
Navi One Shots

"It's snowing."

Wonshik softly spoke as he smiled, placing his hand out to feel the softness of the pure white snow.


"If only you were here with me."

His smile faded away, eyes trailing down. He felt a tear roll down his cheek, heart aching like hell.




"It's even prettier, looking at it with you."

Wonshik spoke, Hakyeon blushing and shyly smiling. He then interlocked their fingers together, turning to face the older and smiled at him.


"I have to agree with that."

The older commented, scooting closer to his lover. They both then shared a moment of silence, quietly watching the snow fall. 


Hakyeon softly sighed.


"What's wrong? You don't like it?"

He looked at the youger and smiled, shaking his head.


"I'm just thinking about the trip. I can't imagine being away from you for two days."

He said, pouting.


Wonshik chuckled at his adorable boyfriend and pecked his cheek, arms wrapping around Hakyeon's waist.


"It's just two days. It's not like I'll be gone forever once you leave."

Hakyeon wrapped his arms around Wonshik's neck and buried his face on the crook of the younger's neck.


"That's what I'm afraid of."

He whispered, grip growing tighter.


"I'm afraid that you would find another person or forget about me or-"

His words got cut off when he felt Wonshik's lips against his, body feeling warmer than before. His lips then curled up to a smile, pulling them closer, never breaking the kiss.


After awhile, he finally pulled away, eyes locked against each other's.


"I won't cheat on you. Don't worry."

Wonshik pecked his lips and smiled.



He chuckled.






"I miss you. I miss your touch, your smell, your love."

He turned to the side, looking at the empty spot. 


His eyes looked down at his hand, holding onto nothing.


"I miss everything of you."




"Don't be sad, it's just two days~"

Hakyeon giggled and pinched Wonshik's cheeks.


Wonshik pouted and took a step closer. He then pointed at his lips, Hakyeon finally understanding what he meant.


He chuckled and placed his hands on Wonshik's shoulders.


"Is that the reason why you've been sulking the entire time?"

He asked, the younger nodding. He smiled and tip toed, pressing his lips against Wonshik's.


Wonshik immediately wrapped his arms around Hakyeon and pulled his closer, slightly bending down so that the shorter wouldn't need to tip toe anymore.


After a few seconds, Hakyeon pulled away and locked their eyes together, both smiling at each other.


"I have to go now."

Hakyeon sighed and formed his lips into a thin line. Wonshik then pulled him to a hug, tightly gripping onto his shirt.


"Don't ever forget me if you see a guy who looks better than me."

Hakyeon chuckled at Wonshik's words, hugging him back.


"No one else looks better than you."

He pulled away and pecked his boyfriend's lips.


"Call me whenever you can, alright?"






He felt tears rolling down his cheeks as memories started to replay in his mind.


He clenched his fists and sobbed, tear drops falling to melt the snow right below him.


Cha Hakyeon. That name, that face, that voice. He couldn't forget everything about that man.




Wonshik immediately took his vibrating phone out and brightly smiled. Hakyeon finally called him after so long. He clicked the green button placed his phone against his ear.



Hakyeon spoke from the other line, giggling cutely as always.



Wonshik greeted back, grinning like an idiot.


"I'm in the car right now. The scenery is great. I took alot of beautiful photos! I'll show you when I'm back from Japan."



The call between them became silent, both not speaking a word.


"I miss you."

They both suddenly spoke in unison.


"If only you could be here with me to watch the scenery."


"If only I could."


"The signal here isn't that good right now. I'll call you back later when I reach the hotel, okay? Love you."



He suddenly heard a loud crash.


He froze at his spot, eyes widened.



He called, hands shaking and heart racing.


There wasn't any reply.




Wonshik sighed and turned , walking away the place where he used to meet Hakyeon.


He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked straight, unsure of where he was heading.


He had no where to go anymore.


Losing Hakyeon was just the same as Wonshik losing his everything.





Wonshik softly mumbled, taking small steps to his lover. He then held onto the small delicate hand that wasn't even reacting to his actions at all.


He looked at the unconscious male, tears rolling down his cheeks. He sat down on the chair beside the ward bed, cupping Hakyeon's hand in between his. His rested his forehead on it and closed his eyes, not caring whether anyone would see a man like him crying. 


