
Way Back Home

Jinyoung run as fast as he could. If he’ll say that he was totally in favor of having Mark’s lips sweetly pressed against his, then he’s lying. It’s not that he extremely hates the whole idea of it; it’s just that he isn’t ready for something too intimate. Simple skinships and cuddles are fine but a kiss; a kiss on his lips, that’s beyond their current state. As far as he can remember, friendship doesn’t include liplocks.

The sand was too loose that it slips on the spaces between his toes every time his feet lands on it. Mark would soon be next to him as he heard the elder calling out for his name. But at this point, it’s better if he could have more time for himself; more time to understand himself. He can see the main gates of the rest house so he sprinted faster and hoped that Mark would understand why he was being that way.

He stood up in front the gate and surprisingly it was locked. Mark obviously has the keys. Jinyoung looked for a better option. Maybe he could run towards somewhere, just climb the gates or much better, face Mark completely. His heartbeat raced. He’s about to burst into tears without any deep reason. He wanted to run away, far away from Mark.


"Jinyoung…" a voice called from behind. Jinyoung clutched on his chest and tried to breathe properly. He turned around and saw how anxious Mark’s reaction was. He was panting hard as balls of sweat roll down on his forehead like a waterfall. Mark smiled in relief as he went closer to Jinyoung who was frozen.

Mark pulled the keys out of his pocket. He headed straight to the gate and unlocked them. Jinyoung was the first to go in, still speechless and nervous. He decided to walk straight to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water from the refrigerator. He hoped that after gulping on some fluids, he might be able to talk like his throat was never dry and his tongue wasn’t tied.

"Nyoung… I’m sorry." the elder declared as he followed Jinyoung towards the area. He stood few meters away because the other might feel weird if he comes nearer. "I’m really sorry." he added.

Jinyoung placed the glass down and gathered all his courage to look back at Mark. His voice was so low and it seems like he’s really apologetic for it. “No, you don’t have to apologize.” he started, thinking for a better batch words to cover the meaning of his upcoming statement. “It’s not your fault, nor mine. We both wanted it.”

It was utterly weird to hear that but that was the truth. No one halted themselves from the attraction. Even Jinyoung, he chose to close his eyes and anticipate the other’s lips instead of pulling himself out of the situation. Mark was not going to stop anyway, he wanted it to happen so bad and since that was his chance, he embraced it entirely. Jinyoung smiled and he headed towards the stairs. “Jinyoung!” Mark called, making the younger turn around. “Can we talk?”



“What is it all about?” Jinyoung asked as he fondled on the hem of his shirt. “If it’s about the kiss again, forget it. It’s okay. I’m okay.” his nervousness was starting to spread throughout his physique as they sit across each other back on the dining area. Without any concrete reason, he felt like saying those words weren’t the right lines to be told. He gazed at Mark. The uneasiness was visible in the elder’s face; it appeared like everything was slowly sipping all the remaining sanity in him.

"No. It’s not okay. " the elder protested after he suddenly increased the tone of his voice. Jinyoung witnessed how his eyes looked too sympathetic, how his chest abnormally raised due to uneven breathing and how his lower lip was deeply pushed against his teeth that it looked like it’s near to bleeding. Jinyoung felt a pang on his insides. How come a single sentence be the reason for Mark’s unexpected change of state. He haven’t seen this kind of Mark before. He looked so devastated.


"I love you, Jinyoung!" he exclaimed. And suddenly he’s feeling brave. After all the days that he attempted to do the most awaited confession, he never thought that it would happen this way. He always have that idea of taking Jinyoung to the park or to a nearby chapel just to proclaim how much he have fallen for him as they watch the stars above them. But this; being trapped in the 4 corners of their dining area while resolving some matters regarding an incident that they both loved was never expected.

Jinyoung was shocked. The strings on his heart are completely pulled off and all that he can do was to comprehend every word that he heard. Every letter, every word, every syllable, every punctuation, even its intonation. He was like exploding in no time as a clash of different feelings begun inside him. Happiness, doubt, comfort and fear. “Mark…You’re kidding right?” he stuttered.

