

Miku let his cigarette fall to the ground. He didn't bother to pick it up or stomp it out. His body is facing the sea, but his mind is far away. Behind him, a car door slams. He hears the footsteps come closer, but he did not turn to acknowledge the fellow vampire.

"What are you doing out here? Hyde-san, Mana-sama and others are out looking for you!" Miku sighs. It is one of his bandmates, Takuya.

"I just need a break, Kuya. Bou-kun and I are having problems." It was no secret that Miku and Bou are in a relationship.

"But that doesn't mean you run away from the band. We are going on stage in a couple of hours."

"I just needed to get away."

"Do you even know how far you are from ROCKETS? And you got everybody looking for you? We need you on stage today!" Takuya pauses to answer his ringing phone, leaving Miku to ponder his words. Miku just has too much on his brain. His love life, his band, etc. It was becoming too much. He finally turns to face his red-headed bandmate. Takuya finishes his conversation and glares at Miku.

"That was Hyde-san and Mana-sama. They want me to drag your back to ROCKETS. So, are you going to come with me or do I need to use force? Oh, by the way, where the hell is your cell phone?"

Miku couldn't answer. He stares down at his feet, feeling guilty. Guilty that there had to be a search party looking for him. He couldn't tell Takuya that he had thrown his phone into the sea to escape Bou's phone calls. He couldn't tell hm that he is crushing on someone else. After all, Takuya was the one who had brought them together. He couldn't spill his heart out to anyone.

As he continues to ponder Takuya's ultimatum, Takuya also looks down, at Miku's feet to see a cigarette on the ground. "Miku," he growls, jerking the guy from his thoughts. Miku looks up, trying to ignore the death glare.

"Smoking again, and after Hyde-san forced you to quit. Explain."

"It calms me down, that's all. Haido-san should know that."

"He quit too, baka."

"Whatever. Let's go, before the police show up."

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bubblegummonkey20 #1
Chapter 1: i don't really know about anime but your oneshot is really cool! and don't worry about the cursing, it adds more of a dramatic feel to the story especially in ones like these!