He just wanted Hakyeon to open his eyes. That was all he was wishing for.


His other hand flew over to feel the soft strands of his dark brown hair, gently combing it with his fingers.


"Wake up...please..."

He softly cried, tightly grabbing onto Hakyeon's hand.


"I need you..."




He sat down on the white ground, placing a bouquet of flowers dowm infront of the grave. He smiled and wiped off the piles of snow that were covering the older's tombstone.


"How long has it been...a year?..."

He mumbled, looking at the small photo frame.


"I love you too. I should have replied you that. I should haven't said anything else that time."

He burst into tears again, for the nth time that day.


His hand tightly gripped onto his pants, hanging his head to cry even harder.


"I miss you so much, Cha Hakyeon...You don't know how much my heart is hurting without you here by side...You don't know how empty my life is without you..."


"You promised you would be the only one walking down aisle with me. You promised you would be the only one nagging and yelling at me. You promised you would be the only one to stay by my side forever..."




Wonshik's heart beat followed his footsteps as he dashed towards the ward room as fast as he could. He slammed the doors open and ran towards Hakyeon, standing by the bed, feet rooted to the ground.


Hakyeon's lips were pale and his hands were cold...


Wonshik burst into tears.


"You can't leave me just like this Cha Hakyeon...I still haven't granted all your wishes, all the things you've always wanted to do but never tried. We promised each other to watch the first day of snow every year. You can't just break everything and erase everything we had..."

He cried, tightly holding onto the frozen hand.


He pulled the hand closer and gently planted the kiss on the back of it, lips rested there. He then pulled away and looked at the older's face, crying even harder.


The male who used to be so cheerful, adorable and lively, was now the same man lying on the ward bed, unconscious.


"You can't leave me alone..."




Wonshik blankly stared at the tombstone, memories screening in his head one by one. He could still remember all the memories he shared with Hakyeon, every single one like it happened only yesterday. 


He could still remember the warmth of Hakyeon, when holding his hand or hugging him. He still felt everything as if Hakyeon was still with him. He could still remember that voice, either constantly nagging at him or blabbering random things. He loved to hear his voice, and now he felt so empty, not being able to hear it anymore.


He didn't even have the chance to propose to the one and only man he loved.


He had never felt his heart so broken in his entire life, having a big hole in his heart that will never be fixed. He knew there would still be millions of other people he could choose, but he didn't want anybody. 


He didn't want anybody else other than Cha Hakyeon.


He sighed and stood up, looking at the tombstone for the last time of today before he turned and walked away.


He knew that above, Hakyeon would be dying to tell Wonshik to give up on him and find someone else who would be better and replace him. He knew that Hakyeon would be disappointed, looking at how broken and lifeless Wonshik became after the day he left. He knew that Hakyeon would be crying with him as well, wanting to reach out for him but both of them were so close, yet so far to touch.


He swept off all the snow piling up on him, softly sighing.


He then took out a keychain, looking at the half heart, which Hakyeon had owned the other.




"Happy birthday jagiya!~"

Hakyeon cheered as he jumped around the place, a bright smile plastered on his face.


Wonshik chuckled and carried him up, swinging him around before he looked into Hakyeon's eyes and flashed him a smile. He then planted a kiss on Hakyeon's lips before placing him down.


Hakyeon immediately ran towards his room, rummaging through his bag before he ran out again.


"Here's your present, birthday boy."

He handed over a small gift box to Wonshik.


Wonshik opened the box and took out two shiny hanging silvers, smiling.


"Couple keychains? That's cute."

He handed the other side of the heart keychain to Hakyeon.


He sweetly smiled at the older and pecked his cheek.


"Thanks. I'll keep it with me all the time."

Hakyeon nodded and smiled back.


"You better not lose this or else you're dead."


Wonshik chuckled and gently pinched the older's cheeks.


"Alright, alright."




"Happy two year anniversary, my lovely and stubborn princess."

Wonshik spoke as he wrapped his arms around Hakyeon's waist and planted kisses all over his face.


"Thank you for these two years of happiness. I love you."

Hakyeon spoke, hugging the younger back, his head rested on Wonshik's shoulder.


