Chapter 7

Cat In The Tree







Taeyeon was spinning around on her swivel chair as she stared into nothing, her gaze distant, as if her mind was somewhere else. With a rather abrupt halt, she stopped the spinning of her swivel chair with her feet. Reaching for her purse, the brunette went out of her office after being cramped in it for too long. Yuri, who happened to passed by the brunette who only smiled at her and continued walking, stopped and stared at the back of the shorter woman. The tanned woman grinned to herself when she noticed the bounce on each of Taeyeon's step.



Walking down the familiar side walk was nothing unfamiliar for Taeyeon. It was a route she could traveled with her eyes closed if one would challenged her to do so. She was heading towards the Gingerbread's House, home of all desserts and paradise for both Lauren and her. The couple has a sweet tooth.



Had it been before, the latter would have asked for Yuri's help by driving her to the bakery. But things started to changed like baby steps. Apparently, Lauren's habit of preferring to walk over drive had rubbed off on her. Taeyeon smiled fondly to herself when she remembered how that younger girlfriend of hers had rambled about the importance of conserving enery as well as to protect the environment. She knew it was part of it, but Taeyeon knew it was more than that. Lauren always took her time thinking over everything that happened over the period of the day and cleared it off, the steams especially. Taeyeon remained mum about it, because really, why object when it was the time where she could be together with her beloved girlfriend.






Before, the word alone would have made the brunette cringed at the mere thoughts of being emotionally involved with her partner. Like how the word 'love' would always made her retracted from it. Taeyeon and the word 'love' was like a north pole and south pole of a magnet. The two does not really attract each other. It's like they were both sworned enemies. And then came Lauren popping that thought of hers like you popping a pink balloon with a needle. Taeyeon thought it actually felt like the right thing to do. It felt right to love Lauren.



So, when Taeyeon had dropped the three words bomb that people always exclaimed when they thought they're ready for their relationship, in the middle of a dinner at her own apartment, with Chinese take out. She swore she would have laughed out loud while rolling around the floor with Lauren mirroring gold fish's expression with some of the Chow Mien hanging from if not for the serious situation they were in. Recovering slowly, Lauren was calm compared to a few seconds ago. Taking a tissue, the younger girl wiped her stained lips and smiled, looking up at Taeyeon's mesmerizing pair of eyes.



"I love you too, Kim Taeyeon, you idiot."



The bell that was hung above the door produced a ringing sound that was all too familiar with as the smell of freshly made goodies. The brunette craned her neck for any sign of the kind and warm owner, but saw one as she pursed her lips and shrugged. She would have to visit some other day then, she thought. Grabbing the things Lauren and her particularly loved, she thought she could purchase some macaroons. She did remembered about Lauren mentioning her crave on that tiny pieces of sugary treat. Sauntering towards the counter, the cashier gifted her a friendly smile. Feeling like it, Taeyeon smiled back and she chuckled silently when she noticed the flushing of the cashier's cheeks.



Packing the stuff she had brought with her earlier that morning into her duffel bag, Taeyeon bade Yuri goodbye since the younger woman offered the close down the shop for her. Yuri thought that the older girl was giddy ever since she came back from the bakery and she put two and two together. It was not really hard for her to figure out why.



"Thank you, Black Bean!"



Yuri gasped. "Yah! You growth stunted dwarf!" But Taeyeon was gone.



As Taeyeon exited the cafe she shared with Yuri, she spotted the silver SUV almost immediately parked just down the curb. She couldn't really stop the smile from growing as she went nearer towards the said vehicle. Taeyeon's mood dampened when she saw who was the driver was.






"Hey," The platinum blonde haired woman casted Taeyeon a rather stiff smile and gestured for the brunette to climb in. "Sorry if I scared you. Lauren couldn't pick you up since her hands' are rather full. She wanted to just ditched everything and come for you but I offered help. I hope you don't mind about that."



Taeyeon shook her head and laughed a little. "What? No, I don't mind about it. I should thank you for helping Lauren. So, thank you."



Gail smiled and chuckled at the stiff posture of the petite girl. Lauren had told her to be nice, since the older Peck tend to bite people's head off on first meeting. But she thought Taeyeon was nice, so she held no grudge. If anything, Gail secretly cheered for her younger sister. Damn, this Taeyeon girl's a looker!



"Nah. It's nothing. It's usual for siblings to offer help when one's in need. And I thought that I could make a good first impression for you. Lauren was nagging me whole day. Told me to be nice to you. That girl, I swear." Gail grinned.



