


I've always loved calling him the nickname, " Hyung ", though he wouldn't never know that I have another secret nickname for him. Squishy hyung is way more adorable and more suitable to describe him. Who's he? My beloved Do Kyung Soo.

Everything about him seems fascinating , for I have never been in love or have liked someone this seriously in my life before encountering with Hyung. He's a year older than me, his short height makes him more adorable, and his large round confused eyes are the best features in his whole body. The eyes that drift you away into an unknown place if you stare into them. Some sort of dreamy eyes I guess.

Frankly speaking, I didn't notice that he goes to the same university as me, untill five months ago. It was in the practical room and all of the students from the same major as I am, were gathered for our very first pratical work from the beginning of our university lives. My eyes went from here to there in the small crowded room, a small boy stood right in front of my eyes.  In a place which was about three rolls away from my seat, he was in a conversation with a student nearby. Then I wondered how come I had never seen such beautiful student in the area beforehand, in fact, I wasn't the type to grow interest in the surroundings.

For how long was I staring the face of his, I couldn't even hear the teacher calling out my roll number. A friend beside nudged my shoulder with his and I was embarassed by the amount of eyes which were over me. Including the pair of eyes of that boy, he tilted his head a bit to see me answering stutteringly to the teacher that I was present. Screw you, Jong In. Me, who was very professional with using the microscope became a total mess whom couldn't even set the light into the microscope. Thank god the teacher only patted my back, encouraging me not to be clumsy and to keep calm. Or else, it'd be another embarassing situuation with the so-called squishy boy in the same room and I didn't want that, again.

The rest of my school days were filled with daydreams about the boy, whose name I later found out , is " Do Kyung Soo " . Lucky was I, he was supposed to be in the same classroom . Again, how come I never notice that important fact before ? Jong In, you need to improve your social skills. He became part of my every conversation that I shared with my friends, together with those talks about the girls I like. My progress with him didn't improve though, we didn't even exchange greetings in the mornings when we're  in the class or in the afternoon at the lunchbreaks or in the pratical room when the teacher thankfully made us work together at a table.

However, after the eventful day at the Christmas party at the university, he and I grew closer, I was able to call him "Hyung" and he called me " Kai" , the nickname of mine which only my bestfriends and my parents call me, thought I still don't tell him that fact, it'd be obvious if he knows, that he's special for me. He's quiet, contended, and caring, and loving. His eyes that I loved, now looked directly into mine whenever we talk or discuss about our assignments. He still seems not to notice my feelings for him, after I've given tons of hints from time to time. Or is it that he doesn't feel the same way so he doesn't respond to my hints?

My hopes never waver, I keep thinking that one day I'll be able to hold his hands in mine, I'll have a chance to pinch his squishy cheeks, also we would spend every leisure breaks together, that I'd be able to call him by the name, " Squishy hyung ". As I hoped for that day to come, that day when I'd finally confess my feelings to him and we'd become .. well.. couples.


Do Kyung Soo

Where shall I start this? Probably from the first day of school I guess. Yes, it was on that day I met him by accidence, that only lasted for a few seconds. He was rushing to the class that he couldn't even notice me who was heading to the same classroom as him with a pile of books in hand, coming back from the school's office. It's kinda embarassing to admit that I supposed to fall in love with a glance of the person, but yes, I did.

The next encounter was in the practical room, I was very glad that he and I are in the same class, plus, the same major too. Is it what they called fate? Not really. I took glances secretly at him when no one was looking, during the conversation with a friend of mine. The way he acted when he didn't hear his roll number being called, it was super cute. How clumsy he is, I wonder what he was thinking of at the time. Maybe I should ask him later when we become closer than now.

Because of my shyness towards people, I wasn't able to start a normal conversation with him at first, even greeting him seemed too difficult for me. He is really an outgoing person, whose personality is really different from mine. My fondness towards him grew even more, more and more that sometimes, I had to avoid eye contact with him. I couldn't stand his gaze, which has this unknown power which makes me suffocating and speechless. However, I got used to his eyes, not that much.

He really is a tacky gaudy guy, at times when he gets bored, he would sit closer to me on the bench, trying every single thing to distract me from focussing in the words on the book. Actually, it fails everytime I try to focus when he does the so-called skinships or says the flirty words that makes me think he likes me too. Or so I thought. I shouldn't get my hopes that high, right?

Whatever I tried to get him out of my life, oppositely, I ended up being attached to him ever more. You can't ever avoid first ever love you have in your life, the saying is true. Every time we spends toghether, makes me hope for more and more . But I know that one day, I'd be able to whisper him sweet things that I've never imagined that I'd do, go on dates with him at every part of Seoul, a chance to kiss his cheeks and the plumpy lips, he'd lie on my laps and fall asleep, if I don't ask for much. With hopes stuffed in my heart, I slowly walk to the bench where he is sitting and waving at me with a big smile on his face.


It's finished, hurray! bUT IT'S REALLY CRAPPPPPPPPPPY ANDD SUPEEEEEEEEEER SHORT IM SO SORRY T-T But i really hope you enjoy reading this and I promise to write even better fictions from now on. So please look forward!

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