They both then stood there for a moment as if time froze, just standing with arms wrapped around each other's. That's what they had always loved about each other the most, their warmth.


Wonshik then pulled away from the hug and connected their lips together, the sides of Hakyeon's lips curling up to a smile.


After a while, he finally pulled away and locked their eyes together, smiling at Hakyeon.


"Maybe one day we should really thank Hongbin for everything. If he didn't let us meet that day, I wouldn't have met the love of my life and everything would be different right now."

Wonshik softly spoke, gently holding onto the small and soft hands of his lover.


"You should get an award for being able to stand this annoying little kid for two years."

He sighed and leaned forward, gently pecking Hakyeon's forehead.


"Babe, you're not annoying. I've already told you this countless times."


"Alright, alright. I won't say it anymore."

Hakyeon wrapped his arms around Wonshik's neck, leaning his head forward so that he could feel Wonshik's lips resting on it.


"I'm sorry I couldn't give you anything this year."

He slightly pulled away and looked at the younger.


"I don't need anything, I just need you. You're the best gift god has ever given me."


"You too. Maybe Hongbin too."




The moment Hakyeon stepped into the dance studio as usual, he found some random decorations nicely placed everywhere.


'Did someone mistake the time and came earlier?'

He thought to himself as he walked in, finding no need to switch on the lights from the bright lights were shining on the decorations.





He raised an eyebrow and chuckled.


He was very sure that the perssn behind all this was none other than his romantic boyfriend, Kim Wonshik.


He closed the door and follow the arrow signs, also wondering how such a long surprise could fit in this dance studio. Wouldn't be a shock to him if any of the decorations flew out of the window.


He then stopped at a end, looking at a bunch of balloons floating quite lowly for his height with letters tied under them. He soon felt a warmth covering over him from behind, arms wrapped around his waist.


"Happy one year anniversary, princess."

A familiar deep voice spoke, resting his chin on the shorter male's shoulder, which was quite a difficulty for him due to their height gap.


Hakyeon kept quiet and stood there stoned, eyes glued onto the balloons and letters.


Wonshik pulled away and stood beside Hakyeon, looking at him.


"What's wrong? Don't tell me you forgot about it."

Hakyeon looked at Wonshik and lightly smacked his arm.


"You're such a romantic fool."

He snapped, pouting.


Wonshik chuckled and held his hand, interlacing their fingers together tightly.


"Come on."

He guided the older towards the balloons, Hakyeon taking one of the letters with his free hand, opening it to see what was written inside.


'What I love about you : Your voice.

I would be willing to hear your voice every single day and I swear I would never get tired of it. I love the way you softly sing to yourself whenever you're focused on something. Hearing your voice is always one of the first few things I want to do the moment I get up. Your voice is like heaven.'

Hakyeon's cheeks grew red as he shyly smiled. 


"You idiot."

He muttered, closing the letter and placing it back to where it belonged.


"Your idiot."

Wonshik corrected, then leaning closer to gently peck Hakyeon's cheek.


"Do you like it?"

He asked, standing infront of Hakyeon, holding his other hand.


"I love it. Thank you so much."

Hakyeon smiled and tip toed, gently resting his lips on Wonshik's, pulling away after awhile.


"Anything just for you."




The moment Wonshik stepped into the dance studio, his eyes widened in shock. The room was total darkness, candles placed on the floor in a shape of a heart with a large box in the middle.


He crossed his eyebrows in confusion and walked over to the box, taking the letter that was lying on top of it.


'To: Wonshik


It's been 6 months ever since we've been together, and I'm really glad that you came into my life, because you're the one and only reason why I'm still alive right now.


Thank you for everything. For being there for me when I needed someone the most, for being the only one who stayed when everyone left and for loving me even though I can't be the best and perfect boyfriend. Being with you is always the best thing ever to do and I will always love the presence of your love and warmth. 


I know that we might not be able to last long, but I just want you to know that this is the best relationship I've ever had and also the first time I've ever been so happy. Thank you so much for everything, Kim Wonshik. 


I love you! ♡



He smiled and closed the letter.


He loved how Hakyeon always wrote letters to Wonshik whenever he wanted to express his love or appreciation, because he knew that Hakyeon always liked to show his love through actions, but his words were always more meaningful and expressive than the actions he showed.


