
Way Back Home

Upon hearing those words from his beloved brother, Jinyoung sprinted towards the train station just to be welcomed by a huge and bright 'close' signage. With his heart pounding badly, limbs shaking in despair and eyes watering due to worry, Jinyoung run towards the nearest bus stop which happens to be a quite far from his area. No taxis were in sight, he forced himself to run. He was too desperate to go back to Seoul and offer his shoulder to his sibling. His heart can't tolerate the fact that Youngjae's so down and he can't do anything about it. At that time in the night, it's odd to see a person running through the silent streets of Jinhae, gasping for air to catch a bus to Seoul.

He reached the bus stop after an hour of restless running. Drenched in sweat, Jinyoung stood there and wished to catch the next bus. With his luck, a bus arrived. Without thinking twice, Jinyoung rode and sat on a vacant seat at the back. The bus was almost empty. There were some couples, students, elderly and random individuals. As the bus started moving, Jinyoung rested his head against the window while fatigue begun to invade his physique. He might take a nap for a while. But he still can't find peace in his mind as the echoes of Youngjae's cries played back in his head. It's heart shattering. Jinyoung pulled his phone out of his pocket as he heard a beep. A message from Mark.


From: Mark

Hey babe! I know you're already sleeping by now, so I apologize if I disturbed your slumber. The work here in the site is no joke. I doubt if I will be able to sleep tonight. My head hurts and my back is starting to feel tired as well. :( I miss you, Nyoungie! I miss you sooo much! I want to hug you tight right now. Sleep well! Take care, baby! I love you, to heaven and up above!


The fuzzy feeling tingling inside him was certainly undeniable. He felt so loved and cherished. For a short while, he forgot all the worries that Youngjae's situation gave him. Mark really is a lifesaver. Jinyoung closed his eyes and agreed that he'll answer the message as soon as everything is settled, most probably when he already arrived in Seoul. He checked the time. 11:29PM. Jinyoung sighed and closed his tired eyes.

He woke up after 2 hours. The bus was near the almost central station and he was so thankful that he can finally see his brother. He got off after several minutes and instantly rode a cab heading to the apartment. His foot was tapping wildly against the smooth flooring of the taxi, he can't stop it. He needs to see his brother as soon as possible or he'll go crazy.

Finally, the cab stopped in front of the building. A huge relief that the place was still vibrant with all the blinding street lights. He climbed up and rushed towards the unit. He knocked furiously and waited for someone to open it. The knob turned and he was welcomed by Yugyeom. "Jinyoung hyung! Come in." he said, letting the elder enter the room.

"Where is he?" Jinyoung asked, walking towards the couch. Yugyeom followed and sat beside the man. "He's already sleeping. Luckily, I was able to calm him down." the younger replied, scratching his nape. It wasn't his first time to talk to Jinyoung but he feels really nervous whenever he does. Jinyoung nodded and rested his limping body against the soft couch. "Do you know what happened?"

Yugyeom made a weak nod and reached for an envelope tucked between Youngjae's books. "Nothing was stated clearly. He was called by the dean and got kicked out for no valid reason." Yugyeom said, anger was very visible within the tone of his voice. "I feel so bad for him. He's a role model to everyone, even to me." he added, looking sadly at Jinyoung.

As a brother, it really hurts to know that he's younger brother was given this kind of rude treatment by the school authorities. How can they kick out someone who has very good grades, clean records and nice attitude? Jinyoung got angrier after realizing that maybe, it was planned by Ken and his mom. "I tried searching for state colleges that accept kicked out students, but I wasn't able to find one. Only top universities do that." Yugyeom spoke immediately to vanish the rising awkwardness and tension. Jinyoung closed his eyes and stopped himself from crying. His salary will never be enough to send his brother in a top university.


Jinyoung took a deep breath. He opened his eyes and saw that Yugyeom took mugs of hot coffee and placed it in front of them. "I'm afraid, Gyeom. I want him to finish his studies, but we don't have enough money."

"Why don't you tell this to Mr. Tuan? Maybe he could help."

"N-no! He can't...He's too busy with the company right now. And besides, we're done with all the pretending stuff. I don't think it's still ethical to accept money from them." Jinyoung replied. It's true that the amount of work that Mark is currently facing is beyond someone's imagination. It was too stressful and tiring. He can't just open up the topic for because he knew that it might dissapoint the elder although Youngjae didn't do anything wrong. Mark is born curious. He'll make sure to find even the smallest detail behind Youngjae's expulsion. And if Jinyoung's speculation about Ken's mother is true and Mark finds out the truth, the Tuans will surely be on a battlefield against each other. Jinyoung doesn't want to destroy a family after all.

