
Tell Me Something I don't Know



With the sun rays hitting your face through your window, you opened your eyes and tried to adjust to the situation.

“It’s morning,” you said to no one particularly as you rubbed your eyes and sat up.

You looked around, to the slightly opened window, to the warm sofa next to it, the vanity mirror, the bathroom door, the wall that filled up with photos, to the bedside table, and finally to the other side of your bed.

You touched his pillow, poked it softly before you laid down on it.

Still smells like him.

You took a deep breath, try to consumed as much as possible of his scent, and when it filled your nose, you felt the warm of feeling all over your body.


You immediately sat straight and took your phone on the bedside table, knowing who’s the person that will bother send the text in the morning like this.

Your smile reached ear to ear after reading the name that popped up in your screen, because you was right after all.

Chanyeol: Morning, sweetheart. Miss me?

Your smile grow wider and decided to a bit.

You: :)

10 seconds after that you saw the pop up chat from him again.

Chanyeol: I’m coming home this noon. You miss me, rite?

Chanyeol: I know you miss me tho

Chanyeol: I got to go now, see you soon sweatheart!!!

You: See you soon, Yeol :)

And after you saw that he read your text, you put the phone back on the table. You got a bit excited after he told you that he’s coming home. Okay, a little more of a bit. Okay, you’re lying, you got very excited that the boyfirend of yours coming home.

How could you not?

You know his job well. As a young entrepreneur man, he traveled a lot to find the material that he needs or to meet the investors. Sometimes it took him 2 days, sometimes it’s 3 days, and it’s common that he left more than that. This time, it took him completely a week.

It’s not that he left you for nothing, you even actually joined him last month when he needs to buy the materials in Java, Indonesia, and to the other places before that. And when you didn’t, he made sure to keep accompany you with his calls, texts, and even videocalls. It seems that you both functioning well with the voice of each other.

And the travelling does a great impact to his bussinees though, the coffee shop that he build of his own now has several branch. The profit he earned monthly now was up to 8 digits, and the rate of return of it keep going up, and it surely made the investors interested enough.

But of course, without his presence, you felt lonely. You moved to this city with your big brother Kris, and now he had his own place with his lovely wife, Hana. Before that, you two lived in a medium sized apartment, with you continued your study and him with the new job. Soon the two of you became three, with Hana joined the picture. Kris met her in his office and both of them got along well. They were bestfriend, shared stories with each other, hang out almost every weekend and sometimes weekdays too, but they were oblivious to their feeling to each other. And somewhere in between, you met Chanyeol.


2 years ago, he just started to build his first coffee shop near your building. You remembered how you first met him. He was just too busy carried the boxes from his car to the shop, that he unnoticed you walked in front of him. He bumped to you made you fall and the box in his hand fell above you. The box weighted nothing, because in it just the plastic glass and straw, but the fall made you hurt a little.

You clearly remember how panicked he was that he threw the box to nowhere immediately, lifted you up so you could stand up on your own and bowed as saying he’s sorry repeatedly. You sure felt irritated a bit that you fell because of a stranger, but seeing him sincere with his apology you just smile and said it’s nothing big. But being the responsible man he was, he offered you to try his coffee for free as an apology. You denied it first, but he insisted so you took his offer.

And after that was history. After trying his coffee for the first time, you fell in love with it. You came back a few days later, and he’s there again to serve you. The conversation flowed well, you found him such a humorous person, but beside it he had a warm heart and he’s serious with what he wanted. You admired him, and what you didn’t know was he fell hard with you from the day one you met. He found you adorable, sometimes very cute, but you had this mature side that made you strong and vunerable at the same times.

So three weeks later, after several coffee dates in his place, he braced himself to confessed to you. You were more than happy to accept his feeling, and finally you both became official. At the same times your brother finally hit it off with Hana and they started to plan the wedding. You and Chanyeol of course took a part as their wedding organizer, it’s your dream after all to become a successful EO.

In the process your relationship with Chanyeol grew very well. Behind that mature mask he wore, he actually such a kid. He clinged to you much, needy of your attention and love, and you gladfully giving him what he wants.

Sometimes after closing his shop, he went to your place. Your brother already moved with Hana so Chanyeol had his own spare key. He’s usually found you on your couch with laptop on your lap, and without much words he took the laptop off of your lap and replaced it with his head. Automatically you ran your fingers to his hair, saying sweet nothings, calming him after a rough day. After he felt relaxed it his turn to giving you love. He sat up, raised one brow with a sly smile, and bent down to kiss your lips.

His kiss was your drugs. You felt addicted to it, same as how he’s addicted to your lips. His kiss was gentle, warm, passionate, sometimes it felt rough but the kiss always contained his desire and love for you. And after that he carried you to your bedroom, lay you both down in your bed, sometime he placed you above him, or sometimes beside him as he trapped you with his warm body. Then he told you how his day was, and you continued with yours. His hand absentmindedly rubbed your back, his lips left a featherly kiss on your forehead, cheeks, eyes, chin, jaw, ear (eventhough it tickled you but he love it when you squirmed in his arms), neck, shoulder, and your lips of course. Sometimes your story had to pause for awhile because his kiss was so demanding, but you just kissed him back and smiled after that. And your hands couldn’t stay still too. It ran to his hair, to his shoulder, his arm, his broad chest, and eventually it ends in the back of his neck.