"Happy 6 months anniversary Shikkie!"

Hakyeon shouted, jumping up from inside the box.


Wonshik chuckled and hugged Hakyeon, carrying him out of the box and placing him down.


"Thank you."

He softly whispered, smiling as he hugged Hakyeon once again, resting his head on Hakyeon's.


"This might not be the gift ever, but I hope that you still like it."

He hugged Hakyeon tighter and planted kisses on his head.


"You must be kidding, because getting you as a gift is the best thing ever."

He softly spoke, leaning back to look at the shorter male.


Hakyeon chuckled, his hands resting on Wonshik's arms.


"Thank you so much, Kim Wonshik. That's all I can say everytime I find myself still alive the next day."

He said as he started to feel tears forming in his eyes.


"Who knew what would have happened if you we didn't meet. I would have died from suicide and nobody would have cared. Nobody would be there to save me. Nobody would even hold a funeral for me and everyone would be listing me as a nobody who disappeared forever. Nobody would have been by my side to cure me from my depression."

He cupped his mouth with his hand, bursting into tears.


He could feel all the pain he went through in the past. How he wouldn't have lived if Wonshik wasn't there to save him and how lonely he would have continued to be if Wonshik didn't speak to him. But all those horrible memories had already passed, Hakyeon finally cured and lived till this day because of the one and only man who never gave up on him the entire time, Kim Wonshik.


He looked at Wonshik and chuckled in embarassment, tears still continuously flowing down his cheeks.


"Now there's somebody. And that's me."

He smiled and took a deep breath, wiping his tears away.


"Sorry. It's our 6 month anniversary but yet I'm crying over the past."

Wonshik smiled back and cupped Hakyeon's cheeks, pecking his forehead.


"Happy 6 month anniversary."




"Wonshik, can we meet?"

Hakyeon softly asked, lips curling to a smile.


It had already been one month ever since him and Wonshik started dating. Even though they were still a little awkward with each other, they could feel their love for each other growing stronger and stronger as the days passed.


"Yeah, but can we meet during the late night? I'm rushing to finish some work right now."

He sighed and pursed his lips in slight disappointment. But he could understand. It was work, after all.


"...Alright. Call me when you're done."


"Alright, bye. Love you."

The call ended after Wonshik's last sentence.


Hakyeon sighed and placed his phone down on the table, looking at the clock.


'7.30 p.m.'


Time will pass fast, he told himself.


He looked over to the table and smiled. He had written a letter for his boyfriend, but he didn't know if the other had anything for him.


He never had a boyfriend or been in a relationship before. He didn't know how relationships worked, but he knew that he would want to be the one constantly giving love and care to the other.




Hakyeon immediately sat up and jumped out of the sofa. He had fallen asleep without realizing it himself.


He grabbed his phone and checked for the time and messages.


'10.30 p.m.'


No new messages. Wonshik must be still finishing his work. That's fine.


He sighed and plopped back down on the sofa.


Was he just being too excited about their one month anniversary? Was he just the only one who cared about it? What if he was the only one serious about their relationship? He kept asking and asking himself.




"Wonshik? Why are you still here?"

Hongbin asked when he saw his friend still sitting by his desk.


Wonshik then looked up, looking at his friend in confusion.


"What do you mean? Aren't I supposed to be here everytime?"

He asked.


"Aren't you supposed to be out with Hakyeon today? He said that it was your one month anniversary together."

His eyes widened. 


He then grabbed his calendar on the desk and looked at the date. He was too busy with work that he totally forgot what day it was.


"Oh ...I forgot."

He softly muttered to himself, placing the calendar back.



Hongbin snapped as he stood infront of Wonshik's table, slamming his palms on it.


"I introduced you to Hakyeon for a reason. And now you better get the out of this company building and find him. I don't want to see my friend falling into depression again because of a stupid guy like you."

Wonshik looked at him in shock and blinked. He had never heard his friend cursing before.


"Alright, alright. I'll be going now then."

He spoke in defeat, getting up from his seat and grabbing his things.


"Good. I'll ask Hyuk to finish these up for you."