Yugyeom nodded and sipped on his coffee. "How I wish I could help." he mumbled apologetically. Jinyoung gave him a comforting beam and a pat at his back. "Your help, support and care for my brother is more than enough. Thank you so much, Yugyeom." and they both smiled to each other. "By the way, why are you still here? It's already --" Jinyoung glanced at his wrist watch "--2:00 AM?!" he intrigued.

The boy blinked for a couple of times. " I don't want to leave him, especially now that he's in pain." nervously, he responded. "And besides, I don't have classes tomorrow. Staying here is better than resting my on the couch while playing video games." He tried to laugh at the last part to keep a light aura but Jinyoung was the first one to chuckle.


"Your parents must be really worried right now, kid."

"I...don't live with them. I grew up with my auntie. As a matter of fact, I haven't seen them. Never. I don't know if they're good looking, tall, fat, wealthy and whatsoever. I don't even know if they really existed. Hence, I didn't bother to look for them. It's a waste of time. But my auntie said that they're nice; in which I don't fully believe."

For a while, Jinyoung felt how the atmosphere sunk. He can feel the abandonment lying inside Yugyeom's pure heart. Somehow, he realized that he's lucky because he grew up with his parents despite of their mother's early departure. He glanced at the younger and stared at his lonely eyes.
"Everything happens for a reason, whatever those reasons are, I'm sure that it's for your welfare. I understand your pain, but I just want to remind you that all parents love their children." and Yugyeom made a weak nod. It's not that he's completely against Jinyoung, for now it'll better if he keeps the gap between him and his parents. Maybe one day, everything's going to be fine.

A week passed and Jinyoung finally told Mark that he's staying in Seoul for a couple of days more since he's still trying to help his brother cope up with his situation. Mark is in Daegu, still having his hands on the resort renovation work. Every Friday , Mark can go home to his family in Seoul and by Sunday evening, he's required to leave again. Jinyoung filed his leave in this work at the Jinhae City Library so he could stay longer. Youngjae on the other side started doing some home study. He's not yet fully fine, but making himself productive is much better than sulking and crying his eyeballs out every minute. Jinyoung and Yugyeom worked hand in hand to provide all the understanding and care that Youngjae needs. Fortunately, it was effective.


One night, Mark was bound to go home to their house after a stressful week at Daegu. He called Jinyoung and told the boy that he will be picking him up at Youngjae's apartment. Jinyoung declined and said that he'll just wait at the park instead. Several hours passed and the younger arrived first. He sat on a wooden bench and watched the students chat about certain things. He felt really bad. He wanted to kick himself for being too useless. It to know that he can't do anything for his brother. And what kills him more was the fact that his connection with Mark might be the reason behind everything; of course with the power of Ken and his mom. Those crappy human beings.

He wonders if he really needs to break up with Mark. It's truly heart-breaking but what if Mrs. Yewon continues her devilish acts? He was so torn in between. A beep suddenly woke his senses. He glanced back and noticed a familiar black car parked near the bench. Mark went out and rushed towards Jinyoung, pulling him into a warm, tight hug. "I missed you!" Jinyoung said against Mark's neck. The elder giggled and detached himself from the embrace. He presses his lips against Jinyoung and they shared a sweet kiss.

Mark kept their foreheads connected. "I missed you too." he said and instantly pulled Jinyoung inside the car. No one talked too much. Both of them were wrecked and having each other is enough to regain all the lost strength. As they begun moving towards the main roads, Mark broke the silence. "How's Youngjae?" he asked anxiously.

The other pursed his lips and looked down. He can't tell the truth. He can't tell that Mrs. Yewon is behind everything. He can't say all that he knows. "He's really sorry. He said he doesn't have the nerve to face you and he wants to apologize for disappointing you." Jinyoung stated and Mark held his hand. "Tell him that it's okay. I understand. I know that he's a good, smart and positive person. I'll talk to the dean --"

Jinyoung's eyes shot wide open. "N-No need --" he exclaimed, earning a weird gaze from his boyfriend. "We are already looking for a new school."

