
Way Back Home

His eyes were swollen, both from crying and lack of sleep. It’s been 2 days and he still feels the same intensity of pain that he felt when Jinyoung left. How can Mark forget someone that he loves so much more than himself? Numb. All the pain left him numb.


He was still able to work after all. He went to his office earlier than the usual and hearing tons of gossips from the employees made his day worse. He had to scream from the top of his lungs just to gather all the workers and tell them that whoever talks about that issue again will be fired immediately. Although the staffs were convinced that Jinyoung did it for the benefits, they still believe that Jinyoung is a good person.

Mark stared blankly at the papers scattered around his table. There were tons of things to do but he was more than clueless about them. His mind was still filled with Jinyoung; his images, his memories and his words. Limping and absolutely out of mood, Mark managed to drag himself back to his normal routine. Aside from attending his duties at the office, Mark was not in his proper lane to do more things. For the last 48 hours, all that he had was numerous glasses of water and around 6 cans of beer. There was a time when he tried to eat a small serving of the potato salad that Jinyoung did hours before the unexpected chaos, but it only brought tears to Mark. He wasn’t even able to take a spoonful of it.


Mark’s lack of focus was noticed by everyone, especially his grandfather. Mark rarely talks, he rarely smiles-if he does, it’s too little and more like forced, and he’s always looking at the window or dialling someone on his phone. His performance may not be affected by now but sooner, if the sorrow increases, he might completely loose his track.


"The resort renovation was moved next week." His grandfather announced while making an abrupt entrance in his office. Mark looked up, surprised, before blinking his eyes and making a weak nod. His brain tries to register all the words that he heard. He needs to regain his senses. He reached for his coffee, took a sip and placed the mug back on the table. "I’m sorry for all the problems that I’ve caused. It feels so bad knowing that even the company’s activities are getting affected. “Mark responded with a very apologetic voice. It’s true that deep inside, he’s starting to feel guilty as well. Now he’s terrified that all the efforts for the resort renovation might be trashed in a split second.

The old man sighed and sat on a chair in front Mark’s desk. “It’s human nature to commit mistakes. Some people count them, some just let them slip away into the past. But no one really cares about the way you handle it because the thing that matters more is how you solve it. ” the old man explained. It’s not the cause and the effect; it’s mainly about the effect, the aftermath and the solution. Taking the words in, Mark sighed. He needs to solve everything as soon as possible and no one’s gonna stop him.

"But still, I’m sorry. I know you have high expectations from me, but I let those fall down. I’m really sorry."

"I’m not mad at you. Actually, I want to thank you for doing it. You made us happy. Jinyoung made us happy. He made YOU happy."

Mark beamed a little. Yes, Jinyoung gave a ray of sunshine in this family. They are always happy before but with the other boy’s presence, they’ve become happier, livelier and merrier. All of them loved Jinyoung and no matter how they keep it, they miss his laughs, his jokes, his caring personality; everything about him. If they could only turn back time, no one would dare to kick him off the house without hearing proper explanations.

Mark stayed silent, feeling a little enlightenment in his heart. “Look for him. Take him back if you want. Follow your heart, kid.” and that was all the encouragement that Mark needed. He was so happy yet still sad in a way but hey, his grandfather just asked him to take Jinyoung back. How can he still be fully submerged in blue?

The younger was startled. A question suddenly popped out into his mind. “How did you know about me and Jinyoung?” he intrigued, hoping that his grandfather wouldn’t say anything negative about the issue. It’s quite sensitive since it somehow tackles his real being but he still wanted to know the truth.