Hongbin flashed a smile and took the stack of files, then walking away.




'11.20 p.m.'


Hakyeon placed his legs up, hugging his knees that were leaning against his chest.


Maybe Wonshik did forget about it after all.


The doorbell then rang.


He stood up from his seat and dragged his feet towards the door, his anticipation already long gone.


He opened and saw Wonshik panting, a bouquet of flower in his hands.


"H-Hakyeon, I'm sorry. I totally forgot about it."

He stood there and stared at Wonshik for a moment before he took the flowers and threw it to the ground, right beside Wonshik.


"If you can forget about such a small thing then maybe you can forget about our relationship."

He snapped, then slamming the door shut right at Wonshik's face.


Wonshik ruffled his hair in annoyance and bent down, picking the flowers back up.


He completely screwed up their relationship.


He walked towards the stairs and sat on one of the steps, taking out his phone to dial Hongbin's number.


After a few rings, Hongbin picked up the call.


"What's the matter?"


"He got mad and broke up with me."

He heard Hongbin letting out a long sigh.


"Well, blame yourself for forgetting about it then."


"Bin, you're not helping out. I really didn't mean to forget about it. I really love Hakyeon alot and I don't want to lose him just like that."


"...Fine. His door code is 2405. Go in and apologize to him. I'm going to sleep now. Bye."



He ended the phone call and shoved his phone back into his pocket, taking the bouquet of flowers and getting up from his seat.


He then walked towards Hakyeon's doorstep and punched in the code given by his friend, the door unlocking.


He stood there frozen for awhile before entering the house, gently closing the door behind him and walked towards Hakyeon's room, where he heard sobbing sounds.


He lightly pushed the door open and walked towards Hakyeon who was currently lying on the bed.



He softly called, the said male turning around and sitting up from the bed in shock, wondering how he got into the house.


His face was full of trails of tears, eyes growing puffy. Wonshik felt his heart aching, he felt so guilty. He didn't know forgetting their one month anniversary would hurt Hakyeon so badly.


He sat down on the bed and placed the flowers down beside him, pulling Hakyeon to a hug.


"I'm really sorry Hakyeon. I really didn't mean to forget about it. I promise it will never happen again."

He softly whispered.


"...Get away from me."

Hakyeon pulled away from the hug, glaring at Wonshik.


"I don't even think you're serious about us. You always give me empty promises and now I don't even know how to trust you anymore. What kind of relationship is this? A one-sided one?"

Wonshik gently grabbed onto Hakyeon's chin and locked their eyes together.


"Hakyeon, I am serious about this relationship. I'm sorry for always breaking my promises. It's just that I'm really busy with work these few weeks. I promise I'll spend more time with you when it ends next month."

He leaned closer and gently rested his lips on Hakyeon's.


Hakyeon's eyes widened in shock. It was their first kiss ever since they had started dating. It was also Hakyeon's first ever kiss. He had admit, it felt nice. It felt warm and gentle that he could feel himself melting under the sweetness of it.


Wonshik pulled away and smiled at him, taking the bouquet of roses that was fortunately still intact and beuatiful.


"Happy one month anniversary. I hope you've been happier and brighter after being with me."

He handed the roses over to Hakyeon.


Hakyeon's lips curled up to a tiny smile as he felt tears threatening to fall again, but this time those tears were tears of happiness instead of sadness, which was a good thing.


He then wrapped his arms around Wonshik's neck, pulling him closer and connecting their lips together once again. He honestly loved the feeling of Wonshik's sweet lips against his and he knew that kissing Wonshik would soon become one of his addictions.


He pulled away and locked their eyes together, smiling at Wonshik. He then suddenly thought of something.


He immediately let go of his boyfriend and got up from the bed, running out of the room, leaving Wonshik confused.


After awhile, he finally came back with a letter in his hand. He shyly stepped towards the male and handed him the letter.


That was the where Hakyeon gave his first ever letter to his boyfriend.


"Happy one month anniversary."




"I-I have something to tell you. But it's embarassing to say."

Wonshik softly spoke, clenching his fists nervously. He then leaned against the sofa and bit his bottom lip.


"Wonshik, we're best friends. There's nothing to be embarassed about."