"Only top universities accept kicked out students." Mark said, overtaking a white car in front of them. The traffic was quite light today. Not as worse as before. "If the problem is about his tuition, I can help." Mark offered happily. At that point, Jinyoung has to decline. He can't afford to be called 'user', 'greedy' and other names by those ill minded people. "Thank you but let me handle this. I will look for a job here in Seoul or in Jinhae." Jinyoung said while looking at the window and staring at the dull scenery outside.

Mark slowly bobbed his head. Something's wrong. He thought. "If that's what you want. But I'm always here to help, okay?"


His lover smiled but it turned into a frown afterwards. He can't erase the fact that his brother is dragging his leg up from a pit that's pulling him down. "Mark.." Jinyoung called. Mark lovingly looked at him and caressed his cheek. "Yes? " he answered. "Can I tell you something? I feel so helpless that I can't tell this to anyone who understands." Jinyoung followed and of course, Mark agreed. "If it will make you feel better, I'm willing to listen."


Jinyoung sighed and stared back the the window. "I'm really weak when I comes to people I cherish the most. Youngjae is an emotionally troubled kid. He gets hurt easily, has low self-confidence and he keeps his feelings inside for a long period of time. It all started when he was growing up, he kept on hearing painful words from our neighbors and other people; he got blamed for my mother's death. My mom is known for being a dedicated social worker; she's loved by many. When she had a critical pregnancy, the doctors asked if who between mom and the baby will be saved in case of a 50/50 situation. Dad wanted to save mom, but mom insisted to save Youngjae. And it happened. Mom died few minutes after giving birth to my brother. Dad and I showered him with love and care through the years. We don't want him to feel different from the others. But we are oblivious that he got bullied during grade school and isolated himself from people during high school. Before his graduation, dad died. After that, he felt so empty and alone. I don't want to see him crying again, Mark. I feel so stupid for not being able to protect him."

Without him noticing, his tears run down his eyes like a waterfall. He can't stop himself from being too emotional. Throughout the years, he only wanted the best for his family. But now, it seems like nothing's going to turn out the way that he wanted it. Mark stopped the car on the side of the street. It breaks him too. Seeing Jinyoung cry is one of the most painful images ever. He embraced the man and kissed his head. "You've been a great brother, Nyoung. Youngjae once told me that he can't live without you and he will beat the hell out of me if I hurt you. Like you, Youngjae is a strong man. He will surely recover from all those downfalls. One thing's for sure, your parents and Youngjae, they're very proud of you."

And Jinyoung let his troubles drown in Mark's moving words and delicate touch.


It was now evening when Mark stopped the car in front of the Tuan residence. Jinyoung was clueless yet he's totally against the entire idea of this. Mark opened the door of the car and asked his man to go out. Jinyoung did step out and noticed how the house remained the same. Flashbacks of the past arguments rushed back but all of a sudden, Mark held his hand and pulled him inside. The events were too swift and he wasn't able to react properly. The next scene was him and Mark standing near the dining table, in front of the Tuans. Jinyoung felt his knees melt. He's shaking. All of the anxiety lessens when Mark's grandpa smiled at him. "Good evening, Mark!" the old man greeted. " ...and welcome back, Jinyoung!" he added.

Mrs. Tuan smiled too. She pulled two chairs and asked Jinyoung to sit beside her. "Our Jinyoungie! We missed you!" the lady said and Jinyoung said that he missed the family too. Mark's father was just there, admiring how his family went back to its jolly aura. Although he still can't fully accept Jinyoung and Mark's relationship, he's thankful for the boy's presence. Jinyoung was so happy that the family welcomed him warmly despite of their past issues.

After few minutes, the door opened. Ken and his mom walked in. Mrs. Yewon eyed Jinyoung sharply. "Long time no see, Park Jinyoung!" Ken greeted sarcastically, sitting beside his grandfather. "I can't believe that you still have the guts to show your face here." he added, reaching for a piece of steak. Mark clenched his fist underneath the table.

"Stop it, Ken. If you don't want to see Jinyoung here, you can leave." Mark's father said and it left everyone in great shock, mostly Jinyoung. Is he really speaking for me? Jinyoung thought.

Mrs. Yewon interrupted. "Excuse me?! You're in favor of that bastard instead of your own nephew? Oh! I forgot, he's your son's boyfriend. BOYFRIEND." she fired back, emphasis on the last word.

Silence followed. "Maybe I should go now --" Jinyoung announced, feeling so down.

"No. No one's leaving" their grandfather ordered and they all obeyed. “Ken, Yewon maintain your manners.” The man added.