The man laughed. “It’s too obvious, Mark! The way you look at him wasn’t a stare fit for a brother or a friend. That’s how I looked at your grandma way back then! You’re always there for him when he’s sick, when he can’t sleep, when he needs to walk his dog around the subdivision. You know, you guys were inseparable. And I saw you two hugging at the kitchen late at night last week. You said you love him more than pizza and tacos. He didn’t answer but I know he loves you more than egg tarts and grilled pork belly”


Memories. Those were the days when Mark didn’t care too much about the pretending thingy since Jinyoung was still fine during that moment. The whole statement made his heart flutter with joy. They both chucked as Mark felt a pool of tears on his eyelids; a mixture of longing and happiness. It made him realize that his grandfather already knew everything before his parents and Ken did. “Grandpa, are you okay with the fact that I’m in love with a guy?” Scared, Mark still asked it away. Based on the old man’s reaction, maybe he’s not bothered at all.

"You are my grandson. No matter what you are, you will always be my grandson. I will support you because your happiness is my happiness." He said, patting Mark’s shoulder. "Sorry if I wasn’t able to stop him from leaving or even stop all those unfortunate events from happening.  Things happened too fast and I wasn’t able to react properly, also, I want to hear your explanations first. Forgive me, Mark." he added, looking down.

Mark now has a reason to smile. It seems like a thorn in his heart was pulled. He stood up, walked towards his grandfather and pulled him to a tight embrace. “It’s okay. Thank you, grandpa. Thank you so much.”


"Get him back, Mark. I swear, he’s a keeper."

Mark smiled. “He really is a keeper.”


Youngjae glanced at his alarm clock. 8:46AM. He made a long yawn and reached for his phone located someplace underneath his pillow. With his eyes partially open, he adjusted with the lights from the screen and scanned the text messages. Mainly from his classmates, Yugyeom and Jinyoung. After few seconds, his brother called. “Good morning, hyung!” Youngjae greeted. The other line was quiet and only Jinyoung’s voice was audible.

"Good morning, Youngjae. I heard that the storm will arrive later, before lunch. How are you?"

"All classes are suspended and some of the stores are already closed. I’m fine here, hyung. I have enough stocks for food. Even flashlights and power banks. You? " Youngjae replied as he clipped his phone between his ears and shoulders so he could fold the sheets.

"Glad to know that classes are suspended! I heard that the storm is going to be pretty strong. Same with you, I’m also prepared here. I was once a boy scout, remember?" they giggled in unison. "Take care, kiddo!"

The younger sighed. He knew that his brother still needs someone right now and he hated himself that he can’t do anything to make his brother fee better. “You too, hyung. I miss you!”


It didn’t take to long for the call to end. Youngjae looked at his window and saw the dark clouds above the entire city. Seoul will not be directly affected but they will still be experiencing heavy rains for the next hours. He trudged towards the kitchen to grab a cup of hot chocolate but all of a sudden, the doorbell rang. Clueless, he still managed to open the door.


"Mark hyung?!" he exclaimed, filled with confusion and astonishment. Although Mark helped them too much, there’s a chip of bitterness whenever he remembers how his brother cried just a day ago because of the recent events. But he needs to treat Mark better. After all, he has nothing to do with that issue. "Youngjae, is Jinyoung there?"

Youngjae shook his head. “He’s not here.” he tried to maintain a blank expression throughout the short conversation.

"Youngjae, please! We need to talk." Mark begged and it seems like he’s really desperate, if Youngjae would describe it. The younger rolled his eyes. "Hyung, he’s not here. If you don’t believe me, then go inside and search for him!" he challenged the elder as he tried to remain calm. He hates it when he has to look like a liar in front of people when he’s even stating the truth.

Mark was starting to feel hopeless. “Where is he? ” he asked.

Maybe this is the right time for him to lie. “I…I don’t know.”

"Youngjae, please! I know you know where he is."

"Mark hyung, I said I don’t know!" he defended himself and afterwards, he tried to push the door close and leave Mark outside. But the other stopped it from closing. Mark was way stronger than Youngjae. The younger stood there, puzzled.

And with all his surprise, Mark knelt in front of him. His knees were on the ground and his eyes were starting to water. “Please.” he asked for the last time, looking up at Youngjae.