He sighed and took a moment before he finally opened his mouth to speak.


"What if...What if I told you...That I like guys?"

He hung his head down and spoke. 


The room grew silent for seconds.


He hesitantly looked up at Hakyeon, who then flashed him a smile.


"I'm fine with that. Who's the special boy then?"

Hakyeon asked, giggling.


Wonshik kept quiet and smiled, cheeks growing red at the thought of it.


"He's cute, he's a little shorter than me and he really talks alot. But...I don't know how to confess to him. I don't think he's gay either."

He softly spoke.


Hakyeon looked up at the ceiling for awhile, thinking before he suddenly thought of an idea.


"Maybe you could just confess, there's no harm tr-"


"I like you."

Wonshik cut off his words, kneeling down infront of the older.


Hakyeon's eyes widened as he pointed at himself.



He asked, stuttering.


The younger nodded, hanging his head down and gently holding onto the older male's hand, hesitantly looking up again to face him.


"...I know you might not like the idea of two guy bestfriends being together, but I really love you. I really want to protect you forever and I'm sure that you're the one person I won't get tired looking at or listening to for my entire life. And I swear that everything I'm telling you right now is the truth."

He stood back up and looked into Hakyeon's eyes.


"...Will you be mine...forever?"

Hakyeon smiled and hugged him.


"I'd love to."




"Hakyeon, this is Wonshik and Wonshik, this is Hakyeon."

Hakyeon and Wonshik looked at each other for the first time, both smiling at each other awkwardly.


"I'm going to meet Hyuk now. You both have fun, alright? See you tomorrow."

Hongbin spoke and immediately got up from his seat, leaving the place quickly without even letting Wonshik or Hakyeon say anything about it.


Wonshik sighed and let out a soft chuckle.


"What do you like to do doing your free time?"

He asked, elbow resting on the table and chin on his palm, looking at the male opposite him.


He had to admit, Hakyeon was more described to be pretty rather than handsome to him, even though Hakyeon was obviously a man.


"Dancing. It's my life."

Hakyeon answered chuckling.



He asked, copying the same action as Wonshik without realizing it.


"Rapping and composing songs. I dance too, but I spend more time with the other two."

His face brightened, clasping his hands together.


"Composing songs? That's really charming, I like it."

He smiled, looking at the other male blushing and shyly smiling from his comment, softly replying a 'thank you'.


"Hey, it's getting really late. May I send you back home? I have a car."

Wonshik asked, getting up from his seat.



He smiled and opened the door, using a hand sign to gesture Hakyeon to leave first.



Hakyeon softly spoke, giggling before walking out, along with Wonshik behind.


When they headed towards Wonshik's car, Wonshik immediately opened the door for Hakyeon once again, as if it was a habit.


"You don't have to be such a gentleman, I'm not a woman."


"You don't have to be a woman to be treated nicely by me."

Hakyeon chuckled.



He entered the car and sat by the front, Wonshik getting in shortly after.


He wore on the seat belt and leaned back against the seat.


"Can I take a nap?"

He asked, Wonshik turning to face him.


"Of course you can. Your house is right beside Hongbin's, right?"




"Alright. I'll wake you up when we're there."



Hakyeon flashed smile before he closed his eyes, head leaning towards the window.





Hakyeon slowly opened his eyes, blinking to adjust to the brightness. He then sat up and looked out of the window.


"O-Oh, sorry."


"It's alright."

He smiled, unlocking their seatbelts before getting out.


Hakyeon slightly ruffled his hair and got out of the car as well, adjusting his clothes that were slightly crumpled from his long nap.


"Thanks for sending me back."

He thanked as he looked at Wonshik, flashing a smile to him.




"Be careful on your way back."

Wonshik smiled and nodded.



They both said in unison, Hakyeon giggling from that. He then waved and turned around, but got held back by Wonshik.


Hakyeon turned and looked at him in confusion.


"...Phone number?"

Wonshik softly spoke, shyly smiling as he handed over Hakyeon his phone.


Hakyeon brightly smiled and typed in his phone number on the number pad, then handing the phone back to Wonshik.



Wonshik said again, the both waving to each other before Hakyeon finally left.




"Goodbye, Cha Hakyeon. I love you."

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