An hour after dinner, Jinyoung went out on the garden for a walk. Mark washed the dishes back at the kitchen. Abruptly, Mrs. Yewon appeared from nowhere. Probably from hell. "So how does it feel to be back? Is it fun that you already got them in your palms now?"

Jinyoung tried to calm down. "Are you behind Youngjae's --"

"And he's blacklisted to all colleges. Well, except from those top universities. The ones that your little salary from that cheap library won't reach."

He wanted to hurt the lady but as usual, he respect women. "What do you want from me? Leave us alone!" Jinyoung said, desperately.

Mrs. Yewon smirked. "Leave this family and we'll leave you and your puny brother alone." she arrogantly said before walking out of the scene and riding her car which is driven by his stupid son. Jinyoung was left there, startled. He blinked for numerous times, trying to register Mrs. Yewon's words in his brain. So it's really a battle between heart and mind. Between what he wants and what he needs to do.


A snap brought him back to reality. He saw Mark standing in front of him. "Are you okay?" he asked, pulling Jinyoung close to him and wrapping an arm around his waist. "Yeah.  Just thinking about some stuff." he sounded so tired so Mark got this idea that his boyfriend needs to relieve some of his stress. Without a word, he guided Jinyoung towards the kitchen. "What are we going to do?" the younger asked.

Mark carried him up and placed him on the counter. He stood in between Jinyoung's legs. The younger beamed and pulled him into a hug. The other's legs were circled around Mark's body, not letting him escape. "I love you." Mark whispered. Jinyoung gave in. He let all his worries fly away for a while. He just wanted to stay like that forever, with Mark. "I love you too." he replied, resting his head on Mark's shoulder.

"So where are we going to sleep tonight? My room or your old room?" Mark asked.

"Which one is better?"

Mark smirked. "Your room has nice ventilation and while mine has a strong bed, larger shower room and soundproof walls."

Jinyoung blushed and covered his face. "What's with the bed and the shower? And even the soundproof walls?" he asked, shyly.

The elder just giggled and carried his little boyfriend upstairs. "Tsss. Stop acting too innocent, babe." And they both laughed their hearts out.





an; heeeeey guyssssss :---) sorry for the lack of markjin in this one. it mainly revolves around their personal issues and other stuff. huhuhu this is one of the rough parts in this fic huhu but I will add more markjin in the next chapters :-) and btw, i'll be posting a new markjin fic next week. hehe pls anticipate~  so, thanks for all your support guyssss!!!!! feel free to leave your comments, suggestions and questions below!!! till next time! :)) stay safe! love y'all ♥☺

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moonchildern #1
Chapter 12: i’m so scared that ken will discover the truth abt jinyoung’s true identity. i know he’ll discover it eventually but i’m still not ready for that huhu i can’t bear jinyoung getting hurt he’s just a baby, he’s so pure don’t hurt him plz T.T
markjin18 #2
Chapter 30: loove this<3
Chapter 30: I LOVE THIS SOOOO MUCH AW <3333 ( 2jae tho!!)
Pinkeumarkeu #4
Chapter 30: Im so happy that i found this story even though it was late af, this story could be made as a movie/drama because it showcase realistic plots not some easy/cliché one. Thank you so much for your time and hard work of finishing this, you're really an awsome author!! Will always look forward for your upcoming stories!!! Thanks for choosing markjin as your main characters/otp in this beautiful strory!!! I love you so much authornim!!
lauranorri #5
Chapter 30: Really great story, thank you for writing it!
Chapter 30: i'm so glad it's a happy ending i almost cried when i thought jinyoungie didn't survive
ilove23 #7
You're so ridiculously talented at writing something sooo unutterable beautiful that It makes me cry so much cuz I just cannot find the right words to describe how good are you.

Omg im sorry if tht came out wrong. Just wanted to tell you that I'm in love with this story and God bless ur brains I'm mean the plot was so incredibly amazing..Every little damn details about the Tuan business just gave the right feelings like mann this s...t is real. Jinyoung was tough and strong but yet so fragile and beautiful like hands down the charActers slayed it. Okey lol I need to stop before this gets annoying.

Ps. English is not my first language but I hope u got it. Take care and looking forward for more..❤️
Dailsy #9
Chapter 30: I just had time to read this and Im really happy hihi thank you for this story
Lovemarks #10
I love how you wrote it simple yet meaningful lookingforward for more :)