Hours passed by, the winds are getting stronger by each passing moment. It also started to rain and the bad weather was enough to make Jinyoung feel gloomier. He was silently sitting on the floor and watching the news on the television. The ranging sound of the rain against the roof was somehow inaudible. With a cup of hot tea and a thick blanket wrapped around his slender body, he remained calm. He’s going to be safe after all.

Jinyoung heard that some streets in Seoul are already closed due to light floods that may cause engine problems for some vehicles. He was worried for his brother. But as Youngjae said, the apartment that Mark chose was a good one. It’s safe from floods. The rain got stronger and it became colder. 
A knock on the door disturbed the peaceful aura inside. Maybe it’s just a neighbour, looking after his safety. Jinyoung removed the blanket and proceeded to the door. He turned the knob.



Mark was there, all wet and shivering. Jinyoung wanted to push him away and close the door but his worry for the other reigned the most. With his body trembling with shock, Jinyoung pulled him in and shut the door close immediately. “What are you doing —”

Not letting him finish his statement, Mark hugged him close. Their bodies tightly pressing against each other. Mark felt warm despite of the chills that the weather gave him. Jinyoung’s clothes got soaked as well. “I missed you.” the elder murmured as he buried his face on Jinyoung’s neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

Jinyoung wasn’t in the place to lie. He missed Mark. A lot. So he hugged the man back, lightly. Later, he pulled away. “Why are you here?”

"We need to talk.”

Jinyoung nodded. There’s no way he could disagree with it since Mark was already there. He can’t send the boy back to Seoul just because he doesn’t want to talk.  And ignoring the man’s effort to walk through the raging storm just to see him could be the most heartless thing that he might do. He stared at Mark. “We’ll talk later. You need to change first.”



Mark was left inside the living area. He loved how houses in Jinhae were made; classic yet suitable to be lived in. It was his first time in the province and he’s pretty sure that he’ll visit this place often since Jinyoung already decided to stay here for good. The television was still on yet he can hear footsteps from the main room. He looked around, seeing Jinyoung with a pile of dry, neatly folded clothes on his arms. The younger went closer, sitting beside Mark. “Are you oblivious about the weather? You should’ve travelled some other day.” Jinyoung softly ranted as he took a towel and handed it to Mark. “The train trips from Jinhae to Seoul were already cancelled. That means there’s a huge possibility that you’ll be spending the night here.” He added.

The water was still dripping from Mark’s hair when he reached for the towel on Jinyoung’s hands. “I’m sorry for being a burden.” He mumbled while drying his hair then his body. Jinyoung remained silent yet he smiled and gave the clothes to Mark. “The comfort room is there.” He pointed onto a corner. “Go ahead and change.”



The rain intensified after hours. It was now 6:35PM and as far as Jinyoung could remember, Mark was asleep due to fatigue and light headache for almost 4 hours now. The weather was also perfect for resting. The younger went to the kitchen and scanned his refrigerator. He took out some vegetables and meat, prepared them precisely and started cooking. All of a sudden, a pair if arms hugged him from behind. Obviously it was Mark. He never tried to struggle out of the hold, he allowed himself to drown into it. It feels great to have this guy again. It feels like everything’s back to normal. Mark runs his nose on Jinyoung’s nape which brought shivers down until the younger’s spine.

They stayed like that for minutes. Once the soup was ready, both of them ate. “Was it edible?” Jinyoung asked, earning a low chuckle from Mark. The man took a spoonful. “Am I allowed to say no?” he countered, controlling his laugh. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and pouted. These are the moments that Mark missed the most; when he’s happy and not giving a damn in the world. And he can only be like this when he’s with Jinyoung. They continued to eat, hoping that after their dinner, they can already start a decent conversation.



Once all the chores were done, Jinyoung sat on the living area with Mark. Admiring how the raindrops created such relaxing sounds. The rain didn’t waver. The television was now shut. Two cups of hot tea in front of them and they’re about to start. “What do you want to talk about?” Jinyoung started, nervously.

