
Navi One Shots

Just a random and short one :)




Hakyeon shifted around his bed, sitting up as he softly groaned in annoyance. He then got up from his own bed and looked around. 


It was 3 in the morning, yet he still couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he tried to. 


He felt cold, empty, in need of warmth.


He first headed over to Taekwoon, crouching down beside him.



He softly called as he gently poked Taekwoon a few times before the male woke up, turning to face him.


"What is it?"

Taekwoon asked, slightly annoyed.


"Can I sleep with you? I can't sleep at all."

He stared at Hakyeon for a moment before he let out a soft sigh, nodding.


Hakyeon smiled and lay down beside Taekwoon, scooting close to him as he covered his body with the blankets.



He softly mumbled, then closing his eyes.


But after awhile, his eyes opened again. This didn't feel right at all. He still felt cold.


He sighed and sat up again, ruffling his hair in annoyance. He didn't know whether he was having an insomnia or if he was just too stressed out from the busy schedules they had for the entire week.


He stood up and left the room, entering Wonshik and Sanghyuk's room.


He walked over to Wonshik and lay down beside him, covering the blankets over his body once again. He scooted close to Wonshik, head resting on his shoulder.


He heard Wonshik's snoring suddenly stop, the body shifting alittle. Wonshik probably woke up because of the sudden warmth beside him.


"Hakyeon hyung?"

He heard the younger softly calling his name. He then turned and looked at him.


"What are you doing here?"

Wonshik asked, gently patting the older's hair.


"I can't sleep. And it's 3 in the morning."

He nodded, gently resting Hakyeon's head on his chest.


"You don't mind my snoring?"

He asked, chuckling in embarassment.


"I guess it won't bother me, as long as I'm able to sleep."

Hakyeon looked at him and smiled, wrapping his arms around Wonshik's waist and snuggling closer.


"Hopefully I'll be able to sleep. I tried to sleep beside Taekwoon just now, but I only slept for a minute or less."

He sighed and closed his eyes.


He then felt a pair of arms wrapped around his body as well, head resting on top of his and warmth covering over him.


"Good night."

The two spoke in unison.


Hakyeon's lips then curled up to a smile. He didn't feel the coldness anymore, all he could feel was warmth.


And he was finally able to sleep.

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--babystar #1
Chapter 5: Why why TT
DevilNextToYou #2
Sequel to chapter 9 with Neo? And ravi regretting? And please hakyeon not dying. My heart can't take much more
Chapter 10: so adorable ♡♡♡ just what I needed to start a new year with ^^
Lilt_10 #4
Chapter 9: This really made me cry T-T it's beautiful and sad at the same time... It's really good though, you make a good job!!
Black_Cat21 #5
Chapter 9: A very heart remembering story... It's really cool... Makes me cry as if it was me myself was the main of the story... Keep it up!!
Crystal_Nguyen2000 #6
Chapter 8: Chapter 3: Every time I read this I always end up crying. But I can't get enough of it. TT_TT
Lilt_10 #7
Chapter 5: I came back to read this after a week, I know remember why I couldn't finish it the first time T_T
asian_ari_13 #8
Chapter 5: Omg this is so good it brought me to tears T_T