Let me...

Kiss me

People lie, people betray and people pretend to love when do not really love.

Jinki learned this the hard way, he learned that love does not exist, that kisses and fondling gestures people used to fool the other one, to pretend something that they does not feel. Jinki learned this by the person he loved most in the world, his mother, he learned that even saying that she loved him, she did not even blink when she turned and walked away one day and never returned.

Since that fateful day Jinki stopped believing in all that, he stopped believing in love, caresses, the kisses, the hugs, and began to believe that nobody loves anybody and people just betray.

Jinki always believed this, always believed that none of this existed until a day where everything was going wrong – as always – he found someone, met someone who turned his world upside down.

He learned one thing in life, people did not love anyone, but it was different with animals, animals sincerely loved without asking anything in return, animals loved and respected their owners, and most of all, animals were companions.

Jinki ran to a small veterinary clinic that had opened a month ago, the little ball of fur in his arms trembled and he whimpered in despair as he crossed the street in front of cars, with angry drivers yelling at him and everything.

The door opened and slammed against the wall with a crack, immediately Jinki flinched, he was destroying the establishment that had barely begun to function. A beautiful girl with light brown hair in a loose ponytail looked up startled when Jinki walked like a whirlwind inside the clinic.

"He is dying, you need to save him." He said desperately clutching the blue blanket that contained a small animal inside, white fur escaping out of the blanket.

The girl jumped out from behind the counter and Jinki realized she wore very masculine clothes for a girl who looked so thin and delicate, but tall, though.

"What happened?"

"H-he... he is choking."

“I can see?”

Jinki nodded and reluctantly released his grip showing a small white bunny, the girl nodded and looked over his shoulder.

"Doctor Choi run here, please." She shouted.

He looked toward the door opened and a tall man ran to the hall of the clinic pulling the white coat in his arms, his hair was dark brown and was messy pointing in all directions, Jinki felt an urgency to straighten the hair of another man without really understanding why.

"What happened?"

"He said that the bunny is choking. Sir, what exactly happened?"

Jinki tore his eyes away from the doctor and looked at the girl. "He... hm... he swallowed a pencil."

"A pencil?" Both asked at the same time a little shocked.

Shrugging he nodded. "Yeah, but it was a small one."

"Taemin-yah prepare anesthesia. Sir gives him to me."

"No." He said pressing the animal against his chest again. "He gets scared when I'm not around."

"Alright, so come here with me." He said putting his hand on Jinki's shoulder and guiding him to the room that the doctor had just left minutes before.

Jinki tensed when the doctor touched him, but tried to ignore it and worry about his bunny at that moment that writhed and choking because of the damn pencil.

Quickly the bunny was sedated and using a forceps Minho managed to remove the pencil inside the throat of the animal. Jinki stood there the whole time alternating his gaze between the bunny and the doctor, and he did not know exactly why he was looked at Minho, if it was his concern with his bunny or something else.

"All done Jinki-ssi, he'll be fine."



"His name is Dubu."

Minho looked amused at him and Jinki was slightly annoyed.

"You know, because he is white and fluffy."

The doctor nodded. "I understood, combines with him." He said smiling. "You'll be fine Dubu." He said the soft fur of the bunny ears.

Jinki smiled looking at the doctor who looked up and stared at him, he felt something warm spread inside him and quickly looked away.

"So... hm ... Can I take him home now?"

"Of course, he needs to rest a bit, which is going to be a little difficult once pass the effect of anesthesia so I recommend you leave him in the cage for a few hours."


"You don't have one?"

Jinki scratched his neck a little embarrassed. "Not really."

Minho chuckled making Jinki blush a bit. "I'll lend you one then, so Dubu can rest comfortably."

"Oh, thank you Minho-ssi."

"Anytime." He said smiling softly.

After Dubu was safe inside the cage, still wrapped in blue blanket – at the insistence of Jinki – and that he had paid, Jinki went across the street and entered in the building where he lived, have a veterinary clinic in front of where he lived now it did not seem such a bad idea after all.