"No." Mark managed to smile to convince the younger. "I love you! I really do. Every time you smile at me, I feel like I’m on top of the world. When you hold my hand, it seems like I’ll never be alone again. Those hugs, I feel so loved, safe and treasured in your arms. And that kiss, it trigged enough all sparks to make me feel explosions. Having you makes me feel like I’m the luckiest man alive."


The younger remained silent. After everything that Mark said, he isn’t sure he if still have the guts to mumble a single response. Mark loves him all along. He knew it, but not this kind of love. He thought it was just a friendly type of affection so he tried not to give it a different meaning. He asked himself for a couple of times about this topic and maybe today was the right time to make up his messy mind.

"Mark…" Mark nervously stared at him. Jinyoung took a deep breath as he reached for Mark’s hand and held it tightly. "I wanted to tell you everything before but I’m scared to feel all the pain of rejection again. Ever since you came into my life, I realized all the relief that you planted in me. Not on the material and financial aspect. You brought back the old me; the Jinyoung that I missed. The old Jinyoung that’s swallowed by all the bad memories in his past. But now you’re here, you helped me stand on my feet and be myself again. Thank you. Mark, you’re special to me. Keep that in mind."

Those might not the exact sentence that Mark was dying to hear but those were sincere enough to make him feel extremely happy. He never pictured the impact that he did to Jinyoung’s life. He put his other hand on top of their clasped hands. “Do you feel the same way too?” he asked with his heart racing.

“Feelings? Yes, I have feelings for you. But I don’t want to rush things, Mark. You’re special and you hold a very huge place in my heart but I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship, especially now that I still have to do my job and pretend as your brother. I hope you can wait and let these feelings grow naturally. I want to equally reciprocate all the affection that you’re completely willing to give. Please give me some more time. I promise,  it will all be worth it. “


"Of course! I will be patiently waiting." he said with a smile that’s so wide that you can say he was trying to make it wider even if he can no longer stretch it. Jinyoung beamed as his heart settled in harmony. He never felt this way before, not even with Jaebum. "But can I tell you ‘I love you’ every time I feel like saying it?" Mark followed up. Tricky question it is.

Jinyoung chuckled before nodding. “Yeah. Who knows, it can lessen your waiting period.” he teased making Mark laugh. Despite the fact that there’s still no clear label between them, Mark was more than satisfied to know that Jinyoung feels the same and that someday, they can be together, not as brothers neither friends but as a couple.

"I love you, Nyoung!" Mark said and Jinyoung preferred to smile and remain silent. "You don’t have to tell me that  you love me too. Take your time. I’m just here to remind you how much I love you." he added.

"Stop being cheesy! Let’s pack our things. We’re going back to Seoul tomorrow." Jinyoung pouted as he stood up from his chair and went upstairs. Mark smiled to himself as he followed.



Another job well done, Mark!




The tranquility of Youngjae’s apartment was suddenly shaken as a couple of rings from the doorbell was heard. He stood up from his previous position and headed towards the door. As he trudged, random thoughts entered his mind. It can’t be his hyung. It can’t be Mark as well. Both them are still in L.A. at the moment. Without him knowing, he’s about to turn the knob and face the person before him.


"Hi! You’re Youngjae, right? I’m Ken Tuan."

He was wearing casual clothes; a pair of presentable jeans, button down top and chucks. He might not be that dressed but Youngjae can say that he’s telling the truth. He’s a Tuan. At that point, all he can do is to remember everything that Mark, Jinyoung and Bambam instructed him to tell whenever someone asks about him or his brother’s past.

Youngjae smiled. “Yes. Come in.” he offered and Ken did. They settled in the living room. “I’m sorry for all the mess. I’m reviewing for my finals.” he advised, closing his books and putting them on a study table. Ken looked around as we observed everything. Maybe he can sight something that will help fuel his suspicions. He looked utterly weird as Youngjae nervously watched him from a far.

