Starting preshool

Falling for the cheesy teacher

Donghae has a good life. He has had his ups and downs but right now it was getting better. After his girlfriend of 3 years left him with their daughter, Soowon, he moved to a small apartment in Seoul and tried to get an okay job. Right now he's  found work at a book shop near his home called "The Reading corner". It's small but has good pay and he likes it there. Soowon is turning 4 soon and Donghae is thinking about starting to drop her of at the preschool. He is a little nervous because he hasn't left her side since birth, and since his girlfriend left he hasn't made any connection or friends. He has his brothers, Henry and Leeteuk, but they have their own lifes and Donghae doesn't see them very often. Henry stops by sometimes when he isn't on tour and Leeteuk has his own family with his husband Kangin and their kid Siwon. Donghae is happy for them but he's a little lonely. He doesn't want to date because he's still a little lost after his girlfriend.

Donghae mans up and drops Soowon off on a monday morning. He has a few minutes before he needs to go to work so he leans back in his car outside of the preschool. "Okay Donghae, in and out, it's going to be okay." He says in a calm voice. He turns to his daughter who is currently her own fingers while looking out of the window. She has a little yellow ribbon on her head and a matching yellow dress on. Donghae thinks she looks adorable. "Everyone is going to love you bubblegum" Donghae says, catching his daughters attention. "Daddy, look at all the kids" She says, pointing to the other kids that are walking in to the school with their parents. Donghae smiles and reaches over to unbuckle her from her seat. He gets out and picks her up. Mentally calming himself as he walks up to the door and slowly pushes it while balancing his daughter and a little bag with her blanket and toys in. Donghae stops when he hears a warm and low voice saying "Hello, you must be Lee Donghae, right?"  He looks up to see a guy with dark brown hair, a big gummy smile and a little boy on his hip. "Uhm, yes that's me." Donghae says while staring at the man. He has stunningly bright eyes and a lean muscular body with only a wife beater on and some black baggy pants. Donghae tries and fails to not stare. Luckily Soowon wriggles in his arms and tries to get down. Donghae drops her down on the ground and she runs over to the other kids. "Lee Hyukjae, I'm the teacher." The guy says while trying to get the little boy to stop tugging on his hair. "Nice to meet you, who's this little guy?" Donghae says and tickles the boy. The boy laughs and tries to slap Donghae's fingers away. "This is Ryewook, he's one of the smallest, he loves to hug and play with his giraffe." Hyukjae says and the boy starts squirming so Hyukjae lets him down. Ryewook runs over to the corner of the room and gets a little giraffe plushie. He runs back to Hyukjae and smiles at Donghae. "Do you like it?" Ryewook asks with hopeful eyes. "It's really cool, Ryewook." Doghae says and at the same moment Soowon comes back and stands next to her father, looking at the boy. "Who are you?" Soowon asks Ryewook while narrowing her eyes. "I'm Ryewook and this is my giraffe." Ryewook says exitedly and shows Soowon the giraffe. Soowon looks at it for a while before laughing and then Ryewook laughs and then they both run to the other kids. Donghae just looks at them, thinking how they can just play so easily with each other even though they know nothing about neither of them. He looks at his watch and freaks because he only has a couple of minutes before his shift starts. "Fudge!" He grumbles and runs up to Soowon and kisses her on the head. He waves at Hyukjae before running to his car.

He just barely makes it in time, and spends rest of the day selling books and reading some in his spare time. He keeps thinking about what Soowon might be doing, he's a little worried that the other kids might make fun of her or not want to play. Donghae guesses most parents are like this when their kids go to school for the first time. He has barley an hour left of his shift and can't wait to get back home. His brother Jungsoo is coming over with his son Siwon. Soowon and Siwon love to play with eachother, they are only 3 years apart and Siwon is a really sweet boy that loves Soowon very much. Donghae looks at the time, just half an hour left. His coworker, Zhoumi, is rolling his eyes at him. "Donghae hyung, you can just go now if you want, I can deal with the shop, there's not a lot of people at this hour anyway." Zhoumi says with eyes full of sympathy. "Are you sure, because I don't have to." Donghae says while already pulling his jacket on. "Jesus Donghae, it's your daughter's first day, I know you want to make sure she's okay so just go." Zhoumi says and Donghae waves at him and promises to buy him a coffee the next day while skipping to his car.