The next day the bunny was already jumping around the apartment and Jinki was keen to keep all pencils and other small things away from Dubu, just in case. But now he needed to return the cage to the clinic and Jinki does not know how he really felt, it was strange that sometimes his mind slipped into a scene where Minho the bunny's ears so lovingly. Really strange.

Jinki opened the clinic door and gaped at the amount of dogs that were running all over the place, looking around he saw that Minho was crouched and cursing a small dog that was hiding under the table.

"Hm, bad time?"

Minho raised his head so fast he ended up banging against the table leg, both shrank, the doctor because of the pain and Jinki for having caused it.

"Oh, are you okay?" He asked dodging the dogs and ran to Minho who stood rubbing his head.

"I'm fine." He said smiling.

"I... hm... what happened here after all, all the neighborhood dogs come at once?"

Minho sighed sounding tired. "Taemin didn’t come today, he's sick so I..."

"Wait, what? Taemin is a boy?"

The doctor blinked for a few seconds then started laughing making Jinki get mildly irritated and flushed.

"Yah, don't laugh."

"I'm not, sorry. People do this a lot, confusing him with a girl I mean."

Jinki looked down kicking the ground awkwardly. "He really looks like one."

"Yes, he does. But it is he who takes care of part of the shear and bathes dogs, I'm not very good at it." He said sighing.

He looked at Minho and realized that the doctor's shirt was all wet leaving nothing to the imagination. "Oh."


"I came to return your cage." He said finally remembering what he was doing there.

"Oh, of course. You can put... anywhere I guess."

Jinki nodded and put the cage beside the chairs, he watched Minho crouch again trying to catch the dog and sighed. "You need some help?"

Minho looked at him with those big eyes. "You want to help me with them?" He asked pointing to the dogs that ran the place.

"Yeah, my friend has a dog and I have helped to give him a bath a few times, so I think I can help with something."

"Seriously? You don't have to go to work or something?"

"No, I'm a writer, I have flexible hours."

"Really? What genre you write?"

"Children's Books."

Minho's eyes sparkled like a child on Christmas morning. "Like those books with colorful and funny drawings?"

"Yeah, I'm not very good at drawing, but it seems that this works with children's books." He said with a shrug.

"Wow, how cool. One day I want to read one of your books"


"Of course, now if you'll even help me, let's start before anyone else appear here with another dog." He said a little desperate.

Jinki laughed and nodded following Minho and taking a big hairy dog who sat looking at them, maybe start with a calmer dog was better.

After a few hours Jinki was sitting on the sink swinging his legs as he watched Minho dry the last dog, he had lost count of how many dogs they had given bath, shorn and placed ties or bows. It seemed like everyone in the neighborhood had decided to take their dog for a bath that day, even Minho had admitted that they had not had so many clients before.

The loud noise of the dryer finally stopped and Minho brushed the dog, the noise of the door opening made Jinki jumped out of the sink and grabbed the dog of the arms of the doctor who blinked a little confused.

"Here is your dog, madam." He said handing the dog in the arms of the woman who smiled handing him the money.

Until that moment Jinki was already familiar with even the cash register and credit card machine. He quickly handed the change with a bright smile and the woman smiled blushing a little and leaving the clinic.

"You're really good at it." He said smiling leaning against the door.

Jinki looked at Minho and smiled a bit more tired this time. "I worked in a bookstore when I was younger."

Minho nodded and sat in the chair sighing loudly. "I'm so tired and this was only the first day." He said groaning.

"What do you mean?" He asked leaning against the counter and crossed his arms.

"Taemin is really sick and he can't come for at least three days, I just hope the others days are not like today."

"Oh, then you'll be alone here?"

"Until he gets back yes, I have no one I can call to help me."

"Y-you want me to help you?"

Minho looked at him surprised. "Would you do it again?"

"I... I guess so. You saved Dubu's life, I owe you one."

"I just did my job and you paid for it."

"Still, there’s no many places that accepts treat a bunny, actually many clinics prefer to only care for dogs and cats and if you had not saved him, surely now my bunny was killed because of a pencil."

