Popular = rival


Tae Hyung opened the door to get his newspaper.

Whoa...Kookie is really popular in only less than 24 hours!” He read his newspaper with JungKook pressconfrence photo on the news papper.


The next hot gossip is about Jeon Jung Kook, the new artist!”

He is sure a cutie, despite to his girly looks.”

Besides...He have many talents like singing and dancing and rapping”
“He had become Korea most wanted boy! The girls are craze of his baby face. Ho-”


He turned off the TV.

The show biz...makes my Kookie popular...everyone will know him and...the entire world is my rival!”




Cut! That was a good job there TaeHyung!” The director patted his back.

Take five people!”He instructed for the next scene.

TaeHyung...show us your brother... HE IS CUTE!”

What is his name again?”

Jungkook is cute~very adorable I want to meet him”

WE want to meet him!”

Uhh...if there is a chance.” He laughed forcefully.

At this rate someone could just steal him from me! But I cant even say 'steal' he is not mine yet...


We are from BIG HIT production. We brouht our new idol here to be inrtoduced.” The voice echoed.

No...Way, JungKook!!” JungKook quickly lifted his head hearing a familiar voice calling for him.

Tae! Im here!”JungKook ran to Tae Hyung.

Waht are you doing here?”

The manager wants me to meet some artist from different production studio and Tv productions.”

I-I see...”

What are you doing here?”

I m filiming my-”


Its really him?”

We just talk about you kiddo!”

He is truly adorable!”

Tae, inrtoduce your brother to us!”

Right now!”



TaeHyung face changed.


Introducing my brother JungKook.”

Nice to meet you Im jungkook!” JungKook bowed.


How old are you?”

Im two years younger than Tae.”

Eighteen? Wow! You are so young”

Hey JungKook can I have a picture with you?”

Me too”

Me three”

Me four!”


Lets take pictures now! I'll hug you !”

His skin is soft!”

You cant do that!”

So I 'll let him hug me.”


Tae Hyung cant stand it anymore. He dragged JungKook outside, heading to the locker room.

What wrong? Tal to me!” He throwed him to the locker.

What are you doing?” Noticing that Taunting face is red.

Wwhats wrong, Tae?”

Dont you dare...

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