Donghae waits a few minutes in his car because he's a little embarrassed that he's so early. He doesn't want the teacher to think that Donghae doubts his teaching skills. It's exactly 4 when he steps trough the door.  He can hear music being played loudly in the play room. When he turns the corner he can't help but smile. Soowon and the other kids are dancing and jumping around. Soowon is holding hands with Ryewook while laughing. The funniest part is that 4 of the other kids are hanging on Hyukjae while he's dancing. Everyones laughing and having fun and Donghae realizes that all the worries he had a while ago just vanished. "Daddy daddy!" Soowon yells over the music and sprints to Donghae who barely has the time to open his arms before she launches at him. Donghae can see in his side vision that Hyukjae startles and stops dancing. "Daddy I had so much fun, we played many fun games and Wookie and me draw horses and giraffes. Then Teacher Lee music and we danced!" Soowon tells in one breath and flails her arms. "It was sooooo fun, I love preschool!" She tells him. Donghae smiles and hugs her. "I'm so glad you like it here. Why don't you go say goodbye to Ryewook and the kids and that you will play with them tomorrow and then we'll go." Donghae says and lets her down. Hyukjae walks up to him with an embarrassed smile and a hint of red in his cheeks. "Looks like Soowon really enjoyed her first day." Donghae says and smiles. "Yeah she's an angel really, and she really liked to dance." Hyukjae says and relaxes when he finds out that Donghae isn't going to . "She's been dancing since she could walk. I'm just waiting for her to ask me to sign her up for dancing classes." Donghae says and chuckles. "I think she has a talent, and it's good that she likes the music. The other kids are used to it. I do at the end of the day so the kids can run of some steam. The parents love it because then the kids won't be hyper when the parents get home from work." Hyukjae smiles and runs a hand through his hair. Donghae can't help but stare a little, Hyukjae is still in just a wifebeater and sweats, but he manages to look incredibly good. Why am I focusing on this? Donghae thinks and looks away. "We need to go now bubblegum, I have a surprise for you." Donghae says to Soowon, and she comes running and latches to his leg. "What is it? What is it?" She asks with a huge grin. "Uncle Jungsoo's coming over with Siwon." Donghae says and Soowon's grin gets impossibly bigger. "Siwonnie oppa? I can't wait!! Come on daddy let's go, you're so slow!" Soowon says and runs to get her jacket and shoes. Donghae turns back to Hyukjae who's laughing at Soowon and her antics. "She really is a lively one, after an hour of dancing she can still run around, I'm impressed." Hyukjae says and Donghae smiles at that. He knows Soowon is more hyper than any other kids he knows. She never runs out of energy but Donghae loves her for it. "Yeah, it's amazing. Well I'll see you tomorrow Hyukjae-shi." Donghae says and waves. "Goodbye mr. Lee" Hyukjae says. "By the way, I think you have a talent for dancing as well." Donghae says and winks before turning and walking to his car where Soowon is waiting.

Hyukjae is still standing there when the car has left. Did he just flirt with me? Hyukjae thinks, he face reddening. It's always the hot dads, always. Hyukjae thinks and goes back to the kids.

In the car Donghae is having a mental breakdown. Why did I do that, why did I say that? He probably thinks I'm a weirdo now. Oh god! He thinks and runs a hand over his face while thinking about going home and dropping Soowon off and then drive off a cliff. Why did I flirt? I mean, yes he was very attractive but am I really up for a relationship right now? I mean we've just settled down. Donghae thinks and looks over at Soowon who singing along to the radio. Donghae really just want his daughter to be happy and if she doesn't have a problem with her father dating a guy then Donghae is okay. "Hey bubblegum?" Donghae asks and turns the radio down a little. "Yeah?" Soowon answers. Donghae tries to asks her is she minds that he tries to date, but the words won't come out. Maybe I'm not ready, I mean it's a chance that Hyukjae thinks I'm a complete idiot and I'm not really into just hitting the first guy I meet at a bar. Donghae thinks and sighs. "It's nothing honey." He says and turns the music back up.

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Chapter 1: hoping youre going to update this sooner bcs I rly want to read daddyhae and preschool-teach hyukjae ;___; because it's the cutest plot on earth cries will wait for you no matter what ♡
barani #2
Chapter 1: That was an interesting story. . Good luck .but I'm a little confuse donghae brother leeteuk/jungsoo son is kibum or siwon?
Yumikocchi #3
Yay~ I wait impatiently for the first chapter too! Good luck :)
wait for the first chapter,good luck,the story looks so intersting