Chapter 3: Friends in Other Places

The Blood Splattered Apocalypse
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Three Days Later

The sun was starting to rise over the trailer park as

Mark sat atop the moving van with a Hunting Rifle in

his hand on watch as his mind started to wander away

from the trailer park as the thoughts of his friends in

Waynesburg crossed his mind yet again as he took a

deep breath before looking up at the sky.

" My heart tells me they should have survived but my

mind is telling me otherwise." thought Mark as he

opened his eyes and noticed the birds flying over him.

" My friends, my comrades, my brothers, where are

you?" Mark mentally asked himself as his mind

continued to think on his friends all the while just a few

towns away from the trailer park a group of five men,

all wearing black zip up jackets and mask covering their

mouth and nose, were making their way through a

crowd of the Biters.

"Piece of !" yelled one of the men an Asian American

man with short black hair and black eyes as he brought

his Machete down on top of a Biters head before

kicking the motionless creature away from him.

"Watch your back." yelled another man with short

auburn hair hidden underneath a backwards black

baseball cap as he fired an arrow from Crossbow before

quickly reloading and firing another arrow that pierced a

Biter in the head causing it to fall backwards and knock

another Biter down.

"DIE!" yelled a large Hispanic man with long black hair

that touch the back of his neck and a black bandanna

wrapped over his forehead as he lifted a Fire Axe over

the head of the fallen Biter before bringing it down and

decapitating the creature with a sick smile on his face.

"Hey we really need help you guys." said a man with

long blonde hair tied to into a ponytail as he slammed

a metal baseball bat over the head of a Biter while

another man with short red hair hit the knee of a Biter

with a sledgehammer causing it to topple over as he

brought the hammer down again on the creatures head

as the two men stood against the Biters as they

protected a fallen deer.

"Gotta Kozik!" said the auburn haired man as he fired

an arrow at Biter that got to close that pierced the

creature in the back of the head instantly killing it.

"Mercy on me." said the Asian American man as he

swung his Machete sideways slicing the face of a Biter

while the large Hispanic man came up behind him to

cleave another Biters head in half.

"They're thinning out brother." said the Hispanic man

as slicing the head off another Biter.

"Exactly I told fighting them like this would be better

than using guns." said the Asian American man as a

Biter got to close to him he managed to kick the

creature away while the auburn haired man continued

to fire arrows.

"Trip on your six." said the Asian American man as he

watched a Biter approach the auburn haired from

behind as the man whipped his body around and swung

his Crossbow hitting the Biter in the head before

bringing the of the ranged weapon down on the

creatures head completely shattering the Biters head.

"Thanks brother." said the auburn haired man as he

turned his attention back to the blonde and redheaded


"Kozik Bobby forget grab the deer we're leaving." said

the Asian American Man as the blonde and redhead

men each nodded their heads before grabbing their next

meal while the Asian American man, Mercy, and Trip

continued to deal with the remaining Biters until none

were left.

"Finally a damn break." said Mercy as he wiped the

blood from his Axe.

"Just when I was starting to have a little fun." said

Trip as he pulled his arrows out of a few Biters before

putting them into a small quiver on his left hip.

"You're getting better at this commanding thing Lee."

said Mercy as the Asian American man nodded his


"Yeah, but I'm still no Marcus." said the Asian

American man as the group picked up their other pieces

of food before making their way through the woods.

Trailer Park

"MARK!" yelled Heather breaking the man concentration

as he lowered his head and noticed the angry look on

the brown haired girl.

"We didn't put you on watch so you could rest your

eyes." said Heather as Mark rolled his eyes at the


"Then why the hell did you put me on watch when you

know I hate this job?" yelled Mark as Heather looked at


"Because we still don't think it's safe for you to be

going out on your own." said Heather as Mark rolled

his eyes.

"Still think I'm gonna abandon ya huh?" asked Mark as

he gave a little chuckle.

"Think what you want whatever drenches your

sweetheart." said Mark earning an angry growl from

Heather as she walked away from the man.

