Of coincidence and pink feather boas


The two newfound friends wandered around Paris all afternoon, experiencing all kinds of interesting people and sights. They ate a late dinner together at a cosy pizza place, and when it was time to call it a night, they realised that they were actually staying in the same hotel, the Bolero.

- Really? No way! Jaejoong exclaimed when he heard the name of Yunho's hotel. - What room number?

- 9095.

- I'm in 9096! Holy , this is freaky! Next thing you'll tell me you arrived on the 7PM flight last Monday.

- I did...

- Wow. Maybe us meeting here is destiny, then, Jaejoong joked, and Yunho smiled. It was definitely an uncanny coincidence.

Since there was no need for them to part right away, they stayed up talking the better part of the night away. Both of them were surprised at how easy it was for them to communicate and find things to talk about. The few moments when silence arose weren't awkward either, like they usually were with strangers.

Yunho woke up when the sunlight hit his eyes. Shielding them with his hand he sat up, yawning. He noticed that he still had on his clothes from yesterday, and that he'd been sleeping on top of the bed covers. When he saw Jaejoong's form next to him, he figured they must have fallen asleep while talking, since the last time he recalls looking at the wall clock was 2:57.

Smiling briefly, Yunho nudged the other, who protested with a groan, but stirred nonetheless.

- Wakey-wakey, princess, Yunho joked, catching the pillow that Jaejoong threw at him.

- Mm, I'm hungry, Jaejoong yawned. - I'll be back in twenty if you wanna eat together?

- You know where to find me.

Exactly twenty minutes later, a freshly showered Jaejoong opened the door to the equally freshly showered Yunho's room. Yunho had to bite his lip in order not to smile when he saw the beautiful man in front of him, damp hair framing his face, wearing black jeans and a grey and black printed sweater with hot-pink details over a tight black T-shirt. Damn, Kim Jaejoong really had a knack for stirring people's hearts just by existing.

Grabbing his red jacket, Yunho followed Jaejoong down to the hotel's breakfast area, where they enjoyed some food before heading out into the city again.

Maybe it really was the setting, maybe he really was getting sunstroke, but Yunho had to fight the urge to kiss Jaejoong several times during the day, for example when the other goofed off by wrapping a pink feather boa around his neck, jokingly asking "oppa, am i pretty?" while at the same time almost sporting a "please say yes" expression.

Yunho briefly felt a strange sense of pride when Jaejoong grabbed his hand for support as he walked on the big blocks of stone that made up the side of some stairs down a hill. Maybe not due to the action itself, after all they were Korean and used to that kind of skinship, but when he overheard an English lady say "aww, what a cute couple" while pointing at them, he felt his heart swell and he couldn't help but smile (okay grin like a fool).

Having ended up in Montmartre, they spent some time at a playground, eating ice cream while playing on a swirly kind of device, Jaejoong pushing and Yunho teasingly making himself as heavy as possible. Soon, a little girl came up to them and wanted to play on the toy as well, and for a couple of minutes, Yunho surprised himself by thinking that they looked like a family (even though the girl was very Caucasian and the two of them looked young enough to be her brothers, but that was beside the point). Either way it made him uncharacteristically happy.

What's going on? Why am I thinking stuff like this? Jaejoong's just a friend you met on a holiday. Come on, Yunho, be realistic.

When they continued walking and Jaejoong pulled out a punny explanation as to how Montmartre got its name, Yunho decided that it was okay to be unrealistic when you're in Paris. Life would catch up sooner or later, and so he might as well enjoy every moment as it presented itself.

Treasure number two: Montmartre. Treasure number three: A new perspective on life.

Chapter 2 up and things are starting to stir...

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i'm in love with this author-shii~~~~so sweet
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 4: Aww...they are really starting their lives together...and their dancing cheek-to-cheek is so sweet.
yunjaemrcnn #3
Chapter 4: Finally! They are living together
Chapter 4: Yayyy yunjae living together..
Neng2ovid #5
Chapter 4: Lovely. Hope their farm becomes successful.
jugt_endless #6
Chapter 3: This story is so lovely.
Simple, but warm ;D
Chapter 3: Awwwww i keep grinning like a fool here..haha hope can keep grinning till the end hehe
phinea2009 #8
Chapter 3: I can't help going awwwwww .... They're so freaking adorable.
beckah #9
Chapter 3: Aww :) I have never grinned so much reading a story. Yunjae!
Kattan69 #10
Chapter 3: Aww.....matching couple rings....congrats, Yunjae!