School Dance

I like YOU!

Walking around the school it was very hard to ignore all the posters for the school dance


"Are you going to the dance?" ~~~ asked Suzy at lunch


"I don’t know"


"How do you not know? It’s a simple yes or no question so answer!" ~~~ said jokingly


"well im waiting for someone special to ask me" Suzy looked over at Big Bang's table


"Oh!" they both laughed


"I just hope he asks me"


"well you only have two days left cuz the dance is Friday"


"I know but he hasn’t asked anyone else yet so I still have a chance" Suzy said hopeful




"Shutup what about you!"


"what about me?"


"Are you going? Haha didn’t you make chocolates for someone on Valentine's day?! Haha are you waiting for him to ask you?!"


"Ani! I ate those! I wasn’t going to give them to anyone!"


"yes  you were you liar! I saw the effort you put into them!"


"well im not going!"


"Whatev-" Suzy froze


"what’s wrong?"


~~~ turned around and there was a rose in front of her


She looked up to see Seungri smiling at her (like this)


"Hey will you go to the dance with me?" he asked sweetly


"um…" she looked at Suzy who looked like she was about to cry


"I'm sorry, but no"


"Oh well Im sorry" he walked away with his head down


Suzy ran out of the cafeteria. ~~~ followed her.


In the hallway


Suzy broke down and started crying


"I cant believe he likes you"


"hey now!"


"I don’t mean it like that its just that I really like him! How could he do this to me?!"


"Its ok" she hugged Suzy


"Say yes"




"Go to the dance with him"


"What? Why?"


"Cuz I really care about him and his happiness matters a lot to me so if you are the one that can make him happy I want you to go with him"




"I'll be ok don’t worry"


"but Suzy I don’t even like him"


"Please do me this favor as friend" her pleading eyes were full of tears and she looked so broken it broke her best friend's heart


"ok Ill do it"


"thanks" Suzy smiled

~~~ went back to the cafeteria and walked to Big Bang's table. She went up to Seungri


"Ill go to the dance with you"






"Yay!" he gave her the rose


*for my best friend. I just wish Seungri knew how much she likes him*




Sorry for not updating yesterday guys >.< haha its not like your gonna die! Anyways yay chapter 13!! i came up with this in the middle of the night the other day and just wrote it down so sorry if it ! also: i have a lot of stuff to do for school so i dont know when i can update but i will try to when i can! i will still be reading stories and stuff but i dont know if i will have time to put up chapters! sorry i will try to! Please comment, subscribe, and check out my friend's stories!


OOh people apply for this hehe it might be fun! i applied!:

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Chapter 22: Whoa~ I love this story! This story makes me cry and laugh! Can you please make a sequel?
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 23: I love this story. It made me cry but it was really good.
Chapter 23: Your story was so great !!!!! Loving it.. !
Chapter 23: this story was wonderful!!! I was on the verge of tears while reading the last 5 chapters ^^" and when GD said he liked Suzy >.> Buuuuuuut It was still good over all :D Listening to BAP-What My Heart Tells Me To Do and reading this really made me want to cry(I know you had certain songs posted, but I already had this song playing sooo...yea... >.>) It was a pretty story good job :3 *sorry if this comment is too long >.<*
Ashleybswt #5
Chapter 7: This is an awesome story. Blue is my favorite color. You should write more stories your good.
waterneeded #6
Chapter 23: i love it...

i salute you...
BooYaa #7
Chapter 23: Just finished reading your story now!
it was great :D
such am emotional rollercoaster but i loved it!
BooYaa #8
just started reading it and i'm hooked already!
can't wait to see where this story goes ;)
good job!
wooaahh!! great story, it really run through my feelings.. great ending aah