Wrong Sent

KaiSoo Library

Title: Wrong Sent

Author: sunskyivee

Status: Completed

Genre: angst



Dear Jongin,

I miss you.

Today I went to the place where the stars collide and my heart crushed seeing the empty space you always used to be. I liked seeing you there, waiting for me. I would have liked it more if I see you there but I don't, not anymore.

Why did you leave? You promised me you wouldn't. And yet you went ahead and left me to face all the pity looks from our friends. I just want them to stop that. I know I am not okay but their over-attention towards me annoys me sometimes.

I want you back. I need you here with me. My life is going down the drain without you. Please come back.

Love, Kyungsoo.

Jongin blinked. He was sure the email was addressed to him, Jongin. But what was surprising was where it came from, Kyungsoo. He didn't know anyone by that name nor did he know anyone who knew someone named Kyungsoo. It confused him.

He shouldn't have been bothered by it but he was. It clearly stated his name and the content of the email really stirred him. He felt the sadness and the need of the person who sent him the email. And with that, he wanted to know who this person was.

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jwiso14 #1
Chapter 10: This series was amazing!! Def thumbs up for adding this one!!
Chapter 4: Thank u for ur beautiful recommandation