You cherised the moments with him with all of your heart, because you now it’s not everyday that you could be in his arms. You both were addicted to kissing each other, and you both love to cuddle so much. So when it’s the time that Chanyeol left you alone, no wonder why you felt lonely.

But he’s coming home today, you thought, and you sure missed him more than ever. You decided to took a day off from your job, and prepare a little surprise.


It’s already a half past noon, and you was in the kitchen tried to cooking him his favourite. This morning you cleaned up the house, made it more presentable and comfortable. Then you went to the groceries to buy the ingredients of his favourite dishes, and didn’t forget to buy bananas and strawberries. He clearly stated to you that his most favourite was your homemade banana strawberry smoothies, so you made one and it already stay pretty in your fridge now.

You nearly finished your cooking when you heard grumble, then the sound of security lock of your door, and the door opened. Not long enough after that you felt his presence behind you, his scent filled up the room and you couldn’t hold back your smile.

"Hey," at the sound of his and the warm embrace that you've known and love so well, you smiled wider although the latter couldn't see it because he's behind you.

You just hummed as a response.

"Yah," you chuckled a bit because of his whining. "I miss you, you know?" he said as he tightened his embrace on your waist.

"I know, Yeol."

"Then why don't you say anything?" you could exactly picture how the eyebrows oh his raised up and his lips pouted because of your answer.

"Hmm?" you turned your face bit facing him.

"I said, I miss you, sweetheart." he repeated it again with a tiny little hint of frustation.

"And I said I know, didn't I?" you said with a grin.

"Then why--"

“I miss you too, Chanyeol. Very much. But just tell me something I don’t know” you said before you pecked him on the lips, turned off the stove, and turned your body facing him in his embrace. Now his smile decorated his handsome figure.

His right hand left your waist and went to craddle your face. He leaned down a bit so his nose touching yours. “What do you want to know?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. You tell me.”

In fact, you know all about him. To his past, his struggling, his family, even the little things he does you noticed it all. It goes the same for him too. He loves all about you, even your morning face that usually bloated and your hobo hair that more like bird nestle.

“I miss you,” he said as he kissed your left cheek.

“I know that,” you stared at him with your loving eyes.

“I need you,” this time he kissed your nose.

“I know that, too”

“I love you,” he said as his brown eyes stared deep into yours, then he kissed your lips.

You smiled into the kiss. After he pulled back you answer, “but I know that too, Yeol.”

You lifted your hands up to his neck and hugging him tight.

“Ah, I think I know everything,” you nuzzled to his neck, loving how real his scent was present know.

He too buried his face into your hair, breathing to your vanilla aroma that he loved.

“But sweetheart,” he said suddenly. “I think you haven’t known everything.”

You pulled back a little to see his face and raised your brow.

“Yet,” he added.

“What is it?” you tilted your head and confusion was there in your eyes.

“Sweetheart, I want to marry you,” he said with determined eyes and oh so gorgeus smile.

You laughed a little. “In case you forget, I know—“ before you fineshed he interupted you.


You froze for a second. “Wh—How-I-I don’t-“ you stuttered because of different feeling rushed to your heart. You felt happy, confused, and mostly shocked.

Suddenly he got on his knee, pulled out the little black box from his pocket, and opened it for you.

“Sweetheart, I know we talked about this. I know we decided to wait to marry each other until next year, and it’s still 10 months to go. But sweetheart,” his gaze turned more tender and lovingly with each word he said. “this past weeks I’ve been thinking about it. I hate it when you aren’t next to me, especially the morning I wake up. I hate it when I have to leave you alone, and you go everywhere alone without me to protect you.”

“But most important thing is, I want to love you, to cherish you, to treasure you, to call you mine, legally, so everybody could see the rings in our finger and know that you’re mine and I’m yours forever. So sweetheart,” he took a deep breath, and exhaled it slowly. “what do you say?”

You felt stunned, lost for words after his speech. You just took his hand and lift him up so he’s standing straight in front of you. You saw his eyes, and know that he’s serious. So you hugged his waist and buried your face in his chest.

“First of all,” you said as you looked up to him. “I don’t go everywhere alone, I still have firends, you know.”

He chuckled a bit but his eyes pleased you to answer him already.

“and what do you think I’ll say, Yeol?”

He raised his brows.

“Just marry me already,” you said with your sincere smile.

He grinned so wide that you think it will break his face, then he lifted you up to his arms and kissing you like there’s no tomorrow.

“I know you’ll say that, sweetheart,” he said as he pecked you on the lips repeatedly. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you Yeol,” you said as you hugging him tight and kissed his neck.



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I saw many typos already, I'll edit soon! (19.11)


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Chapter 2: Aww. That's such a sweet story. Chanyeol is <3
Sarahben #2
the story is to romantic
*blushing madly*
Chapter 1: Omona so sweet . Full of sweetness