Minho chuckled. "You're right about that, however, people try to take care of animals that give more profits and I think that's so wrong, everyone deserves to be treated."

Jinki smiled happily, Minho really was a generous person, a kind of person he had never known before, the doctor was almost like an animal, pure, and even getting paid to do it he helped everyone without distinction. And that was why Jinki decided to help Minho on these days.

"You're right and I will help you until Taemin back again, if you accept of course."

Minho stood up and when Jinki realized he was inside of long arms of the doctor who hugged him tightly. "Thank you Jinki-ssi." He whispered in his ear.

Jinki froze in place without reaction, a shiver ran down the body and Minho slipped his arms out of him with a huge smile.

"Thank you so much for helping me, I don't even know how to thank you."

"Y-y-you d-don't need to do anything, it's okay."

"I already know, we go out to eat something, my treat." He said grabbing his coat and handing his to Jinki.

"I need to go home, Dubu is alone and..."

"I'm sure he's fine, let's go." He said pulling Jinki out of the clinic, turning the off lights and locking the door. "They told me that have a great udon restaurant here, you like Japanese food?"

"Yeah I do, but Minho-ssi I..."

"Then it's settled, let's go because I'm starving." He said smiling and starting to walk.

Jinki sighed and followed Minho, what happened minutes before was still running in his mind, the doctor simply hugged him breaking all the rules he had made for himself – not that Minho had knowledge of them – he do not let people touch him more than necessary.

Once they were seated comfortably and asked their order Minho sighed contentedly. "Here is a great place."

Jinki looked at his hands and nodded. "Yes, and the food here is very good also."

"So you've come here before." He said thoughtfully.

"I live near here." He said with a shrug.

"Ah yes, the building across the street, right? I saw you coming out of there sometimes."

"Did you?"

"It's kind of hard not to notice you Jinki-ssi." He said smiling charmingly.

Jinki blinked blushing. "I-I... hm..."

The waiter cleared his throat making both men look at him. "Your order, sir." He said putting their bowls in front of each. “Enjoy your meal.”

Before Minho could continue this talk Jinki start to eat filling his mouth of steaming noodles and sighing happily. Minho smiled and started to eat as well and to the happiness of Jinki they fell into a comfortable silence with the only sounds being those of chopsticks and spoons against the bowl and people chatting around.

Eating udon was really a great idea, Jinki was full and warm and Minho's company had been pleasant, as was the day they had spent together in the clinic.

"Thank you for the food Minho-ssi."

Minho nodded. "I see you tomorrow then, thanks for the company Jinki-ssi."

Jinki smiled and waved leaving, he just realized he was still smiling when he stopped in front of the mirror to brush his teeth, the smile seemed fixed on his face and seemed that it would not leave there anymore. After all, why he was so happy?

The next day went much calmer and had hardly any dog to bathe, but in return had a kitten that had been hit by a car and Minho had to make a difficult surgery, but luckily managed to save the kitten's life that would have to spend the night at the clinic and with that the doctor would too.

Jinki felt a little sorry for Minho for having to spend the night at the clinic because of the cat, but the doctor made sure to remind him that this was his job and Minho liked what he did.

But later that night Jinki walked across the street carrying some blankets and a pillow. It could even be that Minho did not care, but that does not mean that Jinki could not help the doctor to get a little more comfortable.

The light came on and Minho appeared at the door with the buttons on the shirt open showing his white top, Jinki gulped.


"H-hi, I brought this for you."

Minho smiled opening the door wider. "You want to come in?"

"I-It is better not, I just came to bring it to you." He said pushing things into Minho's arms.

"Thank you." He said smiling and leaning slightly to Jinki. "You are really very precious." He whispered.

Jinki blinked. "O-okay, I... hm... I'm going then."

Minho smiled again and Jinki quickly turned crossing the street going into his apartment, the doctor's smile was printed on his eyelids.

On the third day barely had customers there and Jinki and Minho spent most of his time talking and getting to know each other, oddly enough Jinki felt comfortable talking to the doctor and when he saw he was telling about his life, about his mother.