" What did I get myself into?" thought Mark as he

thought about the group he's now apart of.

" Aside from the constant arguing, the mixed ideas, and

the fact that these guys can't do without having

someone disagree. This camp is by far one of the

reasons why I chose to be alone for the apocalypse."

thought Mark as he watched Dave and Tyler walk into

the gate carrying a backpack hopefully filled with

supplies as Mark watched the duo approach Heather

and Hank where a loud argument about not having

enough supplies ensued.

"They really need to chill the out." came the

familiar voice of Rachel as Mark eyed the redheaded


"You here for the shift change?" asked Mark as Rachel

nodded her head.

"Grand!" said Mark as he jumped off the moving van

before handing the Hunting Rifle to Rachel.

"Yeah really wanted to get off watch didn't you?" asked

Rachel as she took the rifle.

"No I really want to get the away from this trailer

park." said Mark as Rachel nodded her head.

"I know what you mean being here with everyone's

negativity is kinda a pain in the ." said Rachel as

Mark nodded his head.

"Trust me I know." said Mark as he started to walk

away from the brown haired girl towards his trailer

before taking a look back at the arguing group.

" Yeah screw this ." said Mark as he walked past his

trailer to the other side of the trailer park where Mark

climbed on top of one of the dumpsters before jumping

off and making his way away from the trailer park.

" Goodbye and good riddens." thought Mark as he made

his way into the fields past the trailer park


The sun was already past the center of the sky as the

group of five as they continued to walk until they were

past the trees and entered an urban areas as buildings

came into their gaze.

"We're almost there." said Lee as smiles formed on the

faces of the other men.

"Grand I can't wait to get a shower." said Mercy as

Trip gave a low chuckle as the group cleared they

cleared through much of the empty streets until they

came across a barricade of cars blocking off the

parking lot to an outlet mall as Lee reaching into his

backpack to grab a walkie talkie.

"Link it's us we're coming through from the front." said

Lee earning chuckle from the man on the other end.

"Gotta brother." replied the voice on the end as the

group of five watched as the wooden gate in front of

the barricade opened to reveal six men on the other

side carrying Assault Rifles as a man with short blonde

hair and blue eyes approached the group with a smile

on his face.

"Glad to see you guys are back whole." said the man

as he started walking with the group.

"The other teams make it back?" asked Lee as Link

shook his head.

"A few made it back but with some casualties and very

little food." said Link as Lee lowered his head.

"I still don't see why we have to keep doing these

scavenging missions when we know they're storing a

lot of food." said Mercy.

"As always the fortunate get the good while guys

like us, who do the hard work get the scraps." said Trip

as he gritted his teeth.

"We're just lucky the took all of us in." said Kozik.

"Yeah but at the cost of all those Assault Rifles we had

that we can rarely ever use." said Bobby.

"The price you pay when you make deals with the Pigs."

said Mercy.

"Guns would have been useless if we didn't have

enough bodies to use them." said Link as he lowered

his head.

"It's still unbelievable how a group with over a hundred

and fifty guys could be dwindled to less than twenty."

said Lee as the group walked through the parking lot

where they noticed a number of tents and RV's pitched.

"You forget it was only us six and twelve other brothers

from the start." said Link as the group passed through

the tented area they noticed men, women, and children

staring not at them but the food they brought into the


"Yeah but of those twelve we lost three to the dead and

one to those ing bandits." said Lee as the group

approached the outlet mall where they noticed two men

wearing Jackets that read police in white writing.

"And the others are either still out there or dead." said

Mercy as they approached the two guards.

"Speak your business." said one of the guards as Lee

gave a loud scoffing sound.

" you act like you don't see the ing slab of

meat behind us." said Trip earning an angry scowl from

the men as they moved out of the way allowing the

group to enter the mall where they noticed people

moving around the dimly light building as the group

passed by one of the many generators keeping the

lights and the air in the building on as they noticed men

carrying the

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