Escaping Reality


A story about two young men having a hard time finding what reality is. A struggle in life and a struggle to find someone that would fill every missing piece of one's self. 

Main Characters:


Lee Donghae as Lee Donghae

Lee Hyuk Jae as Yoon Eunhyuk


"It's better dreaming than waking up in reality", they say. But for me it's better waking up than dreaming of things that never really happen. That's reality. Whether you face it or not. It will still haunt you down and find a way to bite you back. It's better be ready in a battle than being surprise by it. Learning from it is a better way than running around and avoiding it. It'll make you grow and it would make you strong. Life is too short to left on sleeping. Enjoy the moments you have in life and make sure that you spent you everyday worth it than regretting it when you're already 6ft under. You can design and create the most wonderful place in the world but it takes bravery to make a dream into a reality.


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finelfren #1
Chapter 1: aaaaa cuini.. you make new story!!
it's too short cuini :)
ok, i'll wait your other story :)
keep writing .. fighting !!!