This time, Taeyeon snorted. Unbelieveable! "What!? I thought I should be the one who's making the good impression here?"



Okay. Just what in the world, Taeyeon thought. She felt like snorting some more but she didn't. It might tick off the older blonde. But Lauren did warned her about Gail's cold exterior.



"Nope," Gail responded, popping the 'P' like always. "Whatever. Doesn't matter for me. If I like you, then I like you. If I don't, then I'm sure you were already out of the car. Somewhere."



"Wow. You're not that bad like Lauren had described you to be."



At that said, Gail grinned wider. Yep, it was official. This Taeyeon girl was definitely speaking Gail Peck's language. Straight to the point, no beating around the bushes. Maybe sometimes. She knew Lauren meant no harm by saying those words about her because it was true. Gail Peck hated people. But Lauren was not just some people. Lauren was her sister. Her buddy. Her everything. And just maybe, Taeyeon was not some people either.



"Let me guess. Cold? Snappy? Rude?" Gail said with an amused expression as she gave the brunette a sidelong glance.






Gail hummed as she swerved the vehicle into a junction, stopping at a red light. "It's true. Taeyeon, if you should know which I probably think you should cause now you're stuck with my dear sister... I don't like people. People as in those people with ty brains that thought highly of themselves," The blonde paused and stepped on the accelerator. "But if Lauren loves you, I'm sure you're not one of those people. So, might as well make myself get used to it."



Taeyeon smiled gratefully at her lover's older sister. True to her words, Lauren was right about everything that was not Gail. Releasing a breath she held, Taeyeon gazed at the blonde who was driving with a soft smile perched on her lips.



"Thank you, Gail. Other than those, Lauren was right about you."



That piqued the blonde's interest. She knew Lauren would always backed those negative traits with the good ones, she was still curious as to what her younger sister would said about her. Oh yes, she was. If it was Steve,she was sure that older brother of hers would listed down every bad things about her. Hence, preferring Lauren over Steve. And Steve had whined over it.



"Said that I was drop dead gorgeous?"



Taeyeon laughed again. "No. She said she was better looking then you," The brunette giggled at how her lover had her chin up high in the air with puffed chest while claiming it. She continued. "But she said that you're just being your Gail-self. And that I should actually enjoy those jabs she said you would gave to other people instead of feeling bothered about it. She said that's just how you functioned and that you're very genuine deep down."



That warmed the blonde's heart. It was very endearing. Again, Gail hummed. She decided to joke about it. She didn't want to show that she was touched by the relevation just in case Taeyeon told Lauren that Gail somehow wavered at those sincere words. Gail knew Lauren enough. That younger girl would endless about it.



"She did? Huh. I guess she was high on weeds then. Maybe we should get high together," She grinned, only to face a confused looking Taeyeon. She chuckled and shook her head. "Or not."



The brunette smiled, mirroring the action of Gail's head shaking, already enjoying the presence of the older Peck. Lauren was right. Gail was a really nice person to hang out with if you chose to just flow with her behaviour. That's just how the Pecks functioned, Lauren said.



"She was sober. And I can literally saw the adoration she had in you shining right in her eyes when she said those. Lauren's a good lover and a good sister. And I'm glad that she has a sister like you. Save all the up I'd have to do."



At that, Gail grinned evilly. She had thought of giving Taeyeon a taste of her medicine but decided against it when Lauren practically pulled the puppy eyes trick right before her. She could never ignore those eyes ever since they were young! Like Taeyeon said, Lauren truly was a good person. And especially a good sister to Gail. Stopping infront of a building, Gail chirped.



"We're here!"










A/N. Ta da! Comments please. I don't bite. And I was wondering if you guys liked the flow of the story? So, please drop your answers at the comment box below? It doesn't take as long as I typed this story, I'm sure. And thank you very much for subscribing to this. Apologies for the mistakes made.























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Chapter 10: interesting
and wonder when will u update this hehehe
wait wait wait wait.....
First of all, how DA i didn't came across your fic???? i thought i had read all of the youxtaeyeon fics... You're a subscriber too so WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME D:
my heart.... this is too good....
Chapter 3: I miss this fic...
Chapter 10: This is so sweet :3 hope u update soon ^^
Verbal-Crack #5
Chapter 9: this is so freaking good, and your writing style is perfect author!
Chapter 3: I hope you update soon... T_T
where are yowwwww (」゚ロ゚)」
Chapter 10: what?cliffhanger :(
kechik00 #9
Chapter 2: I really love this story.. please continue it.. =)