Chapter 5

Cat In The Tree







"So... You're saying that you're back together with that Taeyeon girl? Correct me if I'm wrong cause that what I just obtained from you."



A platinum blonde whom also goes by the name Gail, Lauren's older sister asked with an eyebrow raised as she munched on her favourite bag of cheese puffs. Her curiosity peaked when she found out what her younger sister had revealed. Her statement came out a little too snarky for her liking.



Lauren raised her head at the choice of tone her sister had used as she frowned and nodded hesitantly, unsure of where their conversation was going. Was Gail not giving the blessings she had wanted for her relationship with Taeyeon?



"Yeahhhh. Why? You don't actually sound too happy at that revelation."



Gail shrugged as she pursed her lips and crossed her legs casually, popping in another cheese puff. Sure, she was a little mad. Okay... Maybe not a little, but this Taeyeon girl did hurt her younger sister. It's only fair for her to be protective of her family member; someone she really cared.



"I'm not exactly happy because obviously, she'd hurted you like before. But if it means you giving her a second chance, then I don't see why I'm not allowed to let you be happy. I mean, you're old enough to know what's right and what's not for you. So, yes. I'm happy for you in a very unlikely way for a Peck would do."



The younger girl broke into a million watt grin, as she sat up from her lying position on the floor before she punched Gail on the shoulder. The blonde yelped and casted Lauren one of the coldest glare she could. But Lauren grew up with those glares so it held no effect on her. She was accustomed to it. If anything, she had secretly adored it.



"That's like, the sweetest words you've ever said to me as another Peck besides Dad! Where's our snarky little Gail? The one who's always so cold and snappy?" Lauren mocked with a grin.






Gail threw back sassily as she huffed and rolled her eyes. Deep down, she was truly happy for her sister. They might not be blood related since Lauren was adopted and that the latter was obviously Pan-Asian, but they sure treated each other as one. She'd never really been vocal about it, but the younger girl knew Gail loved her and vice versa.






Lauren snapped back with a smirk as she continued on scrolling her laptop, which was a gift from Gail for last year's Christmas which she took care of. She was working on a few pictures. She heard Gail muttered a few incohorent words as she hid a smile, dodging a cheese puff that was aimed at her head by yours truly, Gail.



Before they could continue their usual harmless banter, Gail's phone rang. She fished it out from her pocket and frowned when she saw the caller ID. Lauren saw the frown and sat up again, casting a worried glance at her older sister. Gail shook her head and excused herself outside to the verandah.



All Lauren could thought of was why the need of Gail going outside to accept the call? Her eyes followed every step Gail had took from outside. The eyes rolled. The hands threw up in the air. The constant huffing. And the hard look in Gail's eyes caught her. She sumed it up all and all as she came up with an answer. There's really only one person who could make Gail reacted that way and that person was none other than their mother.



Now she understood why Gail went outside. Their mother was never easy to be handled. Gail had never really liked Lauren listening or witnessing her arguing with their mother. She thought it was a bad example for Lauren, but when it comes to their mother, she couldn't help herself. Their mother just always brought out the mean girl in her.



"That was Superintendant Mom. She said she wants us to fly back to Toronto ASAP. She mentioned something about Steve being promoted to Detective and that the both of us should be there for the dinner event." Gail announced when she entered the room.



Lauren scowled and scoffed, setting her laptop aside, fully concentrating on Gail. "Good thing she called you. You always handled her better than I do. Can't believe Steve didn't told us beforehand about his promotion. That bastard! After all these years, we're still going to receive another talk in continuing the family's legacy to serve the police force."



Superintendant Mom, their mother who served in the police force. Inspector Dad, their father who also served in the police force. And now, Detective Bro, who also served in the police force. Ever since young, they were raised up for 'Peckspectation', as they had refered. All 3 of them were supposed to serve in the police force, but Gail and Lauren sort of broke the family tradition and did their own business. A photography studio. Something both of them loved with passion and with real gifted talent that both sisters shared. Their Superintendant Mom had said it was a disgrace for the Peck, but they beg to differ.



"Good thing we're sort of rebellious compared to Steve and fled to Korea. If we stayed any longer, I'm sure both you and I are going to be one of the constables at 15 Division. I mean, it's not that I don't like the cops there or that being a cop is not a good thing. But Mom literally made me despised everything about cops." Gail spat.



The older blonde remembered where there was once where she and Lauren, who was only 7 while Gail herself was only 10, their mother had left them in the woods up at the family cottage. Each of them having a bag pack with the necessary equipment to live up enough for 2 days. She remembered how brave was Lauren despite her young age. It was time for Peck's Survival Training, as their mother had refered.



As their journey continued, as if in a Hollywood blockbuster movie, they braved through the storm together. They were drenched from head to toe and Gail had lead Lauren to a small cave with her gut feelings. Pecks were always good with their gut feelings and for once, she was thankful. Young Lauren was shivering with her teeth chattering but she didn't complained. Young Lauren even joked how Gail looked extra pale like a decaying corpse amidst the mess. They had laughed it off.



Dusk broke out from the horizon and both of them woke up, munching on their energy bar and some wild berries Lauren had smartly picked along the way as Gail had used the advantage of the fire she had lit up last night to boil some hot water. With the sun and compass, both of them managed to find their way out of the forest, back to the family cottage.



Instead of welcoming them with opened hands, Superintendant Mom only casted them a glance, muttering a small 'well done' as she walked off. When she turned around to search for her younger sister, she saw the thin line formed on Lauren's lips. She thought Lauren understood too much for a 7 years old child. Their Inspector Dad was much more warmer as he huddled the both of them into his arms, saying they were both smart and brave to came out safe and sound despite a few scratches and insect bites on their skin. It actually warmed them from the cold.



Gail was snapped back from her walk down memory lane when Lauren laid her head on her thigh. The younger Peck shook her head that was rested on Gail's thigh and pursed her lips, unaware that her older sister was momentarily dazed. A little annoyed that their older brother hadn't warned them anything about their mother calling them back to Toronto.



"Steve is so going to get it from me when we got back."



Gail chuckled instead, as she flicked the younger Peck's forehead, Lauren pouted in response. "Count me in, sister dear. Count me in."



"Well, of course. Anyways, I don't think you'd be fit enough to be a cop either, Gail."



Gail rolled her eyes. "Oh, why not Little Bear?"



Lauren pinched the white thigh beside her head as the older blonde squealed in pain, slapping the hand away. "I hate it when you said that. But anyways, back to the point. I don't really think you're suited to be a cop since, well, you have noodle arms. And you don't do sports."



"Just because you do sports doesn't mean anything." Gail bit back. Okay, Lauren was way better when it comes to sport and it meant everything.



Lauren snorted and rolled her eyes, grinning a cheeky grin. "Whatever you say, Pail Gail. Whatever you say."










A/N. A little revelation on their past.



















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Chapter 10: interesting
and wonder when will u update this hehehe
wait wait wait wait.....
First of all, how DA i didn't came across your fic???? i thought i had read all of the youxtaeyeon fics... You're a subscriber too so WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME D:
my heart.... this is too good....
Chapter 3: I miss this fic...
Chapter 10: This is so sweet :3 hope u update soon ^^
Verbal-Crack #5
Chapter 9: this is so freaking good, and your writing style is perfect author!
Chapter 3: I hope you update soon... T_T
where are yowwwww (」゚ロ゚)」
Chapter 10: what?cliffhanger :(
kechik00 #9
Chapter 2: I really love this story.. please continue it.. =)