I still love you ~

I still love you

"VIXX Hongbin revealed to be dating a non-celebrity girl" 

You read through all the allkpop articles and looked through all the dispatch pictures revealing a number of your secret dates with your celebrity boyfriend, VIXX Hongbin. 

You looked at your phone for the 100th time today, but nothing. It's been 3 days already. 

You tried recalling what happened the night the news came out ... 


A phone ringing... Hongbin's shaky voice on the other side of the line... 

His agency is required to release a statement, fans are going crazy, some are trying to figure out who the girl is... 

A knock on your door, VIXX's manager asking you to call Hongbin one last time and tell him you wanted to break up

This was better for both of you, he said

Fans would calm down a bit and you won't have as many reporters at your doorstep as you would have if you're still dating...

You begged him between your sobs. You can't do it. You can't call Hongbin and tell him you wanted to break up because you don't want to. 

You loved him so much.

It was your fault, asking him to go on dates like all couples do... it was your fault, not being careful enough about fans following you around...

It was all your fault, but you still can't do it.. 


- Hongbinah~ 

- (Y/N)~ 

- Hongbinah~ I'm sorry. I think we should break up

- ... 

- Binah~ I am sorry. This is better for both of us. The fans need a statement, and it would be better to break up 

- Hmm.. 

- I am very sorry.. 

You tried not to cry.. hot tears were rolling down your face... 

- You are right. This is better for us. Goodbye (Y/N).. 

He hung up! 

You fell on the nearest couch and started sobbing... you cried your heart out while their manager looked at you and patted your back

- I am sorry to have to put you through this, but you know it's safer this way.. 


The agency revealed that Hongbin was dating but no longer is, which made the fans calm down a little bit. 

The agency also made a deal with dispatch not to reveal the exact date of the photos, which of course cost them a lot. 

But as long as the fans were fine, and the stocks were not drastically affected, things would be fine. 


But you missed Hongbin so much. You were not allowed to call him or text him. That's when being friends with Taekwoon paid off. 

You texted him to ask about Hongbin and he answered; 

He's doing well. Hope you're doing well too. 


You felt relieved but sad. Every time you remembered the last phone call you had with him you starting crying and cursing youself. You weren't practically fine. You're eating well and sleeping well, but there is an emptiness inside your heart that can't be filled without seeing Hongbin, or hearing his voice. You really needed to see his beautiful smile and adorable dimples. So to hear that he is doing well made you feel sad because you though he wasn't affected by the break up.

You were sure he's mad at you. He might never want to see you again. So you decided to pass by the dorm every day for a chance of seeing him. 

But he did not go out with the members, not when they left for practice, nor for music shows. 

The agency was trying to keep him out of sight until the news cooled down totally. 

It's been 2 weeks now. 

And you still did not see him. You started to worry about him. 

The news stopped coming a couple of days ago, but he still did not come out. At all! 

You'd wait for a couple of hours every day to see the members leave and still no trace of Hongbin. 


You were watching T.V. when you heard a bang at your door, then some rough knocking. 

You jumped off the couch and ran toward the door. 

- Who is it? 

- Open up, it's me, Taekwoon. Open the door quickly, it's important. 

You opened the door and saw Taekwoon panting heavily. 

What's wrong? Is it Hongbin? Is something wrong with him? You said he was doing fine!!

- I'm sorry I lied. He didn't want me to tell you. He's very sick. It's been 2 weeks already and he refuses to eat anything. He keeps calling your name, he needs to see you. Please come with me. 


It took you a minute to get dressed and leave with Taekwoon. You were crying. You know it was all your fault. 

When Taekwoon introduced you to Hongbin the first time he told you to not do anything stupid, but you did. You fell in love, and so did Hongbin. 

He also did, when he stole Taekwoon's phone and got your number. He did when he texted you, but you shouldn't have replied. 

You shouldn't have agreed to meet him that night. You shouldn't have kissed him back when he surpirsed you with a kiss in the car in front of your building. You shouldn't have said yes when he asked you to date him. 

He is a celebrity, everything matters when you're a celebrity, and having a love life wasn't an option. 

But you were deeply in love. Madly in love. Both of you. You were a couple made in heaven. 


Taekwoon pulled you out of your thoughts when he placed a scarf around your neck and a snapback on your head. 

- We don't want people to see you here. 

He pulled over in front of a hospital and your heart sunk. Tears haven't stopped rolling on your face. 

Taekwoon pulled you across hospital corridors until he got to a room where you saw the rest of the members, Sanghyuk crying and Hakyeon patting his back, Jaehwan's and Wonshik's faces gloomy and dark. 

You couldn't face any of them. Not when you caused all this distress. You were surprised when Hakyeon stood up and hugged you. 

Thank you for coming. The manager told us that he was the one who asked you to break up with Hongbinie, but he still doesn't know. We asked the manager to allow you to come, Hongbin hasn't eating anything since then. He needs you (Y/N)~ 

You couldn't say anything. You simply nodded and tried to stop your tears. 

Taekwoon opened the door and let you in. 

You took the scarf and the snapback off and sat next to the bed, where a horribly-looking Hongbin lay. 

His cheeks sunk in, and he had huge dark sircles under his eyes. Tears were slowly rolling down the sides of his face. 

You held his hand in yours and put it on your face. 

Hongbinah~ it's me (Y/N). I'm here. Baby Bean, I'm so sorry. 

He opened his eyes slowly and looked at you. 


His voice was very weak. 

You bent down and kissed him gently on the lips, and then gently ruffled his hair. 

I'm here baby, and I won't leave. You looked at the manager who sat across the room and he nodded approvingly. 

Hongbin turned his face away. 

But you left me already. You said you wanted to break up. 

Although his voice was terribly weak, you could feel he was hurt. 

That's when the manager finally spoke.

Hongbinah. I'm sorry, I asked her to say that. We were very worried about the fans and this was our only option. 

He looked back at you and tried to speak but you placed your index on his lips. 

The nurse came in with a food tray, followed by the members. 

Taekwoon said: we've got you (Y/N), now you should eat as you promised. 

You looked at the food tray and back to Hongbin. 

- Is it ok if I help him eat his food? 

Taekwoon nodded and Hakyeon helped Hongbin sit up and put a pillow behind his back. 

You started feeding him slowly and it hurts you to see how difficult it is for him to eat. 

He finished his meal and you helped him clean his face before falling asleep. 

The members left you alone with a sleeping Hongbin. Taekwoon came back. 

The manager wanted to thank you for coming. He also wanted me to tell you that it would fine if you came to visit Hongbin at the dorm every once in a while. He'll pick you up and drop you back whenever you wanted to see him. Just promise me to take a good care of our Hongbinie. 

You whispered:

Really?? Thank you! Thank you so much!! I promise! 

As Taekwoon was leaving the room you heared a faint voice calling your name. 

You looked at Hongbin and found him smiling at you. 

Go back to sleep baby. 

- I love you, (Y/N)~. Don't leave me again. 

- I won't leave you Binie~ I still love you~ 



Author's note: I'm seriously falling for Hongbin, especially his low notes in Error ♥♥♥

Hope you like it!! Waiting for your feedback ^^ 




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Ohmyjaja #1
Chapter 1: hihihi HONGBINIE~ <3 I always love you... :D
Ohmyjaja #2
Chapter 1: hihihi HONGBINIE~ <3 I always love you... :D
kpop_s #3
Chapter 1: Aww~~ that was so sweet
Thaanx!! : D
amma19 #5
Chapter 1: love it <3333