01: J-Hope - Four Grey Walls (H)

The Bangtan Room
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Hey guys! First chapter's prompt I'm giving to H is a grey box, the Bangtan boy is J-Hope :) it's going to be written by H because I am evil and I hope you guys enjoy it ! ^.^ I'll see you in the next chapters ;) 

Member: J-hope
Prompt: Grey Box

Four Grey Walls

The lights in the room are dimmed down, flashing strobe lights providing the bulk of the basement lighting. The music pulses not only through the speakers but through the walls, shaking the floor with heavy bass beats. The music and lighting is reminiscent of the typical Friday nights spent with body against body, a mass of sweat, heat and amateur dancers. The bodies moving in the centre of this room are anything but amateur and Hoseok finds himself itching to join them.

"Go on Hoseok-ah, show 'em what you've got"

The crowd of people part as Hoseok makes his way through to the centre. The boy dancing there can't have been more than two or three years older than himself. As Hoseok approaches, the boy eyes his competitor up and down with a stance that screams confidence and Hoseok begins to think that challenging a b-boy hyung on his first trip underground was a very bad idea. Then the music starts and he forgets why he came and pretends he's at the studio, freestyling as he always does after rehearsals.


He loses himself to the music the way he knew he was born to.


It's only afterwards when he asks his hyung who the dancer was that he gets to put a name to a face and truly appreciate his competitor's skill. Barom Yu, or Rome, is apparently the best dancer in his crew, NEURON.

"What about the other dancers in that crew? What are their names?" Hoseok asks.

"No idea," his hyung replies "Down here people down know your name until you prove you're worth knowing."

Those are the words that come to Hoseok's mind when Rome approaches him on his fifth trip underground, asking him to join NEURON. Hoseok readily accepts, the dusty concrete floor and four grey walls holding a different kind of charm to the mirrored practice studio. It takes a few tries for it to feel natural. Dancing underground is completely different from the typical twice a week rehearsals that Hoseok is accustomed to - there's a raw, ness that felt foreign at first but gradually became more and more comfortable.


He's the youngest member of NEURON, the maknae, but he soon learns that skill and passion are the only two things that matter in this world. So he works hard, ditching night-school in favour of attending this battle or that battle. It pays off, to an extent. His name becomes known and appreciated and dancing with his crew is fun and rewarding, but only by so much. Hoseok, being a student is still allowed to rely on his parents to cover his financial expenses but his fellow members are all older than him and thus he witnesses, firsthand, the harsh reality of the und

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