The Dance

I like YOU!

2ne1 - Let's Go Party

(i love this song and it always gets stuck in my head so why not ^_^)




Friday night came and ~~~ and Suzy were at Suzy's house getting ready


"Are you sure you're ok?"


"Yeah Ill be with GD" Suzy replied


"Yeah it was nice of him to ask you maybe he still likes you" she felt a pain in her chest as she said that


"Nah he was just being a good friend"


"oh" she smiled


They finished getting ready and headed down stairs (your dress and Suzy's dress)


"wow you girls look really pretty" Suzy's mom complimented them


"thanks" they said in unison


The doorbell rang


The girls ran up stairs


Suzy's mom opened the door to reveal two handsome guys (GD and Seungri)


"Come in. The girls will be down in a minute *towards the stairs* THEY'RE HERE!!" she yelled


~~~ and Suzy came downstairs dramatically like in the movies, but it was ruined when both of them almost tripped coming down


They all laughed


"Well that was a fail!" ~~~ said while laughing


"picture time!" Suzy's mom said while holding a camera


Everyone groaned


"don’t whine -_-" she said


"hey would you mind standing like this itll look better because of everyone's heights" she rearranged them so that Seungri and Suzy were together and ~~~ and GD were together


She took the picture and they left quickly before she could take more pics


At the dance


Seungri asked ~~~ to dance


On the dance floor Seungri got close to her. She thought he was going to kiss her, but he went to her ear and said something


"hey would you mind helping me make Suzy jealous" he whispered


She looked at him confused and they walked to a hallway for some privacy


"what are you talking about?"


"sorry but I like Suzy not you and I want to make her jealous so that she will fall for me. That's the reason why I wanted to come to the dance with you. I'm really sorry I hope you don’t mind" he explained


"aww you like Suzy?! That’s so cute!" she aint even mad


"so you're not mad?"


"not at all! Dude you didn’t have to make her jealous! She already likes you!"


"Really?!" his eyes brightened up


"Yes! Now go tell her cuz she was very disappointed that you came here with me!"


"ok and thanks" he gave her a quick hug and went back to the dance


*aww those two are going to be so cute together* she stood there and then realized she looked stupid all alone *well I better go home*


She turned to go when someone came out of the dance


"hey" GD smiled




"are you leaving?"


"Yeah I don’t have a date anymore so imma just leave" she explained


She turned to go when he grabbed her arm


"You don’t have to go. Im sort of dateless too"


She smiled "lets be dateless together"


They linked arms and went back to the dance


They went to the dance floor and went crazy to all the fun songs when suddenly they played a slow song


All the couples on the dance floor got close and danced close together


~~~ and GD looked awkwardly at each other then he reached out his hand and asked her to dance


She shook her head


"why not?"


"I don’t know how to dance to this music"


"Ill teach you" he put her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist


They slowly moved from side to side


*this feels so right-NO I CANT FALL FOR HIM WE ARE JUST FRIENDS AND HE DOESN’T LIKE ME!* she thought


*why does this feel so perfect* he thought


They were so close and the mood was so right. They looked into each other's eyes and they wanted to lean, but just as they were going to someone went on stage and they stopped the music.


"hey everyone it's time to announce the king and queen of the dance"


They both came back to reality and pulled back looking away


"The king is Seungri!"


Everyone cheered as he went on stage and got his crown


"And the queen is Suzy!"


People cheered even more as she went up to the stage and Seungri put a crown on her head


"now they will have their spotlight dance"


The cute couple danced in a circle formed by the student body and then Seungri leaned in and kissed her


The crowed awwed and cheered


After the dance Seungri and Suzy decided to go home together so GD walked ~~~ home. On the way he noticed that she looked very tired so he stopped


"whats wrong?"


"get on my back"


"im ok"


"come on"


She was tired so she decided to get on


At her house


"thanks for the piggy back ride"


"your welcome"


"I had a nice time"


"me too. Ill see you around"


He walked away


~~~ walked in her house and leaned against the door *I think that was the best night of my life*




Chapter 15! finally! sorry people but i just havent had the chance to update lately! >.< i will try harder but ive been having a bad week so please bare with me :) remember to comment and subscibe! also check out my friend's stories!

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Chapter 22: Whoa~ I love this story! This story makes me cry and laugh! Can you please make a sequel?
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 23: I love this story. It made me cry but it was really good.
Chapter 23: Your story was so great !!!!! Loving it.. !
Chapter 23: this story was wonderful!!! I was on the verge of tears while reading the last 5 chapters ^^" and when GD said he liked Suzy >.> Buuuuuuut It was still good over all :D Listening to BAP-What My Heart Tells Me To Do and reading this really made me want to cry(I know you had certain songs posted, but I already had this song playing sooo...yea... >.>) It was a pretty story good job :3 *sorry if this comment is too long >.<*
Ashleybswt #5
Chapter 7: This is an awesome story. Blue is my favorite color. You should write more stories your good.
waterneeded #6
Chapter 23: i love it...

i salute you...
BooYaa #7
Chapter 23: Just finished reading your story now!
it was great :D
such am emotional rollercoaster but i loved it!
BooYaa #8
just started reading it and i'm hooked already!
can't wait to see where this story goes ;)
good job!
wooaahh!! great story, it really run through my feelings.. great ending aah