Once I Break...


Is it possible for one to hold the weight of the world on their shoulders? Is it possible to carry on life, dutifully...while falling apart inside? A man can only be stretched so far.. And for Yunho, these words are nothing but truthful reminders of everyday life now. Some may think he didn't see Casseopia initially tearing apart...becoming Orions or "staying by their side" with HolyShinki. 

Everything behind doors with Kara isn't a well as it seems. Gyuri works three times as hard with her members, trying to strengthen the bond between them. But what if something happens again? The girls she's come to love dearly as sisters...what is they once again attempt to break away?

Over the years, these two have grown increasingly familiar with each other; recent events bringing them to a close Oppa-Dongsaeng relationship in private, and a friendly Sunbae-Hoobae relationship in public. Will this chance meeting at Avex Group headquarters bring them even closer...?


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YunRi's a tag for Yunho and Yuri, not for Yunho and Gyuri, Geez!
i thought this was YunhoxYuri. XD
sakura_yuri9 #3
dang it...i thought this was a yunri as in YUNHO+YURI ><