Mark inhaled deeply before looking onto Jinyoung’s mesmerizing eyes; those eyes that speak the words that his mouth refuses to utter. “I don’t understand why you have to leave. I mean yes, I get your point. You want to go far away from us because my family already know the truth, you want to forget and start again. But we should’ve talked about it first.”

“The way they shouted at me, I knew that they’re really angry. If you’re in their shoes, I’m sure that you’ll get mad as well. There’s no more reason for me to stay—“

“There’s a reason, Jinyoung.” He interrupted. “Me.”


His heart seemed to melt into puddles but just like how he said it days ago, all their connections should come into an end. “Mark, we have to…we need to stop this.” He declared with a very low voice. He’s even stuttering for the right words. There’s a part of him saying that pushing Mark away is the worst thing in the world but the other half was telling that he needs to keep going; for Mark’s sake. Mark was silent but the tension was no joke. His sweat was trickling down his temple despite of the cold weather and Jinyoung was there, crumbling like a softened piece of butter. He can’t elaborate it, but he’s feeling weird. “We need to stop everything before it gets worse.”


Before Jinyoung could notice it, Mark was starting to move closer to him. The spaces between their bodies lessen instantly. Mark’s gaze is deep, steady and somehow heated.  He moved closer, and closer until Jinyoung wasn’t able to stop the rush. Mark’s face was just centimetres away from him and he’s too frozen too drag himself away. 

Their lips collided for a sweet kiss, but not for too long. Jinyoung closed his eyes and responded, pursing his lips a bit more. Mark’s hand cupped his cheek and deepened the liplock. Their lips were moving on their own accord. He kiss got more passionate, desperate and messy. The elder bit his bottom lip, causing Jinyoung to moan in arousal. They went further, Mark’s hand unnecessarily wandering around Jinyoung’s body with their lips still connected in the most affectionate manner. Mark’s lips travelled down Jinyoung’s neck, leaving sloppy and wet butterfly kisses on his jaw. “Tell me to stop.” Mark whispered lustfully right on Jinyoung’s ear. “Make me stop.”


But his rhetorical statement was rewarded with another kiss as Jinyoung crashed their lips once again. It’s going to be a long night, indeed.











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moonchildern #1
Chapter 12: i’m so scared that ken will discover the truth abt jinyoung’s true identity. i know he’ll discover it eventually but i’m still not ready for that huhu i can’t bear jinyoung getting hurt he’s just a baby, he’s so pure don’t hurt him plz T.T
markjin18 #2
Chapter 30: loove this<3
Chapter 30: I LOVE THIS SOOOO MUCH AW <3333 ( 2jae tho!!)
Pinkeumarkeu #4
Chapter 30: Im so happy that i found this story even though it was late af, this story could be made as a movie/drama because it showcase realistic plots not some easy/cliché one. Thank you so much for your time and hard work of finishing this, you're really an awsome author!! Will always look forward for your upcoming stories!!! Thanks for choosing markjin as your main characters/otp in this beautiful strory!!! I love you so much authornim!!
lauranorri #5
Chapter 30: Really great story, thank you for writing it!
Chapter 30: i'm so glad it's a happy ending i almost cried when i thought jinyoungie didn't survive
ilove23 #7
You're so ridiculously talented at writing something sooo unutterable beautiful that It makes me cry so much cuz I just cannot find the right words to describe how good are you.

Omg im sorry if tht came out wrong. Just wanted to tell you that I'm in love with this story and God bless ur brains I'm mean the plot was so incredibly amazing..Every little damn details about the Tuan business just gave the right feelings like mann this s...t is real. Jinyoung was tough and strong but yet so fragile and beautiful like hands down the charActers slayed it. Okey lol I need to stop before this gets annoying.

Ps. English is not my first language but I hope u got it. Take care and looking forward for more..❤️
Dailsy #9
Chapter 30: I just had time to read this and Im really happy hihi thank you for this story
Lovemarks #10
I love how you wrote it simple yet meaningful lookingforward for more :)