"Have a drink." Youngjae entered again, making Ken jolt and pull himself back to reality. The younger placed a glass of mango juice in front of Ken before sitting on the couch. "Are you Mark hyung’s— I mean Mr. Mark Tuan’s friend?"

"I’m his cousin. Well, your Jinyoung hyung is my cousin too." he arrogantly replied and it made the younger feel so small. "You’re the first scholar under Mark’s name. How come?" he added.

"Mr. Mark wanted to thank our family for raising Jinyoung hyung well.” That entire sentence was a lie since that’s what Mark asked him to say if he’s asked about the reason behind his sudden entrance to college. “But since my parents are already gone, he insisted that he’ll shoulder all the expenses needed for my 4 years in college. I really want to study but we don’t have money so there’s no way I would decline his offer. Right now, I’m a dean’s lister.”

Ken took a sip on his juice and raised his eyebrows. Somehow impressed. “How well do you know Jinyoung?”

Youngjae suddenly felt his chest tighten. He’s getting too nervous. What if he slips off a word that might cause a chaos to everyone? What if he ruins Mark’s plans? How I wish hyung is here. “We grew up together. I know him well.”


"Do you know that he’s a Tuan all along?"

"No, my parents never told me. Both of us were totally surprised after knowing that he’s a part of your family."

"Oh." Ken responded. "Do you have any idea on how Mark found him?" He was about to ask more but a series of rings echoed inside the room once again. Youngjae took a deep breath. Who is it gonna be now? He walked towards the door and unlocked it.


"Dude! I brought you food!" Yugyeom, Youngjae’s friend, happily chimed while holding a paper bag filled with random containers. He felt a large relief in his heart; at least he isn’t alone with Ken now. Youngjae grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the apartment.

Yugyeom was clueless. With his hand on Youngjae’s he was taken to the living room and saw a man in his twenties, sitting on the sofa. “Mr. Ken, this is Yugyeom, my friend. Sad to say but we have to study right now. Maybe we can talk some other time. I hope you understand.”

Ken stood up and bowed to the boys. “Okay, I’ll go now. Thank you.” and he made his way towards the door. Upon hearing the door locked, Youngjae rushed and checked if he’s already far from the block. He locked the door again and went back to Yugyeom.

"You look terrible. Did he hurt you? Is he a ert? I swear I’m gonna rip that guy to pieces if he did hurt you. Tell me!"


Youngjae sighed before chuckling and shaking his head. Yugyeom is a little funny sometimes. He took the paper bag from the younger’s hand and started taking all the foods out of their containers. “Your mom cooked a lot. Thank you. ” he said as he took a bowl and transferred the soup in there.

"Anything for my Youngjae."


"N-nothing. Let’s eat!"




3 days after their landing back to Seoul, Mark and Jinyoung remained the same. Even though they’ve confessed their feelings for each other, they managed to stay as how they were before. Jinyoung liked it that way. His feelings will bloom naturally. The only difference is that Mark is like a broken disk, repeating those 3 enchanting words every time he has the chance.


That afternoon, Jinyoung asked for Mark’s permission if he could talk with some of the staffs in marketing department, of course Mark allowed him. Jinyoung happily exited the office and promised that he’ll be back after the employees’ break. Mark worked on some papers as well. But in between his business thoughts, it was utterly inevitable to think about Jinyoung. Well, that’s love.


Jinyoung was about to head back to Mark’s office after an hour of chatting with some employees when someone called him. He looked back and was surprised with what he saw. “Ken?” he asked, confused. Ken moved closer and smiled; a thing that he rarely does in front of Jinyoung.

“I just want to ask if you’re free tonight. Maybe you could come with me in a nearby restaurant and get some drinks. A bottle of Paris wine or so…”


Jinyoung didn’t think twice. “Why do you have to drop by Youngjae’s apartment? Aren’t you contented of squeezing the hell out of me and Mark? If you want to get the presidency by using innocent people, I swear, you’re not gonna win it.”

