He nodded his agreement, eyes meeting the ghostly man's. "No, of course not."
Neither could stop the blush that made it's way across their faces. "Well, aren't you going to eat with me?" Said Heechul after a moment of silence, crossing his arms and looking away.
Leeteuk smiled, eyes alighting upon the man before him lovingly. "If you wish." He whispered, and Heechul glanced back, lips pushed out in a pout.
"Of course I wish." He mumbled.
Skinny Love: When two people are in love with each other, but are too shy to admit it, although they still show it.






This was a request from Bunz. Hope you like it. I know it's short, but I think the point kinda comes across stronger that way. Oh yeah. I should probably spell check.

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Wow, that's so sweet and lovely.

I like it short. It would have lost all the impact if it was any longer.
That was beautiful... :)
too short.. ;_;