The Last Proposal OS




Wu Zun


Ella Chen

With special participations of:

Angela Zhang Shao Han

Hebe Tian Fu Zhen

Jiro Wang Dong Chen


“I’d rather die a thousand deaths than see her cry..."

“You don’t have to protect everyone. Not everyone could be saved.”

“The time is nearing to an end..."

“Don’t hate me please.”

"...I would always say yes to you. No matter what question it is..."

“No regrets. Never.”

“There are some things in the world that doesn’t need understanding, only acceptance..."





 It was scary. The malevolent darkness enveloped his heart and his fear, not subsiding.

He was trapped in a room with no door, no window, no opening. It was dark, with only the flickering embers of the small candles scattered across the floor to guide him. It was eerie and scary. The air is overwhelmed with the smell of burning rubber and scorched flesh. The aura filling the void space was of gloom and wretchedness, the kind that would push weary hearts into the sweet bliss of death.

He doesn’t know just how he got there. Then again, it does not matter. Only that he has a mission to complete.

“What do you want, Wu Ji Zun?” his companion asked. A long hooded smock made of old wool clothed him. It was fitting for he was towering over Chun, overpowering even. His face hidden by his hood, only the intense light from his amber eyes show his sincerity. He reeked of rotten bodies and an overwhelming stench of fear. It’s voice hauntingly soothing, to sway dejected souls into its bidding.

“You know what I want,” he countered in a mask of bravery.

His companion shook his head. And with a slight wave of his shriveled, bony hand, he dismissed Chun’s notion.


“Because I love her.”

“Your love is deep enough for you to forfeit your soul?” Disbelief rang clear from his artic-ice voice.

“I’d rather die a thousand deaths than see her cry. And death is nothing to me. Only she matters,” Chun replied back with full conviction.

His companion stilled for a while as if contemplating. His amber eyes scrutinized Chun’s face for a while. Chun saw his hand flex and wondered; does his proposition entice the hooded fellow? Then he saw him nod ever so slightly.

“Then, you changed your mind?” Chun asked in hope and excitement.

“Words like those never came from my utterance. However, I see your plight. You intrigue me. But the life is not yours to dominate. It is hers. Therefore the decision should come from her.”

“She doesn’t need to know!” Chun shouted at him in anger.

“You dare raise your voice at me?” the other person thundered at him, warningly. And on cue, the air in the room seemed to disappear.

Huffing and clutching his neck, Chun dropped on his knees. “Please! I…am…sorry,” he begged to him while his throat still constricted from lack of air.  At once, the air appeared again. He breathed with great ease. “Thank you,” he murmured as he was still catching his breath.

“Remember who you are talking to, foolish man.”

“Duly noted.”

“The decision is will be from the owner of the coveted life. I shall give you both twenty-four hours. Do as you desire.”

“Please, no!” He begged again at him but his companion was nowhere in sight. “Come back!” he called out but no one came. He was alone.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
LoveYou12345678 #3
chunella hihihi
You_ #4
chunella. <33
l-o-v-e-d it. :D
I love it! <3
Chapter 1: This was amazing. I loved it.
Chapter 1: This is sooo sweet and sad. I loved it
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #10
reallly cute