Ken laughed and looked back at Jinyoung. “Relax! Why are you too nervous about that? It’s just a random visit!  I want to know more about you since you’re my cousin!” he countered as he took steps closer to Jinyoung and lessen the gap between their bodies. “You look like Youngjae in some angles.” He said eyeing Jinyoung’s face closely. “It makes he think that you two are real, biological brothers.”

At that point, Jinyoung had too look away. The tension was too much and it might result to a deeper conclusion if he continued acting that way. He stepped backwards and gazed back at Ken, thinking of the most appropriate response.


“Mr.Jinyoung!” Bambam shouted from the second floor. He rushed downstairs and run towards the guy. “You’re needed in the conference room! The Canadian investors will be here in a few minutes and they want to personally talk to you about the resort structure.”

Ken stared at Mark’s cute assistant. Jinyoung held Bambam’s wrist as they walked out of the scene. Ken followed. “And Mr.Ken, in case you have forgotten, you’re not included in that meeting. Excuse us.” and they completely, rapidly went upstairs. Jinyoung was so relieved that he gave Bambam a hug. “Thank you, Bam! You saved me!”

Bambam smiled. “Do you know how awkward it is to call you ‘Mr.Jinyoung’? Be more careful next time, Jinyoung hyung.”

 Jinyoung giggled as he wrapped an arm around the younger’s shoulder while they walked towards the conference room. “But really, thank you. I don’t even know how to react earlier.”

“Your over-protective future boyfriend asked me to look after you. And he even told me to say something to you too.”

“And what was that?”

“He’ll sleep in your room so you two can cuddle all night long.”

Jinyoung blushed and smirked. “That sounds a bit inappropriate but good idea, though.”






an: HI GUYS!!!! I really not planning to post this chapter today but since a lot of MARKJIN moments happened this week, i wasn't able to controll myself anymore. *cries* anyway, sorry if i caused some confusions in this chap. regarding the timelines of each scene. just to ask questions below. and yeah, feel free to leave your comments, suggestions and insights as well. ☺ oh and btw, feel free to leave your guesses on who you think the lost / true son is. ;) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thanks guys! Stay safe! Love y'all! ♥☺


{!!!} follow me on twitter; @pjyxcyj ☺






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moonchildern #1
Chapter 12: i’m so scared that ken will discover the truth abt jinyoung’s true identity. i know he’ll discover it eventually but i’m still not ready for that huhu i can’t bear jinyoung getting hurt he’s just a baby, he’s so pure don’t hurt him plz T.T
markjin18 #2
Chapter 30: loove this<3
Chapter 30: I LOVE THIS SOOOO MUCH AW <3333 ( 2jae tho!!)
Pinkeumarkeu #4
Chapter 30: Im so happy that i found this story even though it was late af, this story could be made as a movie/drama because it showcase realistic plots not some easy/cliché one. Thank you so much for your time and hard work of finishing this, you're really an awsome author!! Will always look forward for your upcoming stories!!! Thanks for choosing markjin as your main characters/otp in this beautiful strory!!! I love you so much authornim!!
lauranorri #5
Chapter 30: Really great story, thank you for writing it!
Chapter 30: i'm so glad it's a happy ending i almost cried when i thought jinyoungie didn't survive
ilove23 #7
You're so ridiculously talented at writing something sooo unutterable beautiful that It makes me cry so much cuz I just cannot find the right words to describe how good are you.

Omg im sorry if tht came out wrong. Just wanted to tell you that I'm in love with this story and God bless ur brains I'm mean the plot was so incredibly amazing..Every little damn details about the Tuan business just gave the right feelings like mann this s...t is real. Jinyoung was tough and strong but yet so fragile and beautiful like hands down the charActers slayed it. Okey lol I need to stop before this gets annoying.

Ps. English is not my first language but I hope u got it. Take care and looking forward for more..❤️
Dailsy #9
Chapter 30: I just had time to read this and Im really happy hihi thank you for this story
Lovemarks #10
I love how you wrote it simple yet meaningful lookingforward for more :)