Jinki said he was abandoned by his mother when he was eight, his father had died months before he was born, but he knew his paternal grandmother, who welcomed Jinki when his mother decided to leave. But as his grandmother was already old when he was fourteen she died and then Jinki lived alone in the farm of his grandmother until he could earn enough money working in the city market, he sell the farm and came live in Seoul.

Jinki's mother never appeared and until now he did not know why she went away, probably because she never loved him, because he did not deserve that kind of feeling.

"There are people who were not to be parents, there are people who don’t know how to act when they have to do things they don't think they can, have people who are too weak and not think of others. But never again say that, you deserve all the love in the world, you deserve to be happy, to love and be loved."

Jinki blinked looking at Minho. "I..."

"I'll show it to you."


Minho smiled. "You knew that my dream was to become a baseball player?"


The doctor said he always dreamed of being a baseball player, he was very good at it and we won many championships, but his father did not accept it, saying that sport was no way to make a living, sport depended very lucky and he not want to see his son losing the best years of his life playing and later get hurt at some stupid accident. Minho needed to study and grow in life.

He had been disappointed and frustrated with his father, but it was no use arguing, so he studied to be a veterinarian to care for the ones he loved most after baseball, animals. After much struggle Minho got money to open his own clinic and that's where he was now.

"So even if you've given up on your dream of being a professional player, you still ended up doing something you love."

"Yes, at first I didn't believe I could be happy, I hated my father for a long time, but after I finished college and started working I saw that I was already happy."

"I'm happy for you." He said smiling.

"And you, are you happy Jinki-ssi?"

Jinki hesitated for a moment, he always says yes to anyone who asks this, but for some reason he cannot lie to Minho. "I'm not sure." He whispered.

"What need for you to be happy Jinki-ssi?"

"I... I don't know."

"I know, love." He said too close, when Minho came so close?


"Let me love you." He whispered and leaning.

Jinki choked on his breath and pushed Minho forcefully making the doctor almost fall off the chair. "I need to go." He said running out of the clinic, heart pounding like crazy inside his chest.

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shinyan #1
"'It's kind of hard not to notice you Jinki-ssi.' He said smiling charmingly."


"... never again say that, you deserve all the love in the world, you deserve to be happy, to love and be loved."


"I love you too, but why are you thanking me?"
"For all, for being mine, for loving me, for being this wonderful man. Thank you for making me so happy. [...] I love you."

I couldn't choose one quote. They are all so good. Minho is such a cheeseball! But in such a loving and genuine way that you are literally like "yes!" this entire fic. Like yes, Jinki it IS kind of hard not to notice you. How can you possibly think otherwise. You deserve all the love. Let Minho love you and tell you about it every day. T.T
Ellie_Diaz #2
Chapter 3: JAKSSDHKJAGHLFLJAADFÑSKFGF I loved it. The whole story *-*
Leejinki4life #3
Chapter 3: Agh!! Soo cute!!
sabrina165 #4
This wad cute and y and hot. I love how patient minho was with Jinki. Thas true love.
Chapter 3: OH MY GOD IS THAT JINKI WHO USED TO AFRAID WITH KISS?! Ahahahahaha he have become a ert now xD so cute!
chickenmaniaconew #6
Chapter 3: I loved this fic!!! Love this epilogue!!So amazing *^* fluffy/cute and hot too! this story has everything! XD LOVE IT <3
Chapter 3: aww~ jinki-yah, you needed more? you are so naughty, babe..

author-nim, thank you..
i'll wait for your another onho..
hwaiting!! :D
Chapter 3: Kyaaa *3* jinki is so needed ♡ I love Minho being this uhm shy? Or insecure? And onew trying to get his attention xD I loved it!
Bluecassy7 #9
Chapter 3: Hi Lana....!!! ^^

Of course I read yours. I do love Jinki as a bottom more.
I just seldom my comments. My bad.. ㅠㅠ and I'll try my best to be a better reader. *I promise.

Minho as a veterinarian is cuteeeee. Totally cute. It will be cool if Onho go to the South pole.

Pleaseeee. keep the spirit of Onho shipper ^^ Fighting!!!