

This is about a girl, Kim Hana. A girl with a broken smile, a broken life, and a broken family. Abusive father, mother in jail, and a gangster "step-brother", Kim Dongjun.

Surprisingly, Dongjun isn't bad to her at all like most people would assume. He's very caring, nice, and observant....well, at least to Hana. He vows to never let his children and wife go down the same path he's walking along. Hana is his #1 priority. She's strong and determined for a girl with a horrid life; but, Hana isn't your average good girl. She's drinking every day and doing drugs. Dongjun feels pity and guilt to the the poor girl and allows her to do what she'd like.

During one of Dongjun's "underground meets" with a gang known as Super Junior, Hana meets Lee Donghae. A boy who smiles and acts like all is fine but Hana knows that smile all too's fake. His mouth is smiling and laughing but his eyes tell the true story: pain, hurt, and misery.

So, Hana befriends Donghae. He pushes her away at first which intrigues Hana more so she pushes until Donghae finally accepts. They're total opposites. Donghae is calm and collected while Hana is stubborn and hot-headed. Once she sets her eyes on something, she will get it.

Eunhyuk is a easy going guy when he's NOT doing business. He's outgoing and energetic. He doesn't get along with Hana AT ALL but, he's always there for her. When a couple of jealous es pick a fight with Hana, he steps in and protects her. Soon after, he starts feeling some not-so-friendly feelings for the girl.

Is romance going to bloom on these three? or will the past get in the way?

Credit to F R O S T Y Mint Graphic Shop for the poster !


Kim Hana


"Months came and months went. I felt exhausted, tired, sad. It was like I was suffocating, like I couldn't breathe, like the walls were caving in on me. I was giving up and I'm sorry because I gave up on everyone else as well. I miss myself. I miss smiling. I miss being happy. I miss loving you. I miss loving anything that isn't sleep. I miss being me...."

Lee Donghae


"I watched how your messages became slower and slower. You stopped replying. I stopped making you smile like I used to. I watched how you stopped laughing at the cute things I did like biting my lip, leaning my head to one side, and talking in my cat voice to you. I watched how you hooked onto him. I watched how your tone changed completely. I watched you slowly leave...."

Kim Dongjun


"Life is only a path full of efforts."

Lee Hyukjae/Eunhyuk


"I drowned my thoughts of you even when they tried so hard to swim."

Super Junior


"The thing about broken clocks is you can always tell exactly when they stop ticking. With people, it isn't so easy and sometimes, you can't even tell they're broken."


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marvelouspages #1
looking forward to this :)